Ghostly Southern Mysteries, Book 3
Synopsis: The prodigal father returns—but this ghost is no holy spirit
When she runs into her friend’s deadbeat dad at the local deli, undertaker Emma Lee Raines can’t wait to tell Mary Anna Hardy that he’s back in Sleepy Hollow, Kentucky, after five long years. Cephus Hardy may have been the town drunk, but he didn’t disappear on an epic bender like everyone thought: He was murdered. And he’s heard that Emma Lee’s been helping lost souls move on to that great big party in the sky.
Why do ghosts always bother Emma Lee at the worst times? Her granny’s mayoral campaign is in high gear, a carnival is taking over the town square, and her hunky boyfriend, Sheriff Jack Henry Ross, is stuck wrestling runaway goats. Besides, Cephus has no clue whodunit…unless it was one of Mrs. Hardy’s not-so-secret admirers. All roads lead Emma Lee to that carnival—and a killer who isn’t clowning around.
Review: I had a great time with the first and second book and I was curious to see how the sequel was going to be. I must say that the stories are humorous, full of ghosts and with an intrigue we are curious to resolve.
This time, we find our heroine facing a new murder … Yet the newcomer, Cephus, does not seem to know where his body is, nor the person guilty of this act and it is up to Emma Lee to understand what happened if she wants to get back to her quiet life. The man has disappeared for years and few seem really sad of that fact, except his daughter and his wife who still hope to see him back in town. But while our heroine embarks on this investigation, it appears that it awakens a lot of memories that would have prefered to stay buried and someone seems determined to stop Emma Lee to find her answers, whatever the cost.
You can imagine that this is already a lot for the young woman to deal with, but in addition to that, she has to manage a carnaval, bringing back former residents she had not seen for a long time but also her Granny’s campaign to become mayor. Oh yes, because it must be said that her grandmother is determined to win and to recover all the voices.
As you can see, we find once again a lot of things in this novel and I was quite surprised by the culprit of the story as I did not really expect that. It was a treat to follow everything and to understand the truth with our heroine. Moreover, it is always nice to follow Emma Lee and see how she will act and evolves with this new gift which she really did not want.
A new story with a light and humorous moment.
Kirsty-Marie Jones
Sounds like these books definitely have a lot going on, haha, but at least who it was was a surprise! 🙂
yes it’s a fun series
Carole Rae
awwwe I need a good humorous book after the last one!
it’s always nice
I’ve seen this around some blogs, and I must say, it seems like everyone liked it. I added it on my list too, though I’m not sure when I’ll get to it. I’m currently on week 2 of reading the same 2 books, due to not having enough time for it 🙁 Lovely review!
yes it’s full of humor so it’s nice to have a book like that from time to time.
I read the first one in the series and I liked it, but I haven’t felt compelled to continue the series. I want a wow and this series strikes me as being just middle of the road.
ah no, it’s not a wow but it’s a fun one
I really want to try this series, I love the humor it offers.
yes it’s nice
I just read the first book and liked it well enough but I’m not sure if I will continue the series or not, I might but I won’t make it a huge priority.
I can understand
I did enjoy book 1 and 2 🙂
me too
Melanie Simmons @mlsimmons
I love funny stories. I’ll have to see if I can fit this series into my schedule. Thanks.
my pleasure
Joy // Joyousreads
Is it quite as funny as the Charley Davidson series? If so, then I wouldn’t mind reading these books. 🙂
ah it”s really not the same thing
anna (herding cats & burning soup)
I’ve been wanting to give these a go after reading yalls reviews and really thinking I need to do so soon. They sound like a good time 🙂
yes they’re nice
I wonder why ghost books aren’t that often in PNR/UF. Hmmm. Looks good!
This isn’t my favorite of the three, but like you, the murderer’s identity surprised me. Also, her granny is just bananas! I think Zula Fae can get away with having her own series.
yes Zula is awesome
This one sounds like a fun read. I haven’t heard of this author or these books-although the cover looks familiar. I am glad you enjoyed the read 🙂
This does sound like a fun read. I am not familiar with this author or these books, although the cover does look familiar. I am glad you are enjoying these books so much 🙂