The Firemane Saga, Book 2

Synopsis: Hatushaly and his young wife Hava are living a good life, working to reopen the burned-out Inn of the Three Stars in the prosperous trading town of Beran’s Hill.

But there is a great deal more to this bucolic scene than meets the eye. Both Hatu and Hava were raised on the secret island of Coaltachin, and though they may appear to be no more than a young couple in love, preparing for the midsummer festival where their friends Declan and Gwen will be wed, they are in fact assassins on a mission, waiting instructions from their masters in the Kingdom of Night.

Moreover, Hatu is the last remaining member of the ruling family of Ithrace – the legendary Firemanes. He dyes his flaming red hair, and has studied to control his dangerous magical powers. But however hard Hatu may be hiding from all those who would seek to use or to destroy him, fate has other plans.

Horrific events are approaching Beran’s Hill, bringing death and devastation to the peaceful town as unknown and monstrous forces are unleashed. And nothing will ever be the same again.

Review: I had a very good time with the first volume and I was quite curious to see what would happen in this second part.

We find our characters in a brand new mission that will once again change their lives. It must be said that a lot of people are looking for Hatu and it could well be that a group will manage to get him back much faster than expected. But Hava is determined to find him no matter what.

It was a nice novel once again and I enjoyed following this epic and all the characters.

The danger is getting closer and closer, and our characters will have to make choices. I’m curious to find out what the author will offer us in the next volume!


7 thoughts on “Queen of Storms by Raymond E. Feist

  1. Sophia Rose

    Exciting stuff! I’ll have to check this series out.

  2. Kimberly @ Caffeinated Reviewer

    This sounds exciting Melliane and your review simply teases us!

  3. Anne - Books of My Heart

    I’m glad you enjoyed it!

  4. Mogsy @ BiblioSanctum

    I recall enjoying the first book. I didn’t even know this second one was out! I’ll have to pick it up one of these days 😀

  5. Carole Rae

    So exciting!

  6. blodeuedd

    I was not impressed by book 1, which saddens me, but I still want this one, fromt he library 😉 But they are on a book buying hiatus. Booo

  7. blodeuedd

    I was not impressed by book 1, which saddens me, but I still want this one, fromt he library 😉 But they are on a book buying hiatus. Booo

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