Synopsis: In this dark and gritty collection—featuring short stories from Jim Butcher, Seanan McGuire, Kevin J. Anderson, and Rob Thurman—nothing is as simple as black and white, light and dark, good and evil..

Unfortunately, that’s exactly what makes it so easy to cross the line.

In #1 New York Times bestselling author Jim Butcher’s Cold Case, Molly Carpenter—Harry Dresden’s apprentice-turned-Winter Lady—must collect a tribute from a remote Fae colony and discovers that even if you’re a good girl, sometimes you have to be bad…

New York Times bestselling author Seanan McGuire’s Sleepover finds half-succubus Elsie Harrington kidnapped by a group of desperate teenage boys. Not for anything “weird.” They just need her to rescue a little girl from the boogeyman. No biggie.

In New York Times bestselling Kevin J. Anderson’s Eye of Newt, Zombie P.I. Dan Shamble’s latest client is a panicky lizard missing an eye who thinks someone wants him dead. But the truth is that someone only wants him for a very special dinner…

And New York Times bestselling author Rob Thurman’s infernally heroic Caliban Leandros takes a trip down memory lane as he deals wih some overdue—and nightmarish—vengeance involving some quite nasty Impossible Monsters .


Tanya Huff * Kat Richardson * Jim C. Hines * Anton Strout * Lucy A. Snyder * Kristine Kathryn Rusch * Erik Scott de Bie *


Cold Case – Jim Butcher
I had the opportunity to read the first volume of the Harry Dresden series without ever read on. I was a little disappointed but the reviews of the following volumes made me want to immerse myself in the story to continue it. We find ourselves here in the same universe, which is very nice, especially while following the faes but it’s true that I was a little lost as I have not read enough of the novels. So, it is true that even I was taken at the beginning, it did not continue. I think however that fans of the series will be delighted. 3/5

Sleepover – Seanan McGuire
I love Seanan McGuire and I was delighted to find one of her novellas here. We plunge back in the world of Incryptid series and it was a pleasure to find new characters of the Price family. This time we follow a succubus who would be kidnapped by teenagers for her help. It was a very nice story to follow, especially when we know the series. 4/5

If Wishes Were – Tanya Huff
Ah … Vicki Nelson… this is a series that I read years ago, although I do not remember much about the story in general. It does not change the fact that it’s very nice to dive back into the universe to find the characters. We also follow our heroine in a new survey where she will have to try to stop a genius who does not pay attention to the spread of the evils. 4/5

Solus – Anton Strout
I do not know anything about Anton Strout but I admit that his story really made me want to discover an entire novel. We discover two men, two partners who investigate and help for paranormal cases. This time, they must visit a castle to free the owners of the ghosts residing there. It is a smooth writing with a stort that takes us away. I’m curious to find out more. 3.5 / 5

Peacock in Hell – Kat Richardson
I did read the first two volumes of a series by Kat Richardson (although I admit that I should return to it one day), so it was interesting to find her here. You can imagine that it is a question of hell here. It was nice enough to discover. 3/5

Eye of Newt – Kevin J. Anderson
Again I did not know about the author, but I admit that I was intrigued to discover his world. It was pretty funny to discover a zombie private detective who operates with all different creatures and especially with his new client, a lizard, whom an eye was stolen and who would like his help. It’s a pretty crazy story and it’s true that it’s nice to follow it. 3.5 / 5

What Dwells Within – Lucy A. Snyder
I have heard of the author and her books but I admit that I have never read any. It was a little hard to understand the universe because of that but it was interesting to get a glimpse of the characters. 3.5 / 5

Hunter, Healer – Jim C. Hines
It was a bit difficult to get into this universe without knowing a thing about it but it was interesting to have a different character like our heroine with two souls in one body. A little sad to see what she had to endure so far … 3/5

Baggage – Erik Scott de Bie
Another author I did not know about and a world to which I had a little trouble to hang on but it’s always nice to find demons. Moreover, we find a young woman who begins indoor sports but who does not expect much action. Nice but nothing more for me. 3/5

Dirty. Force – Kristine Kathryn Rusch
This is an interesting and rather sad story. We discover our heroine whose fiancé has died and must try to survive and especially to re-learn how to live. For this she quickly returns to work, working as a hunter but she did not expect to be tempted to pass to the wrong side this time. I became interested in the world and the characters, and I admit that I am curious to read more. 4/5

Impossible Monsters – Rob Thurman
I’ve heard a lot about the author and the series but I confess that even if it is in my wishlist, I still have not read the first volume. It was however interesting to discover the universe even if I admit that I wasn’t as taken as I thought I would. 3/5




24 thoughts on “Shadowed Souls

  1. Sophia Rose

    Looks like quite a variety of urban fantasy. I haven’t read any of those yet. I’ll have to add this to the list.

    1. Melliane

      it was nice even if I didn’t know about some.

  2. Silvia

    Didn’t know about this one, but it sounds like the appropriate collection to read this time of the year 😉 *Happy Halloween*

    1. Melliane

      right? Yes tha is true

  3. kindlemom1

    I love how you broke down your reviews, great job with this!

    1. Melliane


  4. Melissa

    This sounds like a great selection! And I’ve always wanted to check out the Dresden Files!

  5. Heidi

    It looks like most of the stories were solid and that the big names panned out.

  6. Mary Kirkland

    I haven’t read any of them but this does seem like it was for the most part an enjoyable read.

  7. Melissa (Books and Things)

    Oh this sounds like an excellent anthology. Looks like a good number of them were good and that is all I need in this genre of book. Will have to see if the library has it!

    1. Melliane


  8. blodeuedd

    Sounds cool 🙂

  9. Mogsy @ BiblioSanctum

    I was intrigued by this collection, though I hesitated when I saw that most of the stories were from series I was unfamiliar with. I may borrow it from the library at some point for the Jim Butcher story though, I love Dresden Files!

    1. Melliane

      yeah I only saw Seanan Mcguire lol and so wanted to read it

  10. ShootingStarsMag

    I really need to read Jim Butcher. I’m glad this was a pretty good collection for you!

  11. Joy // Joyousreads

    I saw another review of this little collection somewhere and they seemed to love it as well. These short stories are great for author sampling. 🙂

    1. Melliane

      yes we can have an idea

  12. kimbacaffeinate

    O enjoyed this too and thought it was a nice mix. Great review of them all Melliane.

  13. Lily B

    oh damn, is this an anthology ? >.< blah.. for some reason I thought it was a co written new series.. oh well

    1. Melliane


  14. LilyElement Book Reviews

    Looks like a fairly well rounded set!!

  15. Braine

    Alas, for some reason I love shorties but lost interest in anthologies. So weird!

    Anyway, there are a lot of authors in this collection that I want to try. So maybe I’ll follow the series instead. Thanks!

    1. Melliane

      I can understand, I wanted to try because of some of the authors

  16. Carole Rae

    So many good authors! The short stories sound good!

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