Synopsis: About this novel…
SHE is simple, uncomplicated. It is a love story without limitation. It is a tale of how easy and graceful LOVE can be…and it’s *super* HOT!

The blurb…
Logan has loved Gemima for years.
Gemima doesn’t know.
After her deadpan relationship finally implodes, Logan seizes his chance to rock her world.
Set in picturesque Paris, SHE is an erotic tale about falling madly in love. Combining sex, passion, and romance, these two high-flying professionals will leave you saying, “Oh, la la!”

Review: Gemima is just separated from her boyfriend after discovering that he cheated on her.

Logan, who fell in love with Gemima the first time he saw her two years ago, hears the news and invites her to lunch.

During this lunch, Gemima also falls in love with Logan. Thus their story begins.

The story is set in Paris (I really felt like being in Paris), which is ideal with a hero so romantic, charming and HOT, really hot! Gemima, is spontaneous, has a straight-talking which can be very funny. They are emotionally and physically (that is an erotic romance, so yes there are lots of sex where we would like take the place of Gemima – hum- whistling) connected.

Not having the time to write this before reading an ARC of She part 2 (yes okay, I preferred to jump on my reading rather than taking the time to write – read it, you will understand me 😉 ), I can tell you that you should definitely read this book because the second part is even better 🙂

Oh yes, I put only 4.5/5 rating as a result of the french in the text. There were a few small mistakes. I offered my corrections to Annabel who will make the changes. So if there are errors, it will be my fault 🙂 Seriously, with the changes made, it is a very good 5/5 stars !!!!



12 thoughts on “She (# 1) by Annabel Fanning

  1. blodeuedd

    Mistakes, yeah, I do not notice them a lot, since not many try to write anything in my language, but sometimes

  2. Carole Rae

    Exciting to see the completed version!

  3. kindlemom1

    This is new to me but it looks fabulous and I loved your review and rating for it!

  4. Jenny @ Supernatural Snark

    Oooo this sounds super sexy:) And yes, I love Paris as a romantic setting too!

  5. LilyElement

    It’s been a bit since I’ve read an erotica book, sounds like part one was quite enjoyable! 😀

  6. Heidi

    I am not a fan of erotica, but this one does sound interesting.

  7. Lily B

    oh a romance set in Paris! how wonderful, the hero sounds yummy

  8. Melissa (Books and Things)

    Oh wow! Just a few small errors you, yourself corrected? Very cool and this also sounds so good.

  9. Lily B

    the dino ate my post?

    i love the fact that this takes place in Paris, I always find that so cool and the hero sounds yummy

  10. Lily

    Oh Melliane i love the sounds of this one and this couple and of course Paris as a setting has me sold.

  11. kimbacaffeinate

    5 stars..well 4 1/2 ooh la la. This sounds good and hello Paris the city of love!

  12. Braine

    That’s great that Annabelle was receptive to the errors you found. Some authors get so defensive when it comes to that.

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