The Borden Dispatches, Book 2

Synopsis: Birmingham, Alabama is infested with malevolence. Prejudice and hatred have consumed the minds and hearts of its populace. A murderer, unimaginatively named “Harry the Hacker” by the press, has been carving up citizens with a hatchet. And from the church known as Chapelwood, an unholy gospel is being spread by a sect that worships dark gods from beyond the heavens.

This darkness calls to Lizzie Borden. It is reminiscent of an evil she had dared hoped was extinguished. The parishioners of Chapelwood plan to sacrifice a young woman to summon beings never meant to share reality with humanity. An apocalypse will follow in their wake which will scorch the earth of all life.

Unless she stops it…

Review: I liked the first volume as it introduced many interesting ideas and I was curious to discover this second novel. I must say that I enjoyed this volume a little more than the last one, which was a pleasant surprise.

20 years have passed since the end of the previous novel and Lizzie is more alone than ever in her mansion. Nance has disappeared without a trace, Emma is gone as well as well as the dear doctor we had learned to get to know. Everyone thinks she’s a witch and her life continues in solitude. Yet an unexpected character will return to her life by a phone call, the detective Wolf. Indeed, it seems that something strange is happening in Birmingham. A murderer with an axe rages like a distant memory without anyone understanding the motivations and an exhibit seems to show a portrait of Nance. Could Lizzie finally understand what happened to her half? But that’s not all because it is the story of a young woman, Ruth, who left the sect in which she was enclosed to marry and therefore flee her father, the one who killed the priest who helped her. Elizatbeth finally thought she would have the answers to her questions, but these are only amplified when she teams up with Wolf to help the young woman and tries to understand what is happening here.

I admit that I was very surprised by the ideas of the story, it was very interesting to see the references to the Ku Klux Klan, or even the sects and I was curious to see how everything would evolve. Lizzie has not changed much over the years but it is quite sad to see the person she has become … I do not know if we will have more novels in the series but it’s true that I’m curious see what might happen now. Our heroes must go through many hurdles here and it will be difficult for them to manage what they want to do. Besides, I enjoyed the passages with our heroine, I found that her chapters were the most touching, always written in the form of a letter to Emma. It really helps to more easily share all her feelings.

As you can see, I had a good time with the story and I’m curious to have more.




35 thoughts on “Chapelwood by Cherie Priest

  1. blodeuedd

    I thought her hair looked grey, that explains it

    1. Melliane

      ah yes, didn’t realize that

  2. Kim @ BookSwoon

    Oooh, I’m glad you enjoyed Chapelwood as much as the first book. I have my eye ont this as well, tbr list – as I really enjoyed book one and Lizzie’s character. This sounds interesting with the sects in it!
    Great review, Melliane 🙂

    1. Melliane

      I hope you’ll like the books when you try them! Because yes it is!

  3. Jenny @ Supernatural Snark

    Wow, I didn’t realize there was that big of a time jump between books one and two! I have the first book on my shelf and have been wanting to read it, but I’m so glad to know you enjoyed this second book even more. I’m definitely curious about Lizzie:)

    1. Melliane

      yes I prefered it, maybe because of the characters or the topics added

  4. Brandi Breathes Books

    I am not the biggest fan of letters, but she does sound like a great heroine

    1. Melliane

      it’s not all letters

  5. LilyElement

    This one sparked my interest, great review!

    1. Melliane

      it’s different

  6. Sarah @ One Curvy Blogger

    I have to be honest, I have never been attracted to this sort of genre until I learned that someone wrote a series about Lizzie Borden!! I love her story and can’t wait to start this series (hopefully one day soon)

    1. Melliane

      even if it’s nor your genre, I hope you’ll like the series

  7. kindlemom1

    So glad this was even better than the first!

  8. Tracy Terry

    Loving the cover. Glad this instalment rather than suffering the curse that so often sees book two a much poorer read was even better than the previous. Great review, thanks.

    1. Melliane

      yes me yoo!

  9. Ramona

    Sounds different and not necessarily light reading… Melikes! 😀

    1. Melliane


  10. Heidi

    I am so anxious to try this series. I have this book for review, and I am so happy to hear that you liked it better.

    1. Melliane

      I can’t wait to see what you think of it!

  11. Lily B

    That is always pleasant when you end up liking the second book better then the first, kinda sets you up for third, if there is a third

    1. Melliane


  12. ShootingStarsMag

    Sounds like an interesting series! I’m glad you liked this one – and liking it a bit more than the first is great too.

  13. Braine

    I failed to read Maplewood, thought I could jump to reading this. I found it okay, but the format threw me off. It doesn’t have a lot of dialogue? Is the format like that all throughout the novel?

    1. Melliane

      hmm I don’t remember exactly but I can understand what you mean

  14. Carole Rae

    I am still contemplating the first one…it would be an interesting world if this was the case. LOL

    Thanks for sharing!

    1. Melliane

      my pleasure

  15. Joy // Joyousreads

    That’s certainly different (time-jump between instalments). I can only surmise that the younger generations will continue on with the tradition?

    1. Melliane

      I wonder about that

  16. Mogsy @ BiblioSanctum

    I think I’ll like this one more than the first book. Your review gives me some good positive vibes. Thanks! 🙂

    1. Melliane

      I prefered this one in any case

  17. anna (herding cats & burning soup)

    Arg. Okay. I need to go back to this one. I was so bad. Read about half then needed to catch up on some other reads and haven’t gotten back. I’m glad to see you liked this installment more than the first!

    1. Melliane

      I hope it will get better if you go back to it.

  18. Melanie Simmons @mlsimmons

    I’ve been looking at this series. Glad to see that you liked book two.

  19. Milo

    J’aime beaucoup la couverture *_*

  20. Melissa (My words and pages)

    I’ve not been able to get to this series. Bummer, really. Sounds like a great one to enjoy. 🙂

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