Synopsis: Dafne Mailloux, librarian and temporary babysitter to the heirs to the High Throne of the Twelve – now Thirteen – Kingdoms, finds it difficult to leave the paradise of Annfwn behind. Particularly that trove of rare books in temptingly unfamiliar languages. But duty calls, and hers is to the crown. It’s not like her heart belongs elsewhere. But how can she crown a queen who hesitates to take the throne?
This novella will be part of a duology called For Crown and Kingdom, which will also contain a novella by Grace Draven.
For Crown and Kingdom (The Crown of the Queen) will release on May 24, 2016 and will be available in digital format and print.
Buy links will be added to the bookpage once available:
she really has a talented cover artist!
La couverture est très belle, cela donne envie !
La couverture est vraiment bien faite, elle donne envie de découvrir le livre ! Après ma lecture du résumé, il ne me tente pas trop mais pourquoi pas.
Librarian ? Je note 😉 !
Any mention of a librarian has me excited. Love the cover; thanks for sharing.
Fun cover, I love the colors!
Jenny @ Supernatural Snark
VERY PRETTY!!! Like Ali, I love the color palette. All the blues and purples are lovely.
Nice 🙂
Lola (Hit or Miss Books)
What a beautiful cover! Love!
Love the cover!!
Mogsy @ BiblioSanctum
It’s beautiful! I love the color scheme and the cool blues 🙂
Melanie Simmons @mlsimmons
I’m really excited for this one. I’ve really enjoyed my time in The Twelve Kingdoms.
Jennifer (Bad Bird Reads)
I like the cover.
Carole Rae
Mhmmmm not really a fan, but the colors are nice. 🙂 But thanks for sharing!