Stacking the Shelves is a meme hosted by Tynga’s Reviews



33 raisons de te revoir – Alice Kellen (INT)

ebook Hors de portée – Jane harvey-Berrick (INT)

Prélude / The Man I love – Suanne laqueur (INT)

A la découverte du MM (Fr & Be)

La dernière prophétie – James Patterson

L’Apocalypse est en marcheÀ Boston, une jeune femme se découvre enceinte… alors qu’elle est toujours vierge. En Irlande, une autre jeune femme connaît la même surprise.Dans plusieurs villes à travers le monde, les autorités médicales sont submergées par des épidémies, des sècheresses, des famines, des inondations… et cela ne semble pas sur le point de s’arrêter. Il y a là comme un signe que quelque chose de terrible se prépare.Enquêtant sur ces phénomènes d’Immaculée Conception, l’Archidiocèse de Boston décide d’employer la manière forte, et engage une ancienne nonne, Anne Fitzgerald, devenue une privée aux méthodes peu catholiques. Car tous les signes portent à croire que l’Apocalypse est déjà en route… L’avenir de l’Humanité est à présent entre les mains d’Anne.

Sur l’ordre de dieu – Jon Krahauer

“Dans le comté d’Utah, presque tout le monde a entendu parler des fils Lafferty en raison des meurtres atroces.”
Utah. Une petite ville plantée dans le sillage de Salt Lake City, le fief de l’Église mormone. Le 24 juillet 1984, Allen Lafferty, mormon pratiquant, rentre chez lui après sa journée de travail, dans la maison qu’il habite avec sa jeune épouse et leur bébé de quinze mois. Quand il pousse la porte, l’horreur l’attend : Brenda et sa petite fille ont été sauvagement égorgées. En un instant, Allen est convaincu qu’il connaît les coupables. Et pour cause, ce sont ses frères.

À la barre des mois plus tard, Ron et Dan Lafferty ne nieront pas les faits. Pas plus qu’ils n’exprimeront le moindre remords. Les deux Lafferty sont des prophètes, Dieu parle à travers eux, il leur chuchote ses ordres. Pour eux, l’État n’existe pas. L’école ? Une machination. La médecine ? Un charlatanisme. Ron et Dan Lafferty ont quitté le giron des mormons pour embrasser une foi chrétienne radicale, dont l’un des piliers n’est autre que la polygamie. Et Brenda Lafferty avait commis l’erreur d’y être opposée…

Revenant sur les grandes heures de la fondation de la religion mormone et l’épineux dossier des sectes transfuges qu’elle a fait naître dans ses rangs, le maître de la narrative non fiction interroge les ressorts du fanatisme religieux et exhume l’une des affaires criminelles les plus retentissantes de l’histoire américaine des dernières décennies.

Dare you to lie (Hometown Antihero, 1) – Amber Lynn Natush

When her FBI agent father is framed for murder, Kylene is forced to move in with her grandfather, back to the small town that turned its back on her, and the boy who betrayed her.

All Ky cares about is clearing her father’s name, but someone won’t let her forget the photo scandal that drove her away two years ago. As the threats gain momentum, Ky finds an unlikely ally in the rookie FBI agent sent to keep an eye on her.

Determined to expose the town’s hidden skeletons, Ky unwittingly thrusts herself into a much bigger plot. They thought she’d forgive and forget. They’re about to learn they messed with the wrong girl.

Paper Girl – Cindy R. Wilson

I haven’t left my house in over a year. My doctor says it’s social anxiety, but I know the only things that are safe are made of paper. My room is paper. My world is paper. Everything outside is fire. All it would take is one spark for me to burst into flames. So I stay inside. Where nothing can touch me.

Then my mom hires a tutor. Jackson. This boy I had a crush on before the world became too terrifying to live in. Jackson’s life is the complete opposite of mine, and I can tell he’s got secrets of his own. But he makes me feel things. Makes me want to try again. Makes me want to be brave. I can almost taste the outside world. But so many things could go wrong, and all it takes is one spark for everything I love to disappear…

Dangerous Exes (Liars, Inc, 2) – Rachel Van Dyken

Isla made one teeny little mistake. Now she and her PI company, Dirty Exes, are being targeted by one seriously angry and furiously sexy ex-quarterback. Jessie freakin’ Beckett. But there’s no way some NFL superhunk is going to take her business away. If only he didn’t make her so hot—and bothered.

Jessie wants payback for a ruined reputation. His plan? Top secret. His hard-to-hide arousal for Isla? Not so much. Especially when they let down their guards and sneak a kiss. Like any juicy scandal, it goes so viral, so fast, that only a good lie can combat the bad press. Mortal enemies in a fling? No way. Um…this is love!

Actually…could it be?

Isla’s not faking it. Jessie can’t. As the game of let’s pretend gets real, Jessie forgets all about revenge. That’s the problem. His plan is already out of his control. Now it could undo everything they’ve been trying to build. Coming clean may be the only thing that can save it.

Gone Hunting (Weird Giels, 0.3) – Cecy Robson

The rest of the werewolf pack might consider Aric Connor to be omniscient and destined to save the world when evil returns to claim it. But for the most part, fifteen-year-old Aric ignores the confirmations of his powers, taking everything in stride until he meets her.

Celia Wird wasn’t supposed to awaken naked in the mountains of Colorado, not when she was just stalking her prey in a filthy alley several states away. She especially wasn’t supposed to meet Aric, the handsome werewolf who comes to her aid.

As a supernatural tasked with protecting the earth, Aric sympathizes with Celia’s dangerous situation. He’s also struck by her beauty and kindness. Yet, as much as Aric welcomes Celia, her arrival isn’t a peaceful one.

Dark forces stir in Celia’s presence, resolute on killing her. Aric and his inner beast are adamant about keeping Celia safe and with them. But there’s a time and a place for love, and Aric and Celia might not survive long enough to find it.


24 thoughts on “Stacking the Shelves #285

  1. viou03

    Que de belles choses et des univers variés. Bonnes lectures.

  2. Sophia Rose

    Looks like a good stack and a good variety. I read the Jon Krakauer and found it insightful.
    I got Gone Hunting, too.

    Have a good week of reading, Melliane!

  3. blodeuedd

    Eeeh what? 15!? But when they met later on they had not met before…right?

  4. Northwoman

    Looks like you got a great variety of good things. Happy Reading! Anne – Books of My Heart

  5. Angel's Guilty Pleasures

    Great book haul. Happy Reading!

  6. Jessica @ a GREAT read

    Ooh nice! I was approved for Gone Hunting too! I plan to rearrange my reading queue once again to read this one next! It’s been eons since I was in this world! I nearly forgotten about Celia and Aric! I do remember my fierce desire for Emmy to get a book though! Lol!

    My STS will be up tomorrow, so stop by then if you can!

    Have a GREAT day!

    Old Follower 🙂

  7. Mogsy @ BiblioSanctum

    Awesome haul. I got a copy of Dare You to Lie too, looks interesting!

  8. La bibliothèque d’Elé

    Bonnes lectures !

  9. Gaëtane

    Bonnes lectures à toi et bon dimanche !

  10. La tête dans les livres

    J’aime beaucoup le résumé de La dernière prophétie! Bonnes lectures 🙂

  11. Fantasybooksaddict

    Je te souhaite pleins de jolies lectures !

  12. feflie

    Paper Girl a l’air vraiment sympa !
    Bonnes futures lectures 🙂

  13. Mary Kirkland

    The Cecy Robson books sounds really good.

  14. Kimberly @ Caffeinated Reviewer

    All I am going to say is.. Gone Hunting was AWESOME!!! And The Last Prophecy sounds good for Fraterfest!

  15. Carole @ Carole's Random Life in Books

    Great haul this week, Melliane! I am quite tempted by Robson’s new one. Enjoy!

  16. Greg

    Ooh that first one looks rather chilling! And I love the look of Dare You To Lie as well!

  17. ShootingStarsMag

    Paper Girl has such a cool cover!!

  18. Twogirlsandbooks

    J’espère que tu auras de bonnes lectures avec tout ça 🙂

  19. Carole Rae

    They look good…but I’m not a fan of James Patterson

  20. LilyElement Book Reviews

    Paper Girl’s cover caught my attention, hope you love them all <3

  21. Livre Sans Fin

    Paper girl m’intrigue beaucoup !

  22. Les lectures de Marinette

    Paper Girl – Cindy R. Wilson me tente bien. Merci pour la découverte 🙂

  23. Lady K

    Les deux premiers me font bien envie !! 😉
    Belles lectures !

  24. herding cats

    OOoo VanDyken. Looks good! Happy reading 🙂

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