Shattered Past, Book 3

Synopsis: She bears the scars of the past. He blames himself for things he can’t control. Their defenses are up, but in Cecy Robson’s latest Shattered Past novel—perfect for fans of Monica Murphy and J. Lynn—true love lands a knockout punch.

Sofia Tres Santos remembers a time before her life went sour, before her innocence was ripped away, before she began punishing herself with risky behaviors and unworthy men. Now, at twenty, she just hopes she’s ready to rebuild some of what she lost. One way or another, it always comes back to her childhood friend and longtime crush, Killian O’Brien.

As strong as Killian is, Sofia has always been his one weakness. He knows Sofia has suffered and wants to ensure she’s never hurt again—not like before, and definitely not under his watch. When Sofia agrees to work at his mixed martial arts gym, Killian seizes the opportunity to help and protect the sweet girl he’s always cared for. And yet, as he trains Sofia to defend herself using his hard-hitting MMA techniques, he’s drawn to the vulnerable beauty in ways he never expected.

As Sofia grows stronger, she also grows brave enough to open herself up to love. And along the way, she challenges everything Killian believes to be true, showing him that no matter how much he dominates in the ring, the real battle is fought in the heart.

Review: Cecy Robson always takes me completely away with her books, whatever the genre that she may write. Her Weird girld series is a pleasure to follow and it is the same with her Shattered Past one. I do not read a lot of New Adult novels but each of her books touched me deeply! Having had the chance to follow a brother and sister from one family, we find this time the youngest, Sofia Tres Santos.

Our heroine has crossed many obstacles since childhood and we could really understand all that through the first two volumes. Sofia was also hurt, even more than her brother and sister because of her nature and it is true that we hope she will come to rebuild her life as she would like it to be. Alas, nothing is ever simple. But now, she is determined to get her act together and to move forward! So for that she comes to work for Killian, or at least to help him with the new gym that has just opened. And as they evolve together, a nice story appears between them, a link that touches us and moves us. Yet both hide secrets that reappear and threaten their relationship more than once. Will they ignore it all and experience something together?

Cecy Robson has a true gift to convey the feelings of the characters in her novels, and I must say that she isn’t really sweet with them! We hope, we suffer and we are happy with them throughout the history. It is very easy to relate to Sofia and to understand her and I loved to see her evolve in the course of history, to see her become stronger, to see her face her past and finally to get to break away of it to advance. We also fall easily under the Killian’s spell. He is sweet and patient with our heroine, trying to do the best and remains present for her when she needs it. But in addition to our main characters, we also find those that we have previously discovered with great pleasure. It’s so nice to see what they became and how they interact together.

So yes, you have surely understood it, I had a great time with this new book. Cecy Robson has once again shared a story that keeps us in suspense throughout the chapters that I struggled to put down. I do not know if this is the last volume now as it’s the end with this family but in any case it was a new very good third volume and I can only advise you to start the series.



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CECY (pronounced Sessy) ROBSON is the Penguin Random House New Adult author of Once Perfect, Once Loved, and Once Pure, and the award-winning author of the Weird Girls Urban Fantasy Romance series. A self-proclaimed professional napper, Cecy counts among her talents a jaw-dropping knowledge of useless trivia, the ability to make her hair big, and a knack for breaking into song despite her family’s vehement protests. A writer, registered nurse, and mother living in the South, Cecy enjoys spending time with her family and silencing the yappy characters in her head by telling their stories.

31 thoughts on “Once Pure by Cecy Robson & Giveaway

  1. blodeuedd

    Wow lots of stuff to win

    1. Melliane


  2. Tracy Terry

    Another new to me author that I need to check out. Good luck with the Giveaway everyone.

    1. Melliane

      she is really good!

  3. ShootingStarsMag

    Sofia sounds like a great heroine. I’ve only read one book by this author but it was a long time ago.

    1. Melliane

      yes she is so broken, poor thing.

  4. kindlemom1

    So happy you liked this! I just love Cecy, she really can do no wrong in all her writing and I just loved the O’Briens, I’m so excited they are getting their story told soon too!

    1. Melliane

      Ah yes me too, I was actually wondering about that so thank you.

  5. Cecy Robson (@cecyrobson)

    Delhia, thank you so much for the wonderful feature. With school (and life!) I know it’s hard for you to find the time to read for pleasure. I so appreciate you taking the time to read and review. Hugs!

    1. Cecy Robson (@cecyrobson)

      Your words really touched me, thank you for joining my characters on their journey. A spin-off series featuring Killian’s siblings will release shortly starting with Once Kissed (Curran’s novel) in November. It will be followed by Once Crossed (Declan’s novel), Once Damaged (Finn’s), and Once Crushed (Wren’s). Thank you, again! Hugs!

      1. Melliane

        It was a real pleasure, thanks to you for allowing me to read your books. It’s a wonderful news for the new series about Killian’s family! I’m really curious now.

  6. lilyelement

    One day I’ll read one of her books. Loving the sound of this one and the cover 😀

    1. Melliane

      oh yes you need to do that!

  7. Keionda@Keionda Hearts Books

    OMG. Must have now! I’m heading over to Goodreads to eagerly add it to my TBR shelf. I need a new read and your review sealed the deal for me because I’ve been eyeing it around the blogosphere. EXCITED!:)

    1. Melliane

      yes it’s a really touching story

  8. Jenny @ Supernatural Snark

    I need to read this Melliane! I’ve been wanting to read Cecy for a while, her Weird Girls series sounds amazing, but I think I might start with these books instead:) Love hard to put down books!

    1. Melliane

      they’re god too but I think you need to try both series.

  9. Tasty Book Tours

    Thank you for hosting ONCE PURE!!!

    1. Melliane

      my pleasure

  10. Maja (The Nocturnal Library)

    I love Cecy to bits, I really do, but contemporary romance and I just don’t get along and I have the worst luck with New Adult books, which is why I haven’t read this yet. But I’ll probably binge read them all one weekend. I’m far too curious.

    1. Melliane

      Yes I can understand but it’s quite good, I hope you’ll like it if you try it.

  11. Aurian

    Sounds very good Melliane! I need to get back to her Weird Sisters books though.

  12. Heidi

    Cecy Robson is brilliant, and I have read everything she has written to date. This was probably my least favorite of her books. I liked it but compared to book two with Brody and Letty, it paled in comparison. I have learned there are going to be more books in this series, and I am curious as to who they will feature.

    1. Melliane

      yes me too!!!! Ah sorry to hear that.

  13. Ramona

    It seems a lot of people are in love with the author’s craft in the feelings department. I’ve put her on my list. So much praise makes me very curious. Great review!

    1. Melliane

      I hope you’ll like her books as well.

  14. Melissa (Books and Things)

    Oh sounds great! I still need to read her girls series but I will do that hopefully soon! Looks like you found me another series to covet. 😀

    1. Melliane

      Aaaah you need to try, I’m sure you’ll love it girl!

  15. Carole Rae

    I love Cecy Robson. 🙂 Such a good writer.

  16. Jennifer Bielman @ Bad Bird Reads

    I thought I commented on this post, lol. I really need to read this series. I love how much you love this writer. 🙂

  17. Lorna

    Sounds like it was a good read. I am glad this series was a good one for you. I have read one novella by this author and keep meaning to read book 1-Weird Girls. Thanks for sharing your thoughts 🙂

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