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Darynda Jones is the author of the Urban Fantasy series: Charley Davidson. The four first books of the series are First Grave on the Right (February 1st, 2011), Second Grave on the Left (August 16th, 2011), Third Grave Dead Ahead (January 31st, 2012), Fourth Grave Beneath My Feet (October 30th, 2012).
Darynda Jones est l’auteure de la série Urban Fantasy Charley Davidson. Les quatre premiers lives de la série sont Première tombe sur la droite (Juillet 2012), Deuxième tombe sur la gauche (Aout 2012), Troisième Tombe Tout Droit (Décembre 2012), Fourth Grave Beneath My Feet (October 30th, 2012).
“What do you do when you’re not writing?”
First, thanks for having me! I’m thrilled to be here.
And what do I do when I’m not writing? Why, I’m doing research, of course! That’s the AWESOME thing about being a fiction writer. Everything is research. Everything. I can watch TV and call it research. I can read a book and call it research. I can watch the clouds float by and call it research. I can do all this because it’s true. Everything we do, see, hear, touch, taste is research. It’s all seeds which we can plant and cultivate later.
But perhaps you wanted a more day-to-day kind of thing? Okay, when I’m not writing during the day, I’m still working. I’m checking email, writing blogs, updating my status, interacting with readers. It’s all part of the job, and it’s fun!
When I’m not doing all that, I’m spending time with my family or watching movies or reading. I do exercise for about an hour every morning. It helps kick-start the day. And then it’s work, work, work until the evening. Then I often watch TV. It’s an amazing resource for story structure, story arcs, character arcs . . . you name it. And I read a lot. There is nothing better than getting sucked into your favorite authors’ stories. And some authors are like black holes, the pull is so strong. The WARDen, anyone?
OH! And I also go to a LOT of conferences. Like, a lot. I have decided to tone it down a bit for 2013. It’s hard for me to write anywhere but my office, so that takes a lot of time away from the whole writing gig. And then I got sick and missed one that I’d signed up for this year. I felt so bad. A ton of people were expecting me to go and I really feel like I let them down. So, next year, I’m going to try to stay home more and get some real writing done. I have too many ideas bouncing around in my brain. They are demanding their day in the sun!
Thank you again for having me!
“Que faites-vous quand vous n’écrivez pas?”
Tout d’abord merci de m’avoir ici ! Je suis très heureuse d’être là.

Et que fais-je quand je n’écris pas ? Quoi, je fais des recherches bien sûr ! C’est la chose la plus GENIALE en tant qu’écrivain de fictions. Tout n’est que recherches. Tout. Je peux regarder la télé et dire que c’est de la recherche. Je peux lire un livre et dire que c’est de la recherche. Je peux regarder les nuages dans le ciel et dire que c’est de la recherche. Je peux faire cela parce que c’est la vérité. Tout ce que nous faisons, regarder, écouter, toucher, goûter est de la recherche. C’est comme des graines que l’on plante pour cultiver plus tard.

Mais peut-être que vous préférez quelque chose qui ressemble plus à une journée classique ? OK, quand je n’écris pas pendant la journée, je travaille toujours. Je regarde mes emails, j’écris pour des blogs, je change mon statut, j’interagis avec des lecteurs. Tout cela fait partie du job, et c’est sympa !

Quand je ne fais pas tout ça, je passe du temps avec ma famille, je regarde des films, ou je lis. Je fais des exercices pendant une heure chaque matin. Ça m’aide à bien commencer la journée. Et ensuite je travaille, travaille, travaille, jusqu’au soir. Puis je regarde souvent la télé. C’est une source parfaite pour la structure des histoires, personnages… ce que vous voulez. Et je lis beaucoup. Il n’y a rien de mieux qu’être prise dans les histoires de vos auteurs favoris. Et certains auteurs sont comme des trous noirs, l’attraction est trop forte. The WARDen, quelqu’un ?

OH ! Et il y a aussi BEAUCOUP de conférences. Genre, beaucoup. J’ai décidé de ralentir un peu pour 2013. C’est difficile d’écrire autre part que dans mon bureau, alors c’est toujours beaucoup de temps loin de l’écriture. Alors, l’an prochain, je vais essayer de rester à la maison un peu plus et d’écrire vraiment. J’ai beaucoup d’idées qui germent dans ma tête. Elles ne demandent qu’à voir le jour !

Merci encore de m’avoir eu ici.

NYTimes and USA Today Bestselling Author Darynda Jones has won numerous awards for her work, including a prestigious Golden Heart®, a Rebecca, and two Hold Medallions, and she has received stellar reviews from dozens of publications including starred reviews from Publisher’s Weekly, Booklist, and the Library Journal. As a born storyteller, Darynda grew up spinning tales of dashing damsels and heroes in distress for any unfortunate soul who happened by, annoying man and beast alike, and she is ever so grateful for the opportunity to carry on that tradition. She currently has two series with St. Martin’s Press: The Charley Davidson Series and the Darklight Trilogy. She lives in the Land of Enchantment, also known as New Mexico, with her husband of almost 30 years and two beautiful sons, the Mighty, Mighty Jones Boys. She can be found at www.daryndajones.com.
author’s website: http://www.darynda.com/ 

Sometimes being the grim reaper really is that. Grim. And since Charley’s last case went so awry, she has taken a couple months off to wallow in the wonders of self-pity. But when a woman shows up on her doorstep convinced someone is trying to kill her, Charley has to force herself to rise above. Or at least get dressed. She quickly realizes something is amiss when everyone the woman knows swears she’s insane. The more they refute the woman’s story, the more Charley believes it.

In the meantime, the sexy, sultry son of Satan, Reyes Farrow, has been cleared of all charges. He is out of prison and out of Charley’s life, as per her wishes and several perfectly timed death threats. But his absence has put a serious crimp in her sex life. While there are other things to consider, like the fact that the city of Albuquerque has been taken hostage by an arsonist, Charley is having a difficult time staying away. Especially when it looks like Reyes may be involved. Just when life was returning to normal, Charley is thrust back into the world of crime, punishment, and the devil in blue jeans. 

Thanks to Darynda Jones for this great post. There will be two giveaways today. As a part of the tour for Fourth Grave Beneath My Feet, you can win a copy of this book.

Merci à Darynda Jones pour ce super post. Il y aura deux concours aujourd’hui. En tant que membre du tour pour Fourth Grave Beneath My Feet, vous pouvez gagner un exemplaire de ce livre.

a Rafflecopter giveaway

For the second giveaway you can win some goodies for the Charley Davidson series. The giveaway is international and ends on October 1st.
Pour le deuxième concours, vous pouvez gagner des goodies pour la série Charley Davidson. Le concours est international et se termine le 1er Septembre.

a Rafflecopter giveaway

List for all the giveaways 

Liste de tous les concours 


60 thoughts on “Guest Post with Darynda Jones and Giveaway

  1. Francesca

    I’m fond of Charley’s character, she’s so sarcastic and funny! Thanks for the giveaway! 🙂

  2. Mel

    I just love the humour in this series – and I’ve only read the first pages of the first book! 🙂

  3. Mutinelle

    Allez, je participe, peut-être que tu arriveras finalement à me mettre à la VO, après tout l’espoir fait vivre !

  4. miki

    I love the humour and spicy remarks from the series

    j’adore ^^cette serie et si pour l’instant je ne la suis qu’en anglais je vais bientôt céder et la prendre aussi en VF

    Merci beaucoup pour ces deux concours si intéressants

  5. Luna05

    Allez je tente! J’ai le tome 1 dans ma biblio mais je sens que je vais très vite céder quant à l’attaquer!

  6. Jessica@a GREAT read

    I adore this series!! Love Charley because she is just hilarious!

  7. Claire

    Thanks for the great giveaway. I love this series and i can’t wait for book 4 to come out.

  8. Filia Oktarina

    I am looking forward to read this series 🙂
    Thanks for the great giveaway!!

  9. Imel Cullen

    I haven’t read the Charley Davidson Series yet, but I want to read.
    tahnks for giveaway^^

  10. Kristia

    Thank you for the giveaway! I’ve only read the first book so far 🙂

  11. Dana Alma

    Wow, après génial! Merci beaucoup pour l’hébergement. I love the site and the fact that you post in both languages, just superb. It’s always interesting learning what authors do on their down time. LOL Passez une bonne journée fabuleuse!

  12. swisecarver2836

    I just love these books. I can’t get enough of them and can’t wait to read Fourth Grave Beneath My Feet. I’m so excited. I think these are the best stories that I have read in a while.

  13. Tiamat Creations

    ouhhhhhhhhhh la mais en fait on est encore plus pourries gatées aujourd’hui! déjà que les autres jours on l’étaient déjà!
    Merci pour ces deux superbes concours une fois de plus et pour ce petit passage de l’auteure qui à vraiment l’air d’être pétillante et sans prise de tête 🙂

  14. Nyx

    Je suis impatiente ! Et comme tu le sais je te déteste ma belle 🙂

  15. Mayarc87

    I love Charley’s books. It’s one of my favorite series.

  16. Steph from fangswandsandfairydust.com

    I enjoyed this book. Darynda is a talented writer who has created an amazing world that is nuanced and layered, sexy and action-packed. Steph AT FangsWands AndFairydust DOT Com

  17. Barbara E.

    I have started this series yet, but I’ve heard so many good things about it I really want to read it.

  18. Traci Horton

    Darynda is a wonderful writer who’s created a wonderful series and terrific characters!

  19. Crissy

    I loved the interview and as always I love Darynda Jones 🙂 I gotta admit it pleases me immensely that she loves the WARDens books too. hehe.

  20. Steph C. Brentson

    I love The humor in Darynda’s series! And I loved the interview.

  21. Diane

    When I read one of Darynda’s books I know I will find humor, fun, suspense, attraction, laugh out loud moments, read till I finish, love and steamy sex scenes. They are great!!!

  22. Victoria

    I love these books. Charley is funny. Thank you.

  23. Darynda

    Je vous remercie beaucoup de m’avoir!! J’aime ce beau site! And thanks for all the lovely comments! It is a real honor to be here. ~D~

  24. Blodeuedd

    The answer is easy…Reyes, mmm, it’s all about him, lol. Ok and her too

  25. Corrie

    Thanks for the giveaway, this book series is so awesome…I love the fact that she is a grim reaper with attitude. The attitude makes the story.

  26. Amanda Grinstead

    I love everything about the series. Charley has a great sense of humour & Reyes is a fascinating and mysteriously character.

  27. Amanda Grinstead

    Ooo and there are goodies too?! Want!

  28. Carey

    I absolutely love Charley’s spirit!

  29. ajisainokimi_32491

    yayyyy i can’t wait for 4th grave to come out :]

  30. MåїÐ»-(¯`v´¯)-»

    I LOVE Darynda Jones!!! I haven’t read her series yet..but from what I hear….the main character and the story line are just mind blowing! I can’t wait to get my hands on her books!

    Thanks for the guest post and giveaway! 🙂

    ~ Maida @ Literary Love Affair 

  31. MåїÐ»-(¯`v´¯)-»

    I LOVE Darynda Jones!!! I haven’t read her series yet..but from what I hear….the main character and the story line are just mind blowing! I can’t wait to get my hands on her books!

    Thanks for the guest post and giveaway! 🙂

    ~ Maida @ Literary Love Affair 

  32. Criches6

    Thank you for being part of the blog tour! This is a fun series, and I look forward to the next book.

  33. Redheaded Bookworm

    I absolutely love Darynda and her series! Thanks for the awesome giveaway! Can’t wait to read this book!

  34. Natasha

    I love this series!! Thanks for the chance to win!

  35. erin

    Thanks for a great post and giveaway! I’ve just started reading 1st Grave and I’m loving how sarcastic Charlie is!

  36. marybelle

    I’m ashamed to say I have not yet begun the series. I must & soon.

  37. Pimpin' Reads

    Thanks for the giveaway. I am not only a huge fan of Darynda but I also am her Mama Grimlet and we really appreciate all the support. Love Pimpin’ Reads

  38. Dian Aesha

    i haven’t read any Charley Davidson Series yet,,but iam interest for reading..cant wait..putting it in my TBR.
    thanks for the chance to win..

  39. AquarianDancer

    I like that the series isn’t bogged down with heavy emotional distress. It is a light, fun read that I enjoy coming back to.


  40. LadyVampire2u

    One of my favorite series. And I love Charlie Davidson. I think it’s wonderful how the author portrays Charlie and has her as the grim reaper but not in the big bad menacing way. Would love to win this book. Thanks for the giveaway!

  41. Anonymous

    This set of books is so original at this period with all vampires, were-wolves,… There, we have demons, ghosts, very bad humans and a lot of actions which prevent us from being bored and sleeping ! You read it all without being able to close it even to pie !!! I so enjoy these books !

    Sophie =)

  42. BookaholicCat

    I love the humor and of course… Reyes!! *swoon*

  43. Jenn H

    I love everything about them and just can’t get enough of it! 😉
    Thanks for the giveaways!

  44. Melissa (Books and Things)

    What do I love about this series? REYES! ROFL! 😀

    I don’t mind that you take time to write. It means more Reyes! 😀

  45. Anonymous

    Reyes! What else is there to say! I love the Charlie goodies/swag. Thanks for the awesome giveaway! bpatrick64113@sbcglobal.net

  46. Melissa (My World...in words and pages)

    Okay, soooo, I’ve not started the series yet. But from what all my book and blogger friends are saying *cough* I neeeed to get to it. 😀 Thank you!

  47. Gabbie

    One of the best series ever!!! Thank you Darynda for letting us get a glimpse into your life!

    1. Gabbie

      Oh and I love the hilarity of it… and Reyes. Definitely Reyes 🙂

  48. Cyr

    Merci beaucoup, je tente ma chance !

  49. Venus

    What is there not to love!! Thanks for sharing a bit of yourself with your fans!!

  50. nurmawati djuhawan

    i love a kick-ass heroine… 🙂

    thx u for the giveaway…

  51. Aurian

    Thanks for this peek into you daily life! I do enjoy the series, so I would love to win some swag, the books I can buy myself 🙂

  52. Katy

    Bizarrement c’est mon premier concours français depuis que j’m’y suis remise à lire, j’ai adoré les 2 premiers tome et attends impatiemment le 3ème, sinon j’aime Charley pour son humour décalé 🙂

  53. Ileana A.

    I haven’t read her books buy I have heard awesome things of the series!
    Hopefully I can read them soon! Thanks for the giveaway!

  54. Diana

    I haven’t read any of her books yet but I have heard so many good things about her work. Thank you for the giveaway!

  55. Stella Ex Libris

    I haven’t read Darynda’s series yet, but I already started collecting the books, they are on my shelves waiting for me to read them in a row 😀

    Thank you for the great post and the generous giveaway! 🙂

  56. Dex

    J’ai lu le premier tome de Charley Davidson et j’avais adoré !! très intéressant la petite interview, elle a l’air d’être un auteur accessible aux lecteurs !

  57. bn100

    Nice post. Sounds like a good series.

  58. Cassie S.

    I absolutely love this series… Can not get enough of Charley and Reyes… One of the best series I have read in a while. =D


  59. Zendastark

    J’ai les deux premiers de la série en français, pas encore dévorés mais j’ai lu tellement de bons avis que je ne doute pas qu’une fois lancée, je ne vais pas voulior m’arrêter à la VF!

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