Pathfinder Tales

Synopsis: Having unseated Dungeons & Dragons, Pathfinder RPG is the world’s bestselling tabletop roleplaying game — now available in a series of novels

In the the tradition of Fafhrd and the Gray Mouser (if one were a talking magical sword) Rodrick and his blade Hrym are accomplished con artists and occasional adventurers—as long as it means easy money. When they get called to the court of an exotic southern island, they become pawns in a dangerous game of political intrigue. The only way to survive is to locate and “liberate” a legendary artifact.

Review: This book is part of a series of novels based on the roleplaying gamePathfinder.

I haven’t played Pathfinder, but played a lot of Dungeons & Dragons, and read my fair share of novels based on roleplaying games, so I was sure any knowledge of the setting wasn’t necessary.

And indeed: This story is easy to follow without any knowledge of the world (or roleplaying in general), and even without having read Liar’s Blade, an earlier Pathfinder novel that also features Rodrick and Hrym.

The story begins in the middle of action and soon you get a feel of Rodrick and Hrym. I must say there were no surprises there: Charming rogue with a snarky talking sword. Been there, done that. Anyone who has read some Fantasy novels, or has played a Fantasy RPG will be familiar with this trope.

But I can’t say I minded: Rodrick and Hrym are a fun pair of unlikely heroes to read about. After an action packed introduction, the story slows down a bit to set up the main plot, but it never gets dull. And once Rodrick and Hrym manage to get themselves in trouble, the action starts up again and they have to be resourceful to stay alive.

As with many Fantasy settings, the Pathfinder world borrows heavily from mythology, in this case both from Eastern and Norse mythology that I noticed, and I might have missed some references. Again: this is not a bad thing. It makes for interesting world building, and certain elements of the story being familiar, makes that you can easily picture the setting and the people and creatures Rodrick and Hrym encounter.

Overall this is fun and very enjoyable read. I can advice this book to anyone who likes an entertaining Fantasy romp. I might give Liar’s Blade a try if I come across it. I will also investigate what other books Pratt has written. 

4Sullivan McPig


15 thoughts on “Liar’s Island by Tim Pratt

  1. blodeuedd

    And I have played a bit of..nothing

  2. Maja (The Nocturnal Library)

    I haven’t even played D&D, to be honest. I get motion sickness, so no video games for me. I’d read the books, though, they sound great.

  3. Tracy Terry

    Loving the cover. I can understand why fans of D&D and other such games would love these books. Goodness only knows I’ve never played and yet I’m totally intrigued by the concept.

  4. Kim @ BookSwoon

    Unlikely heroes, mythology and liberating a legendary artifact – it all sounds fun! I’m glad you enjoyed this new series 🙂

  5. Ramona

    Haven’t played Pathfinder, but this sounds absolutely fantastic! Thanks for the recommendation 🙂

  6. Silvia

    You got my attention the moment you said this novel was based on a roleplaying game! Thanks for sharing your thoughts, this one definitely sounds intriguing 🙂

  7. Sarah @ One Curvy Blogger

    I have always loved roleplaying games, but I rarely get around to playing anything these days. My all time favorites used to D&D and Runescape. I need to check out this one, though I doubt I would enjoy reading a book based on the game. 🙂

  8. Heidi

    I always like fantasy/UF books that incorporate mythology. I think this is a series I might enjoy.

  9. Melissa (Books and Things)

    I wasn’t sure about this one since I don’t do rpg’s but now you have me a bit more curious. I might have to pick this one up after all.

  10. kindlemom1

    This does sound really interesting! Glad you enjoyed it! 😀

  11. Mogsy @ BiblioSanctum

    I really want to get into these books! I played the Pathfinder RPG with a group of friends last year and it was so fun, and we’re hoping to start up again this fall. These novels seem like a great way to revisit the world.

  12. Joy // Joyousreads

    I’ve always wanted to read a book about a certain game just because I’m not a gamer per se. I think it would be interesting how it all started and how it will end.

  13. Carole Rae

    Not for me, but I bet my BF would like it!

  14. Sullivan McPig

    Thanks for your comments everyone. I can really recommend this book to anyone looking for a fun Fantasy read.

  15. Jennifer Bielman @ Bad Bird Reads

    Well, this looks exciting as hell! But not sure if it would be for me.

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