We very happy today to have on the blog the author of the Madeline Black series: Christina Henry! Her Urban Fantasy series counts three books and the last one will be out on February 28th. We would like to thank Christina who agreed to answer to a few questions for us.
How many books do you intend to write for this series?
Right now I am under contract for six books. After that, my editor and I will discuss whether or not the series can go any further. I love this world and these characters so I’d like to write them for a long time!
Does the inspiration for the characters come from people you know?
No, all of my characters come from my own head. I think it gets into dangerous territory when you start basing characters on people you know.
Was it difficult to create the Madeline’s character?
Maddy is easy for me to write. I heard her voice before I saw her, and for me everything flows from the character’s voice. I always knew who she was right from the start.
Who is your favorite character in the series?
Gabriel. He’s my favorite kind of hero – tormented, silent, strong.
Do you have a favorite author? Or book?
My favorite author is probably Jim Butcher. I think he is an amazing writer. My favorite book all-time is “Nobody’s Fool” by Richard Russo.
Do you intend to write another series?
I’ve got a couple of ideas for other series, but I need to find the time to write them!
Which book was easier to write?
Each book has gotten a little easier to write. As you get to know the characters you can better predict how they would respond in certain situations.
Do you need very specific conditions to write? With music? In a coffee shop? Where does the magic happen?
I like to write to music, and I also like to write in coffee shops, but I don’t need anything specific in order to write other than a little bit of time. I’ve written pretty much everywhere and under any circumstance. I think it’s bad if you lock yourself into certain conditions in order to write, because that means if you’re not in your perfect comfort zone you can’t get anything done. It’s more important to me that I get the words down on the page than it is to have an ideal place/time to write.
At the beginning of the third book, we find out that ghosts are appearing all over Chicago – people whose deaths have not been assigned to the Agency. That means that they are deaths outside of the natural order, and J.B. wants Maddy to find out why. Of course, Maddy’s also got relationship issues with Gabriel – at the end of the last book he became her thrall, and that has definitely made things more difficult. Nothing can ever be easy for Maddy!
(Because I’m curious) Have you already been to France?
No, but it’s on my wish list!
Thank you so much for everything.
Thank you for having me on your blog!
I hope you enjoyed this little interview. You can find more information about the series on the author’s website: http://www.christinahenry.net/
You can find my review about the second book here.
I just got Black Howl for review so I was so excited to see your interview with Christina!
Ugh, I really need to read a book by Jim Butcher. So many UF authors look up to him and I loved the TV show but I STILL haven’t read anything he’s written. I really liked her answer for the specific writing conditions question. It reminded me of how some athletes grow a skanky beard because they think it helps their performance. I liked that she doesn’t allow herself to rely on outside factors.
Oh you’re so lucky! it wasn’t possible for because out of the US but I preorder it, and I’m so curious to read it now! You’re right, it’s better like that.
Ninja Girl
Hey there,
Just wanted to let you know, I tagged you on my blog 😀
Hope you’re doing well,
Ninja Girl
thank you! I’m fine I hope you have a nice week too!
Melissa (Books and Things)
Oh I want all these books. I also need to read it to find out about Gabriel! Sweet interview Melliane!
thank you! I really enjoy the series so I hope it will be the same for you too.
Missie, The Unread Reader
You always have the best author interviews! Thanks for sharing. Now I’m going to have to read me some Jim Butcher. When an author recommends a certain author, I pay attention.
you’re right, I confess I read the first one but didn’t go farther, maybe I should. Thank you!
I have her on next month and was just working on some interview questions! Now I have a few I can throw out since you already used them. 🙂 That’s great there’s going to be at least 6 books! I’ve only read the first but the second book is next on my list to read and the third should be here anytime. It was awesome getting to know Christina a little better!
Oups I’m sorry. I hope you’ll like the second one, it’s better than the first one. I hope the third would be even better. Thank you!
Melissa (My World...in words and pages)
Oh wonderful interview! And thank you!! This is really one series I want to get to, so cool to hear it’s 6 books. 🙂 Thank you!!
yes sooo good! I’m very curious about the other stories. I hope you’ll give it a try, it’s a great series.
Mimi Valentine
I always love your author interviews, Mel — this was so cool to read! 🙂 Gabriel sounds like my kind of character too, and I love that you can write anywhere, Christina! It’s not about the locations but about the writer, right? 😉 LOL and I really want to go to France too! It’s the first place listed on my dream vacation — lucky Mel for living there! <3
Awesome interview, you two! This series sounds really cool and I’ll be sure to add it to my TBR pile now! 🙂
thank you mimi it’s really nice. I hope you would tell me if you come!