“In My Maybox” is a meme hosted by Kristi at The Story Siren
(repris en français par la bibliothèque de Lilie
Les traductions sont personnelles 

Blue Diablo (Corine Solomon, 1) – Ann Aguirre 
“Right now, I’m a redhead. I’ve been blonde and brunette as the situation requires, though an unscheduled color change usually means relocating in the middle of the night. So far, I’m doing well here. Nobody knows what I’m running from. And I’d like to keep it that way…”

Eighteen months ago, Corine Solomon crossed the border to Mexico City, fleeing her past, her lover, and her “gift.” Corine, a handler, can touch something and know its history—and sometimes, its future. Using her ability, she can find the missing—and that’s why people never stop trying to find her. People like her ex, Chance…

Chance, whose uncanny luck has led him to her doorstep, needs her help. Someone dear to them both has gone missing in Laredo, Texas, and the only hope of finding her is through Corine’s gift. But their search may prove dangerous as the trail leads them into a strange dark world of demons and sorcerers, ghosts and witchcraft, zombies—and black magic…


“Aujourd’hui je suis rousse. J’ai été blonde et brune quand la situation le requérait, bien qu’un changement de couleur signifie se trouver un autre endroit en plein milieu de la nuit. Jusque là je m’en sors pas mal. Personne ne sait ce que je fuis. Et j’aimerais que cela reste comme ça… »
Dix-huit mois plus tôt, Corine Solomon a traversé la frontière de Mexico City, fuyant son passé, son amant et son « don ». Corine, une handler, peut toucher un objet et savoir son histoire – et parfois, son futur. Grâce à son habilité, elle peut retrouver les disparus – et c’est pourquoi les gens n’arrêteront jamais de la rechercher. Des personnes comme son ex, Chance…
Chance, qui par malchance se retrouve devant sa porte, demandant son aide. Quelqu’un cher à leurs coeurs a disparu à Laredo, Texas, et le seul espoir de la retrouver est le don de Corine. Mais leurs recherches prennent un tournant dangereux quand elles les mènent dans le monde étrange et sombre des démons, sorciers, fantômes, zombies – et magie noire.
 Getting over Mr. right – Chrissie Manby

Have you ever had your heart broken? How did you get over it?
If a pint of ice cream cheered you up and you were able to delete his number and start again then . . .
You’re a weirdo and this book is not for you.

But if you reacted with denial, begging, or a spot of casual witchcraft, then you’ve come to the right place. This is one woman’s journey from love to lunacy and back again. If you ever recall past heartbreaks with acute embarrassment and an urge to go into hiding, this will make you feel better. Sure, you may have sent his new girlfriend a bunch of dead roses, but did you spend a grand on psychic hot-lines and a voodoo curse?
Avez-vous déjà eu le cœur brisé ? Vous en êtes vous remis ?
Si une pinte de crème glacée vous a remonté le moral et si vous avez été en mesure de supprimer son numéro et de recommencer ensuite. . .
Vous êtes bizarre et ce livre n’est pas pour vous.
Mai si vous êtes dans le déni, suppliant, ou si vous vous essayez à la sorcellerie, alors vous êtes au bon endroit. C’est le périple d’une femme de l’amour à la folie, et vice versa.Si jamais vous vous rappelez vos déchirementspassés avec embarras avec un besoin urgent de disparaitre, vous vous sentirez mieux. Bien sûr, vous avez peut-être envoyé à sa nouvelle petite amie,un bouquet de roses fanées, mais avez-vous dépensé de grosses sommes avec un médium par téléphone et tenté une malédiction vaudou ?

30 thoughts on “In My Mailbox

  1. Jennifer Messerschmidt

    Getting Over Mr. Right looks cute and funny! I definitely react crazy to breakups! LOL
    My IMM

    1. Melliane

      lol I totally understand that!

  2. Sakinia

    J’aime bien la couverture de Getting over Mr. right ^^

    Bonnes lectures 🙂

  3. Sullivan McPig

    Blue Diablo is such a cool read. Enjoy!

    1. Melliane

      it sounds nice, I didn’t know this series.

  4. Jessica@a GREAT read

    OOoh nice! I read Blue Diablo a long time ago and liked it pretty well! Hadn’t gotten around to reading the ones that came after it though! Hope you enjoy it!

    Here’s my IMM

    Have a GREAT day!

    Old Follower 🙂

  5. aparajita

    These books look great enjoy…

    Check mine here

  6. Rebecca (Kindle Fever)

    Oh, Getting Over Mr. Right looks quite good! *curious* I hope you enjoy. 😀
    My IMM!

    1. Melliane

      it sounded really fun, it’s nice sometimes to read a nice chick lit book I think!

  7. Au Rendez-vous Littéraire

    Je ne connais pas mais les couvertures sont sympa !!! Bonnes lectures à toi !!! Bisous !!!

  8. Kah Cherub

    oh, they all look pretty interesting! Getting over Mr. right sounds very fun!

  9. Mel

    Oh, the Corine Solomon series is great. The books do get better – the second one is really creepy! Hope enjoy all your books this week! 🙂

    1. Melliane

      thanks, it’s nice to know!

  10. Jessica (Peace Love Books)

    Getting Over Mr. Right looks so cute! I hope you enjoy all you got 🙂

    Here’s my IMM!

  11. Patricia

    Oh, Ann Aguirre! I added that to one of my many reading lists recently. And I have to agree with the rest here, Getting Over Mr. Right really looks cute and funny.

    Happy Reading!

    Patricia // My IMM

  12. Kelly

    I love the look of Getting Over Mr. Right! It sounds really cute!

    Thanks for stopping by my IMM Mel!

  13. Melissas Eclectic Bookshelf

    Getting Over Mr Right sounds so cute!! Enjoy and Thanks for stopping by My IMM

    ♥ Melissa @ Melissa’s Eclectic Bookshelf

  14. Amanda @ Letters Inside Out

    Getting Over Mr. Right looks SO cute, I’m happy someone has it! I’m so curious to read a review of it…I saw it on NetGalley and awww! lol

    Thanks for stopping by LIO.

    1. Melliane

      lol I was quite curious about it. It’s nice to read a book like that from time to time.

  15. Giselle

    I’ve never read an Ann Aguirre book but I SO want to!! Awesome haul!

    Xpresso Reads

  16. One Pushy Fox

    Interesting books! Enjoy!!!

  17. Miss Vain's Paranormal Fantasy

    I’ve been planing to read this series forever now! I absolutely adore Ann Aguirres writing. Her Sirantha Jax series is one of my all time favorite series ever! I’m so nervous for the final book. Hope you love this series Melliane!;)

    Great books! Hope you enjoy them both! Happy reading.:)
    Thanks for visiting my IMM 🙂 XOXO

    1. Melliane

      I haven’t read any for now but I’m curious to discover this author. Thank you!

  18. Christy D

    Lol… Getting Over Mr. Right sounds funny. Sounds like something I would really like.

  19. Carina

    Haven’t heard of any of these before, but they look really interesting. Hope you’ll enjoy them! 🙂

    Fictional Distraction

  20. Pabkins

    I have that Ann Aguirre book and I still need to get around to reading it! haha

    1. Melliane

      I’m very curious to start the series, I hope you’ll like it as well!

  21. Melissa (My World...in words and pages)

    Oh I’ve read all the books out thus far for Corine Solomon series. And I’ve enjoyed them, I do hope you enjoy them. 🙂

    1. Melliane

      Oh great if you enjoyed them, I’m sure I will too!

  22. Fireflywishes

    I haven’t heard of either of these books before – but both looks good! Getting Over Mr. Right looks particularly humorous! 😀 I hope you love both of them 😀

    April @ My Shelf Confessions

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