Generation V, Book 4

Synopsis: After a lifetime of avoiding his family, Fort has discovered that working for them isn’t half bad—even if his mother, Madeline, is a terrifying, murderous vampire. His newfound career has given him a purpose and a paycheck and has even helped him get his partner, foxy kitsune Suzume, to agree to be his girlfriend. All in all, things are looking up.

Only, just as Fort is getting comfortable managing a supernatural empire that stretches from New Jersey to Ontario, Madeline’s health starts failing, throwing Fort into the middle of an uncomfortable and dangerous battle for succession. His older sister, Prudence, is determined to take over the territory. But Fort isn’t the only one wary of her sociopathic tendencies, and allies, old and new, are turning to him to keep Prudence from gaining power.

Now, as Fort fights against his impending transition into vampire adulthood, he must also battle to keep Prudence from destroying their mother’s kingdom—before she takes him down with it….

Review: I absolutely love this series and I always look forwards the release of each new volume. So as soon as the announcement of this fourth volume was made, I eagerly awaited the opportunity to read an ARC of Dark Ascension. And what a pleasure to have the chance to get into the story and to find out what M.L. Brennan had reserved for us!

I admit that by starting the novel, I did not expect to see such a turning point in this book. Yes, all the things initiated in the first volumes are finally completed here or at least some answers are given for a fresh new start.

We thus follow Fort, always equal to himself, and of course always accompanied by the beautiful Suzume who is now his girlfriend. It’s always nice to see the two evolving together. While Fort is quite discreet, Suzume does not hesitate to provoke and acts as she wishes. Yes, it’s really a treat to see them growing together. Fort is also very lucky to have her, because many events are going to stand in his way here. Oh yes, it really will not be easy for them. As the summary presents it and as we have seen it in the previous volume, the decline of his mother is not an easy thing for the land and for the creatures living there… Then Fort and his brother and sister will have to handle whatever is happening and it’s really not easy especially when you know the divergent nature of the characters. In addition to all this, we can find a political intrigue and everyone is strangely turning toward Fort instead of Prudence or his brother. You will then understand that everything is very complex and it is impossible for the three to agree and thus to make a decision. Yet the consequences of this failure may well be disastrous.

But that’s not all because Fort will also have to face the effects of his vampire change, increasingly present and that will change him more than he could think. This is really not easy to manage. Yet it was fascinating to see him evolving and changing during the course of history, to accept his fate and to try to move ahead.

M. L. Brennan presents once again a very good novel, many things that we were expecting are here but new ones are also added, opening many possibilities for the future and I’m really curious to see what will happen to our little family.



28 thoughts on “Dark Ascension by M.L. Brennan

  1. kindlemom1

    Wow five stars for the fourth book? That is awesome! I need to buy the first book and check it out, I’ve heard good things about this series, glad it is still going strong for you and you are loving it.

    1. Melliane

      yes it was a really really good one there!

  2. Maja (The Nocturnal Library)

    I’ve heard nothing but fabulous things about this series, and it’s precisely the kind of thing I enjoy. I think it’s time to get my act together and finally read it. Hopefully there’s audio, but even if not, I’ll just binge read them all.

    1. Melliane

      yes it’s a great one. LOL yes you need to do that!

  3. Paula M. @ Her Book Thoughts!

    Oh wow. I haven’t read this series yet but I’m so excited because it looks good! And I’m glad you enjoyed it 🙂

    1. Melliane

      it is that good!

  4. Joy (Joyousreads)

    Wow! 5 star-read from Melliane! Such a treat. 🙂 I’m not familiar with this series, but it’s always nice when you find one that you greatly love. I love being excited about coming instalments, too!

    1. Melliane

      yes I’m very happy with each book!

  5. Mogsy @ BiblioSanctum

    I will be starting this book next week so I want to go in with fresh eyes, but I’m so excited to see you gave it 5 stars!

    1. Melliane

      I can’t wait to see your opinion about it!

  6. Jenny @ Supernatural Snark

    This sounds like a pivotal book in the series Melliane, I always love the point in a series where everything that’s been building comes to a head. So glad this was a 5-star read for you!

    1. Melliane

      yes so many things in this one, it’s impressive!

  7. Brandi Breathes Books

    Fort sounds like a great character to read about and its good to hear that you are still into this series.

    1. Melliane

      he is!

  8. blodeuedd

    I can’t wait to read these 🙂

    1. Melliane

      you’ll love them!

  9. […] at Between Dreams and Reality […]

  10. Ramona

    A friend recommended this series to me a while ago. I guess I’d better make time for it. Because those sure are a lot of stars 😀 Lovely review!

  11. kimbacaffeinate

    I have failed I own book one and two…and why haven’t I read them…five stars…gads I need to fix this stat!

    1. Melliane

      ah yes!!!! you need to read it!

  12. Alise

    I haven’t heard of this series but have probably heard of the author somewhere. I’m loving the sound of all the character development though, it’s great that they grow as indivduals but also as a couple.

    1. Melliane

      It was really good!

  13. Braine

    I haven’t read this series but from the reviews it sounds like the plot is really developing fast and in a direction I wouldn’t expect. Also, is that supposed to be Fort on the cover? He is delish!!

    1. Melliane

      lol not sure at all

  14. Suzi Q, The Book Dame

    This sounds amazing! It is nice to have the unexpected, and this sounds like this did just that for you. I am not familiar with this series, but will definitely be checking it out. Thanks for the great review.

  15. Lorna

    Oh, I didn’t know about these books but this sounds awesome!I may just have to check out book 1. Thanks for sharing!

  16. Jennifer Bielman @ Bad Bird Reads

    I really, really need to get this series.

  17. Melissa (My words and pages)

    Oh I have the first 2 books of this series waiting for me. I really need to go on a reading spree. 🙂

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