Shaede Assassin, Book 5

Synopsis: Has Darian’s past finally caught up with her?

The Rakshasa queen, Padma, has a score to settle—she wants those responsible for her son’s death to pay and to pay dearly. Darian, Tyler and Xander are all at risk—and Padma’s powers could force them to live the rest of their lives in the madness of the Realm of Illusions…

While Darian is taken and is the first to suffer, she’s soon rescued by Tyler, the one man to never disappoint. But what Darian doesn’t know is that her freedom comes at a steep price—Xander’s the King of Shaedes, imprisonment. Darian knows what horrors await in Padma’s dungeon. A rescue mission won’t be easy and she can’t do it alone.

Deep in the bowels of Goblin Valley, Darian, Tyler, and her small band of Shaede warriors fight their way through a dark labyrinth. In a realm where illusions rule, with danger at every turn, the odds are stacked against them. Time isn’t on their side, every second spent in Padma’s custody will be another step Xander takes toward madness. A kingdom can’t be ruled without its king and the wolves are at the door, waiting. If Darian can’t get to Xander before he succumbs to the illusions, an entire kingdom’s future is at stake…

Review: I love the Shaede Assassin series since I discovered it and each volume really carried me away. When the publishing house decided not to continue the series when we had so many questions left, I admit that I was really sad. But I recovered quickly enough when I learned that Amanda would try to publish her story herself. Admittedly, the adventures of Darian are always full of ideas and originality. Also, I was curious to know where her heart was really going to turn to.

The story starts out quite quickly with a time of terrible torture when Darian has to face the wrath of Padma who wants to make her pay for killing her son. It’s pretty horrible to see that the woman has an undeniable talent for combining physical but also mental torture! So when Tyler rescues her, leaving Xander instead, our heroine is determined to bring her friend home. But even helped by her friends and allies, it will be very difficult for our heroes to break the king Shaede free and they will all have to deal with the illusions that destabilize them completely. But Darian will have to manage the consequences of the torture either against her or on Xander, but also everything that is related to Tyler and this seems very complicated. Indeed, the Sinod is after them, and this time it could very difficult for our duo to stay safe whatever the Jinn can say.

I loved this novel once again but I admit that I was really carried away as soon as Darian managed her problems regarding Tyler and Xander. It was very interesting to finally understand what the ring meant for the young woman and to see what the Jinn had concealed until then. I admit that a lot of events are going on in this novel and we are carried away by the chapters and we see our heroine dealing with the problems arising. Of course, we still have many questions and even some new ones but I loved to know the answers to some of the long-awaited.

So I spent a great time again and I really hope the author will continue her series. The ideas are always excellent and I still enjoy the pen of the author.




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25 commentaire

  1. I’m glad the author decided to keep publishing it herself, it sounds like this series really carries you away and yes, answers are needed! High five for another amazing read 🙂

  2. I love the cover and the name of this series…”Shaede”Assassin. It’s the first I’ve ever heard of this too, so thanks for the introduction. Why are there so many good UF/Paranormal series out there, I can never catch up.

  3. Melissa (My words and pages) a dit :

    I want to get to this series. I need to finish up a few series I have sitting here already though, first. But these books sound so gooood. 🙂 Glad you enjoyed them!

  4. It’s always a sad thing when a beloved series goes unpublished due to lack of attention. That is why bloggers are so important! I’m glad the author decided to continue on! It would be such a heartbreaking thing for the fans of the series otherwise.

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