Anita Blake, Book 25

Synopsis: In her twenty-fifth adventure, vampire hunter and necromancer Anita Blake learns that evil is in the eye of the beholder…

Anita has never seen Damian, her vampire servant, in such a state. The rising sun doesn’t usher in the peaceful death that he desperately needs. Instead, he’s being bombarded with violent nightmares and blood sweats.

And now, with Damian at his most vulnerable, Anita needs him the most. The vampire who created him, who subjected him to centuries of torture, might be losing control, allowing rogue vampires to run wild and break one of their kind’s few strict taboos.

Some say love is a great motivator, but hatred gets the job done, too. And when Anita joins forces with her friend Edward to stop the carnage, Damian will be at their side, even if it means traveling back to the land where all his nightmares spring from…a place that couldn’t be less welcoming to a vampire, an assassin, and a necromancer.


Review: Ah Anita Blake, here I am finally on time for all the books! I confess that I was curious but a little anxious of this 25th volume. How not to be? It must be said that Volume 24 had somewhat disappointed me … Despite a good intrigue, Anita’s personal affairs were too present for my taste. But what about this novel? I must say I was pleasantly surprised. Of course, we do not change Anita, but I found that the author had refocused things. Well, on the other hand the first thing to remember is that the book is thick, like really thick, I had the impression to stagnate sometimes.

We find our heroine in a completely new situation. The first part of the story focuses mainly on Damian (it’s been a long time since I didn’t see him) and on the triumvirate with Nathaniel. Damian was quickly featured as one of the principal characters and of course he is quite sad because of the lack of relationship with Anita… Well you suspect that she will help him (yes because she is very nice for that). I found it interesting to turn to this second triumvirate which had been rather left out and to finally see the consequences on the three members. It seems that terrible murders are perpetrated by vampires in Ireland and nobody knows how to handle the situation … Edward on the spot tries to invite Anita to the party (Yes, Edward! I like Edward so I was glad to see him!). When he finally arrives, Anita disembarks, but not in small committee (you suspect that going alone is excluded). Yet I confess that I was surprised to see her taking Damian and Nathaniel … between the first who is terrified to go and the second who should not be part of an investigation, I was surprised. So of course a bit of blabla about her sex life, yes because in all countries it is the same story. Yet there is an intrigue! And more than that a good one! It is true I had the impression that Anita isn’t the same, she has softened. You realize, she can not stand pain well now … it’s quite surprising.

Well, yes, I was talking about the plot … I found it interesting to find out more about this very powerful vampire, to see what she was doing to her mignons. Well I admit that I am surprised that they let her act without doing anything but well. A dead guy (a name to be removed from the list of Anita’s lovers!!!) … But, between all that, it is true that for my part I had a good time. The novel is not based on sex which is a big plus in my case and I was curious to see how it all ended.

For me this volume was really superior to the previous one!




12 thoughts on “Crimson Death by Laurell K. Hamilton

  1. blodeuedd

    Never read her, sooo many of them

  2. Mary Kirkland

    This is one of my all time favorite series. I loved this book and thought the story was quite good.

  3. ShootingStarsMag

    This is one long series! I’m glad you enjoyed this one more than the previous.

  4. LilyElement Book Reviews

    I wondered how this series was as it kept going! Thanks 😀

  5. Sophia Rose

    Wow, twenty-five books in and still loving them. I have a few series like that. I haven’t read any of these yet.

  6. Heidi

    Twenty five books in the series. That is so many. I am glad that this was better than the last and that the focus wasn’t all about sex. I am afraid there are way too many books in this series now for me to tackle it.

  7. Melissa (Books and Things)

    I’m glad you are still enjoying these. I have stopped a bit back but do want to pick it back up.

  8. kimbacaffeinate

    This is a series I have wanted to try.

  9. Mogsy @ BiblioSanctum

    Looks like you’re moving quickly through the series, and I’m glad to hear you’re enjoying the books 🙂

  10. Carole @ Carole's Random Life in Books

    I need to get back to this series. I see that you mentioned that Edward is in this book. Any book with Edward seems to be a great story.

  11. herding cats

    Ee! I just scanned since I have the book sitting next to me waiting to read. I’m glad it was a good one overall!

  12. Melanie Simmons

    Glad to see that this book was better. I think I tried the previous one and couldn’t get through it. I didn’t mind when the books had a lot of sex, it was when there was all the discussion about that sex and relationships.

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