Shadow Falls: After Dark, Book 3

Synopsis : Despite her superhuman strength and enhanced senses, Della Tsang’s life as a vampire certainly hasn’t been easy. Especially since she was reborn and bound to the mysterious, infuriating, and gorgeous Chase Tallman.

But if there’s one thing that’s always kept Della going, it’s her dream of being an elite paranormal investigator. Her newest case is the opportunity she’s been waiting for, but as Della tries to solve the twenty year old murder and clear her father’s name. She uncovers secrets about the vampire council. And about Chase.

Feeling betrayed by all the secrets he’s kept hidden from her, Della is determined to keep him as far away from her heart as she can. But she’ll need his help to solve the case that will lead them into the darkest and ugliest vampire gangs in town and into the scariest reaches of her heart.

Review: I have never read the original series which is derived from these spin-off books, but I had a great time with the first two novels. So with the announcement of this third and last volume, I admit that I was really intrigued. I did not know at the start that we would have a trilogy, but it’s a pleasure to finally have the all the issues that remained and the outstanding answers. And it’s true that once again I was completely carried away by the story and the characters.

We find again our dear Della just after the end of the first volume. It must be said that nothing is easy for her. Her father is accused of murdering her aunt, Chase has once again completely disappointed and betrayed her and her family, or more specifically her father does not want her in his house, something very difficult to accept for the girl. But now, Della is determined to clear her father’s name and to stay away from Chase this time, whatever he may try to get her back. Is it even possible? Forced to team up with the vampire, the girl will face many troubles and many doubts about the death of her aunt. I confess that I myself was very curious to find out what exactly had happened between her father, uncle and the deceased. Moreover, it was nice to know a little more about Eddie as we heard talked tremendously about him. It was very intriguing and interesting to follow our heroine and to discover with her little by little the truth. We also want her to finally know if she can trust Chase or not but it is true that he does not help her at all although he is determined.

As I said I had a great time with this story, and even if it is a last volume (I am always wary of the conclusions), I had a great time once again and Della is a character that is fun to follow. The writing is fluid and it is a treat to discover the ideas of the author. I wonder now if she will turn to another spin-off to follow other characters or if she will remain there with this universe. But I know that I should now to try the original series to find out how it all started. I think the fans will be excited to try this little trilogy which is very pleasant to read. So, yes, a very good novel and a good conclusion for some volumes equal to each other.



19 thoughts on “Unspoken by C.C. Hunter

  1. Carole Rae

    Sounds like fun, but I have sworn off vamps for a little bit. LOL

    1. Melliane

      ah I can understand that but it’s fun

  2. kindlemom1

    Glad this didn’t let you down and you were happy with the way it ended. 😀

  3. Silvia

    Glad it was a good read for you! I haven’t read much paranormal lately, this year was quite full of romance novels for me but I plan on catching up with a few paranormal series I left behind 🙂

    1. Melliane

      sometimes it’s nice for a change

  4. Emilie

    I read the 3 first books of “Nés à minuit”, but I stop there : I didn’t like Kylie, and the story wasn’t interesting. I think I won’t read the next…

    1. Melliane

      là c’est uniquement Della donc ça change. Je n’ai pas tenté les autres

  5. Ramona

    The fluid writing does attract me, and Della sounds like someone I’d like to meet 🙂 Happy Friday, my friend!

    1. Melliane

      yes I liked her!

  6. Heidi

    I am curious about this author and both of her series. It is nice to know that you were able to go into the spin off without any issues. I should try this.

    1. Melliane

      yes really you can try with this one if you want to

  7. Lily B

    I have the worse time with conclusions, so honestly I can understand how you feel. I am glad it seems like this book bought some closure and answered your questions

    1. Melliane

      yes I’m always so anxious!

  8. kimbacaffeinate

    Sounds interesting and I love paranormal Melliane. Glad the final book was so strong.

  9. LilyElement

    Glad to hear you enjoyed these 🙂

  10. blodeuedd

    I have not read the originals either

  11. Melissa (Books and Things)

    Yep, I’m the same as you are with conclusions but I’m so glad you enjoyed this one. I read the first book but need to catch up.

  12. Mogsy @ BiblioSanctum

    Oh, I think I just saw one of my friends is starting this book too and she’s very excited. Looks like she’ll have a good story to look forward to 🙂

  13. Joy // Joyousreads

    I wish I’d continued on with the original series. Glad you’ve enjoyed them for the most part, though!

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