InCryptid, Book 5

Synopsis: Verity Price is back on the West Coast and getting back into the swing of the family business: cryptozoology. She’s rescuing cryptids from bad situations, protecting them from monster-hunters, and generally risking life and limb for the greater good, with her ex-Covenant partner/husband, Dominic, by her side. Her ballroom dance career is behind her—or so she thinks. When Verity gets the call from the producers of Dance or Die, the reality show she almost won several years before, she finds the lure impossible to resist, and she and Dominic are off to L.A. for one last shot at the big time.

Of course, nothing is that simple. When two contestants turn up dead, Verity will need every ally she can find with the investigation, without blowing her cover…

Review: The last two volumes were devoted to Verity’s brother and although I appreciate him very much, it’s true that I have a weakness for the young woman and I was impatient to find her again in this fifth volume. And what a pleasure to have her! I must said that we had heard so much about her dancing skills as she was in Dance and Die, so how not to be intrigued when we learn that the producers ask her to participate in a new season?

We thus find Verity married (yes married in Las Vegas) with our dear Dominic. But then, her life is turned upside down, although the young woman thought she had finally chosen her future, when she receives the email that changes the game. Indeed, the Dance and Die producers contact her to offer her to go back and to work for them and to do a season combining all the previous participants. It does not take much for the young woman to accept, that passion being very present. The only problem is that she is obliged to take back her identity of Valerie, a person with a different temperament and one who of course is not married. Dominic will therefore follow the young woman as her boyfriend but with the prohibition to follow her in places where all the dancers live, something that is not really simple for them. This is already a thing to manage with in addition the dance she has not practiced for a long time, but when the stress rises and the show evolves, and that the people eliminated are found dead … Verity will therefore have to find all the necessary allies, even those within the company to try to understand what is happening. And while the dead accumulate and her grandmother arrives to help Verity (yes we finally discover Alice and it was so much fun !!!), it appears that a cult is trying to bring a serpent God from another dimension. It is up to Verity and her family to understand what happens before others disappear.

It was a very good new volume and it is once again a real pleasure to see the talking mice that are always a tremendous asset to the story and who are always a lot of fun. How not to succumb? But of course, there are also other species and it was as always very interesting! In addition to this, we see the evolution of Verity, we see what she wants to do in her life and we are witnessing her decisions in relation to the dance and her work. It was fascinating to see what she wanted, to realize what was important dor her… The final also surprised me, I was not expecting it, the culprit, the reactions of Verity and all the other things! I am very impatient to read more and to see the consequences of this novel.

A very good discovery again! Seanan McGuire takes me away as always!




22 thoughts on “Chaos Choreography by Seanan McGuire

  1. Christy LoveOfBooks

    I want to read this series so, sooo bad!

    1. Melliane


  2. Silvia

    Sounds like a great read, and I truly like the cover!

  3. Keertana @ Ivy Book Bindings

    I haven’t always had the best of luck with McGuire’s work but I’m glad that she consistently works for you. Wonderful review! 🙂

    1. Melliane

      sorry it’s not for you

  4. Jenny @ Supernatural Snark

    I’m always on board for animal characters that bring a lot of humor to a story! Must meet these talking mice:)

  5. Lekeisha

    I really like the covers to this series. I’m glad you are still enjoying it after this many books!

    1. Melliane

      yes so much fun

  6. kindlemom1

    You definitely have me wanting to try this author!

  7. blodeuedd

    I should read more o these

  8. Carole Rae

    🙂 *waves* Happy Tuesday

  9. Melissa (Books and Things)

    I need to devour all her books. This is also a series I have on my wishlist and I’m so glad you are enjoying it. Brilly review.

    1. Melliane


  10. LilyElement Book Reviews

    Glad you’re still having a great time with these!! 😀

  11. Mary Kirkland

    I read Half-Off Ragnarok and loved the talking mice.

    1. Melliane


  12. Mogsy @ BiblioSanctum

    I really need to read this series! Honestly I have no idea what’s keeping me, I really enjoy topics related to crytozoology and stuff like that.

    1. Melliane

      you need to try!

  13. Braine

    So if I were to try her, which series would you recommend to me?

    1. Melliane

      October Daye!

  14. kimbacaffeinate

    Ok. I have book one of this on audio and apparently I need to step up my game! Awesome review 🙂

  15. Joy // Joyousreads

    Really not a fan of these covers, but never been one to shy from them. Especially if the author comes highly recommended!

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