Undead, Book 14

Synopsis: If Betsy Taylor has learned anything about ruling Hell it’s: 1) she can’t do it alone, and 2) she doesn’t have to. She’s got the help of a devoted vampire king, a dateless zombie, an exhausted new mom, an unshowered cop, a bitchy ghost, a kindly dead priest, and her late stepmother (“Go Team Satan!”). But the latest major hurdle in her post-dead life is so big she can’t even see it until it’s on CNN.

Betsy’s father and half-sister Laura (a former Anti-Christ with a grudge) have outed Betsy to the world. It doesn’t take long for the story to become 24-7 headline news. What’s more, people are not only prepared to believe in vampires, they want to kill them. For Betsy, social media has never felt so…unsocial.

Before long the mansion on Summit Avenue is swarming with reporters, would-be vampire/zombie killers, and desperate emos begging to be turned. Betsy has been forced into the unenviable role as the reluctant face of the vampire nation. All she knows is, she has to look good—this is hi-def!—and stay true to who she is. H8ers be damned.

Review: When Betsy goes to hell, she takes Tina and Marc with her. They find Cathie, the father of Marcus and the Ant for a meeting where the one Betsy presents the 10 new commandments to them. When she returns to the mansion after receiving a text from Sinclair, she realizes that she was gone for two weeks and that her sister wants to prove her existence (and therefore that of all vampires) in the world. Moreover, Sinclair is annoyed that she does not want him to rule Hell with her.

In short, there is a lot going on in the Betsy life as usual (and I have not told you everything). What change here is to see her take the lead. She actually rules Hell and takes decisions alone even though she has all her support team. This does not prevent her from being as always funny!

There were a few volumes that I had found a little worse but there, I really found what I love about this series. It remains to wait for the next book which will also be the last of the series.



13 thoughts on “Undead and Unforgiven by MaryJanice Davidson

  1. blodeuedd

    Are they up to 14 already!

  2. Ramona

    Oh, it’s sad when series that we love so much must come to an end… I have to say, I have so much appreciation for series that can hold on to their readers throughout so many volumes. That, for me, is proof of real talent 🙂 Lovely review!

  3. Jenny @ Supernatural Snark

    I really enjoyed the first few books in this series but somewhere in the middle she lost me. Sounds like this book returns more to what made the earlier books so successful, so I’m glad it was such a great read for you Cass!!!!

  4. anna (herding cats & burning soup)

    Good to hear! I need to get caught up with this series. It used to be a favorite then had a rough patch and I’ve jut never got caught up. Glad you enjoyed it Cass!

  5. Lekeisha

    Wow, number 14! I’m glad you have made it this far and still giving out 5 stars!

  6. kindlemom1

    This author and series sounds like so much fun, I need to get a copy!

  7. Joy // Joyousreads

    Oh wow. Book 14! I’m glad you’re enjoying this series after all these years. 🙂

  8. Heidi

    This is a series I have long wanted to try. Nice to see it ends on such a positive note.

  9. Melissa (Books and Things)

    I’m so behind on my Betsy books. I love these. Every time I think it will get too campy for me and I find myself enjoying them. 🙂

  10. MaryJanice Davidson

    Thanks so much for the lovely review! Let me know if you’d like a reviewer’s copy of UNDEAD AND DONE. 🙂

    1. Cass

      Thank you ! (blush) I would love to read UNDEAD AND DONE 🙂

  11. Carole Rae

    Love this cover! So sassy

  12. Melanie Simmons @mlsimmons

    I have seen this series around here and there, but not a lot. I didn’t realize it was up to 14 book. I’m glad to see that you’re still giving 5 stars at book 14. I should probably look at giving this series a try sometime. Another series to add to my ever growing TBR list. 🙂

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