Synopsis: Kacey is the new girl in Broken Falls. When she moved in with her father, she stepped into a brand-new life. A life with a stepbrother, a stepmother, and strangest of all, an adoring younger half sister.

Kacey’s new life is eerily charming compared with the wild highs and lows of the old one she lived with her volatile mother. And everyone is so nice in Broken Falls—she’s even been welcomed into a tight new circle of friends. Bailey and Jade invite her to do everything with them.

Which is why it’s so odd when they start acting distant. And when they don’t invite her to the biggest party of the year, it doesn’t exactly feel like an accident.

But Kacey will never be able to ask, because Bailey never makes it home from that party. Suddenly, Broken Falls doesn’t seem so welcoming after all—especially once everyone starts looking to the new girl for answers.

Kacey is about to learn some very important lessons: Sometimes appearances can be deceiving. Sometimes when you’re the new girl, you shouldn’t trust anyone.

Review: I did not know this novel and yet, when I looked on goodreads for reviews I realized that it was really very well rated. I was surprised because I didn’t know about it but I was glad that the French release gave me the opportunity to discover the story.

Kacey is a girl to whom everything smiles. She moved to her father’s and her mother-in-law’s place recently and managed to adapt easily by making two very close friends. Yet when Jade and Bailey get their distance, she does not understand what she could have done and even less when, having decided to go to a party, none of her friends came to pick her up. But now, this evening is going to be a radical turning point in Kacey’s life, especially when it turns out that Bailey disappeared that night. Determined to understand what’s going on, our heroine goes in search of clues but she does not expect her name to be added to the list of suspects.

I really liked this novel. It is a different, surprising story and, it is true, one that shows us that we must not trust appearances. The author has also added chapters from Bailey’s point of view at different times (before her encounter with Kacey until the night of her disappearance) in addition to the present narrative. It was really fascinating to read that and I admit that I did not expect such a turn of events. I easily changed my mind on the culprit, telling myself several times that I knew in advance what had happened and yet I was always wrong.

I let myself be carried away by the story by making me fooled more than once and it is true that I found that the author had managed to do something very interesting.

26 thoughts on “Little Monsters by Kara Thomas

  1. blodeuedd

    I do not think I have heard of it either, but then I am bad with names, I remember covers more, though this one does not look familliar,

    I do wonder what happens now 0_0

    1. Melliane

      yeah I was surprised because it’s quite popular on goodreads

  2. kindlemom1

    I’m all for something a bit different. Glad this was such a good read!

    1. Melliane

      I loved it!

  3. ShootingStarsMag

    I’m glad you enjoyed this one. I really loved it, though the author’s first book The Darkest Corners is still my favorite.

    1. Melliane

      I need to try!

  4. Jenea’s Book Obsession

    I really like the sounds of this one and it is a new one to me too. Great review!

    1. Melliane

      I think you could like it as well

  5. Joy // Joyousreads

    This sounds intriguing! Definitely new to me as well.

    1. Melliane

      lol I’m not the only one

  6. Heidi

    I remember reading some positive reviews for this one when it released, but I never got around to it. I love a good mystery with twists and turns, I am going to see if i can grab this from my library. Thanks for the recommendation.

    1. Melliane

      Me too!

  7. Lindsi

    This sounds wonderfully suspenseful! I can’t image my friends not meeting me somewhere and later finding out one of them went missing! And to be a suspect?! Craziness. I’ll definitely check this one out!

    Do You Dog-ear?

  8. Kimberly @ Caffeinated Reviewer

    This is new to me. I like that you do get some chapters from the other pov. I think that makes things interesting. Great review!

  9. Lisa @TenaciousReader

    This sounds really intriguing, I already want to know what’s really going on!

  10. Kimberly @ Book Swoon

    This is new to me as well. I usually enjoy multi POV’s in my story and it sounds like this did a great job for the mystery.

    1. Melliane

      it’s not that multiple it’s 2

  11. Nadene @Totally Addicted to Reading

    This sounds good. Glad you enjoyed it.

  12. Mary Kirkland

    That sounds quite good. Not my usual type of read but if I feel in the mood for something different I’ll keep this in mind.

  13. Carole @ Carole's Random Life in Books

    I love books that keep you guessing. I have seen this book around and it does look really good. I am glad that you enjoyed it!

    1. Melliane

      you really should try

  14. Mogsy @ BiblioSanctum

    Wow, this sounds amazing! Thanks to you, my tbr just grew a little bigger, I just had to go and add this to my wishlist. I need a YA suspense novel like this in my life 😀

    1. Melliane

      it was so good and so well done! I loved it

  15. Greg

    Ooh I love stuff like this. Sounds great!

    1. Melliane

      I’m sure you could love it as well

  16. Carole Rae

    D: sounds ominous

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