Synopsis: Since time immemorial, when the Serpent-lord coupled in the Great Rite with the Priestess of the Night, the Kingdoms of Light and Dark, of Sun and of Moon have been at war. Now Pamina, daughter of the Starqueen, supreme symbol of the Night, and of Sarastro, King of the Royal House of the Sun, has to choose which of her parents she will follow, in custom and in principle. And together with her lover, the princely Tamino, she must face her Ordeal at the Court of Wisdom, Ordeals of Earth and Air, of Fire and Water, from which none can flinch and none can escape.

Review: I recently read a novel by the author, but I didn’t know about this one. So I was curious to find out what she was going to propose to us.

The story propels us into a fantasy world where Tamino, a prince of the West, finds himself immersed in a quest he did not expect. Accompanied by Papageno, a bird man, he must find Princess Pamina who has been kidnapped in another kingdom. But the truth is more complex than expected. And if he falls under the spell of the young woman, he will have to pass several tests to show that he is worthy of her love.

It was a fresh and light novel that I enjoyed discovering. The ideas are original and I loved finding Papageno, who is a really colorful character.

7 thoughts on “Night’s Daughter by Marion Zimmer Bradley

  1. Anne - Books of My Heart

    I haven’t heard of this author. Gorgeous cover!

  2. blodeuedd

    That French cover ack, notgood 😉

  3. Mogsy @ BiblioSanctum

    I’ve only read The Mists of Avalon, honestly I don’t know much more about her stuff!

  4. Silvia

    I like when we find originality in our reads, and this one sounds like an interesting book, happy you gave it a go and enjoyed it 🙂

  5. Kimberly @ Caffeinated Reviewer

    A quest… this sounds intriguing!

  6. Mary Kirkland

    That sounds like it was a fun book.

  7. Carole Rae

    Oooo! I am curious about this.
    And i oddly like the cover.

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