Les traductions sont personnelles
(pour une version française voir la bibliothèque de Lilie)
I didn’t plan on becoming a thief and a spy. But options are limited for the half-breed daughter of a Fae lord. My father abandoned me but at least I inherited some of his magic, and my skills with charms and glamours mean that few are as good at uncovering secrets others wish to hide. Right now the city has many secrets. And those who seek them pay so well…
I never expected to stumble across a Templar Knight in my part of the city. Guy DuCaine is sworn to duty and honor and loyalty — all the things I’m not. I may have aroused more than his suspicion but he belongs to the Order and the human world. So when treachery and violence spill threaten both our kind, learning to trust each other might be the only thing that saves us.
But even if a spy and a holy knight can work together, finding the key to peace is never going to be easy…
Jenna spent her childhood in hiding, on the run from someone—or something—her parents refused to discuss. She trusts no one, not since her father’s mysterious disappearance, not since her mother’s sudden death, and definitely not since she began exhibiting strange, superhuman abilities. When handsome, enigmatic Leander appears, promising answers to the mysteries that shroud her past, she knows she shouldn’t trust him either. But their connection is undeniable, and as powerful as the enemy hell-bent on destroying every one of their kind…
Everyone at Mythos Academy knows me as Gwen Frost, the Gypsy girl who uses her psychometry magic to find lost objects—and who just may be dating Logan Quinn, the hottest guy in school. But I’m also the girl the Reapers of Chaos want dead in the worst way. The Reapers are the baddest of the bad, the people who murdered my mom. So why do they have it in for me?
It turns out my mom hid a powerful artifact called the Helheim Dagger before she died. Now, the Reapers will do anything to get it back. They think I know where the dagger is hidden, but this is one thing I can’t use my magic to find. All I do know is that the Reapers are coming for me—and I’m in for the fight of my life.
Welcome to the world of Kara Gillian, a cop with a gift. Not only does she have the power of “othersight” to see what most people can’t even imagine, but she’s become the exclusive summoner of a demon lord. Or maybe it’s the other way around. The fact is, with two troublesome cases on her docket and a handsome FBI agent under her skin, Kara needs the help of sexy, insatiable Lord Rhyzkahl more than he needs her. Because these two victims, linked by suspicious coincidence, haven’t just been murdered. Something has eaten their souls.
It’s a case with roots in the arcane, but whose evil has flowered among the rich, powerful, and corrupt in Beaulac, Louisiana. And as the killings continue, Kara soon realizes how much there’s still to learn about demons, men, and things that kill in the night—and how little time she has to learn it.
Kara aimerait remettre sa vie sur les rails. Mais enquêter sur l’assassinat de plusieurs personnes dont l’essence a été dévorée n’est pas le meilleur moyen d’y parvenir. D’autant que les démons lui conseillent de se méfier de Ryan, son collègue sexy, pour une raison qu’elle ignore. Et pour finir, elle ne pense pas pouvoir résoudre ces meurtres et ce mystère sans l’aide du séduisant et insatiable Rhyzkahl. Entre paradis et enfer, homme et démon, elle est sur le point de faire l’ultime sacrifice…
Lorenzo wants to satisfy the firestorm and put it behind him. But photographer Cassie Redmond is hard to forget. And when Slayers target the mate he didn’t believe he wanted, Lorenzo realizes he’ll do anything to keep Cassie safe…
All That Bleeds (Etherlin, 1) – Kimberly Frost
Zoey Redbird is the youngest High Priestess in House of Night history and is the only person—vamp or fledgling—that can stop the evil Neferet from raising all kinds of immortal trouble. And she might just have a chance if she wasn’t so busy being dead.Well, dead is too strong a word. Stevie Rae knows she can bring her BFF back from her unscheduled va-cay in the Otherworld. But it’s going to take a lot more than hoping to bring Zoey back. Stevie Rae will have to give up a few secrets of her own…
Aphrodite et ses amis sont prêts à tout pour sauver Zoey mais celle-ci risque d’y laisser sa vie, comme tant d’autres prêtresses avant elle ! Son âme restera-t-elle pour toujours prisonnière dans le Royaume de l’esprit ?
Trois amies qui jouent avec le feu… si elles n’y prennent garde, tout le monde sera brûlé !
Still grieving from their loss in the far East, Giovanni Vecchio and Beatrice De Novo discover that for them, all roads really do lead to Rome. But nothing is quite as it seems in the Eternal City. Joined by Carwyn and Tenzin, unexpected clashes greet them almost immediately, and rivalries churn beneath the glittering facade of the old Roman court. They quickly realize that allies might be enemies, and ancient rivals could hold the key to a deadly secret.
Giovanni and Beatrice will be forced to call on old alliances, ancient power, and fierce cunning to survive for the eternity they both desire. Sometimes, finding the end means going back to the beginning. Fire, Earth, Wind, and Water finally meet with devastating results in the conclusion of the Elemental Mysteries.
*Eye twitch* YOU HAVE DARK FROST?!?! I want to read that so bad! I’ve like sent out tens of thousands of requests and I can’t MANAGE TO GET IT! GUGGLE! Anyway, ranting aside, I hope you like it! Great haul
Check out my Stacking the Shelves!
I had the same problem, so I bought it, I just reveived it. Thank you!
Jennifer Messerschmidt
I have the first House of Night book but haven’t read it yet. I’ve heard such great things about the Mythos Academy series as well.
My Stack
lol I have the seventh but I only read te comics, I don’t think it’s a good idea. I really like the Mythos Academy series for now.
Jessica@a GREAT read
Nice! I love Diana Rowland’s books! Still have to read her latest one in that series! And I have Dark Frost as well, but I still have to read the first two! Hee hee! Happy Reading!
My STS will be up tomorrow, so be sure to stop by then!
Have a GREAT weekend!
Old Follower 🙂
So many great books this week!! Dark Frost and Blood of the Demon are awesome and Blood Kin and All That Bleeds sound great…I’m really jealou this week!! 🙂
I was so surprised so have so many books this week, a lot to read now lol.
Alison Can Read
Great set! Cool that you got the Jennifer Estep book. I want to read the whole series.
My Bookish Recap
It’s a great series, I’m sure you’ll love it when you’ll give it a try.
Awesome catch! I’m so jealous you’ve got Dark Frost! And Blood Kin! I loved Flashfire, so I hope you do too. Happy reading!
I hope it’s not a problem to not have read the others in the series… I’m a little anxious.
Ooh I think I’ve got the first M.J. Scott book upstairs waiting to be read. I seem to be on a bit of an urban fantasy binge right now so I might get there soon! All That Bleeds looks good as well, though that might be just cover lust. You’ve bought lots of books this week!!
I think it’s a lot more of a PNR book for me. Yeah I LOVE this cover! I really enjoyed her other series so I’m curious about this one. yeah, I need to stop that.
Dans ces moments-là, je regrette terriblement de ne pas être capable de lire en vo 🙁 que de titres alléchants !!! et les couvertures !! wow !!
bonne semaine !! bisous
hé j’en ai 2 en français! ça fait les intrus des fois j’ai l’impression lol. C’est vrai que les couvertures sont sympa, j’adore celle de All that bleeds, je suis tombée amoureuse. Merci à toi aussi!
Lauren B
Great haul! I’m reading Deborah Cooke’s series now and enjoying it.
Enjoy your books.
My Stacking Post
Great haul this week! You got so many amazing looking books. i’ve heard great things about Jennifer Estep’s books, so I hope you enjoy that one. :0
Ooh nice haul chicky! I’ve been wanting to start the Jennifer Estep series it sounds right up my alley. I even have all 3 books and everything lol.
Chrissie (Once Upon a Series)
Ooh, so many good books this week! I’ve heard lots of good stuff about the Jennifer Estep books! Hope you enjoy them all 🙂
Melissas Eclectic Bookshelf
OMG…I love the cover for All that Bleeds!! And I really want to start the Elemental Mysteries series! Great books this week!
My “Added to the Bookshelf” Post.
♥ Melissa @ Melissa’s Eclectic Bookshelf
I agree it’s so gorgeous! It’s a great series, I hope you could try it!
I only read the first Diana ROwland book, I hope you enjoy it!
Ce que j’adore avec toi Melliane, c’est que je découvre toujours des nouveaux livres et j’adore ! Très jolie IMM ! Happy Reading !
lol j’en ai un peu trop je crois. C’est gentil, merci.
Thank you for stopping by my blog earlier! You got quite a few books! :O Hope you’ll enjoy all of them! 😀
Han All that bleeds me tente trop 😀
Les couvertures sont vraiment mieux en VO ^^
Merci d’être passé sur mon blog !!
je suis tombée amoureuse de la couverture de All that bleeds lol. C’est vrai parfois y a vraiment de grosses différences. Merci à toi!
Jamestine, je t’assure que les couvertures ne sont pas toujours mieux en VO.;jette un oeil sur celles de la série Psi Changeling de Nalini Singh par exemple! lol
Je ne sais pas ce que tu en penses Melliane mais j’ai l’impression que c’est tout l’un ou tout l’autre pour ces couv VO.
Ca dépend les séries en fait. Par exemple la série policiere de Charlaine Harris je n’aime pas du tout les américaine et j’adore les françaises qui sont juste sublimes! Ca depend vraiment les séries je pense et les dessinateurs. Mais y a toujours du bon et du mauvais partout.
Carrie at In the Hammock Blog
those are some fantastic reads i haven’t seen before! love all the covers!
My post is here:
Sunday Shout Out
Jenni @ Alluring Reads
The Jennifer Estep series looks really good, and I hear nothing but praise for it. Must read soon! I hope you enjoy all your goodies!
Des titres que je ne connais pas, mais je te souhaite de bonnes lectures.
J’espère que tes partiels se sont bien passés mardi dernier ! 🙂
Il m’en reste encore un mardi mais j’espere aussi lol, on attendra les résultats. J’espere que ça ira pour toi. Merci!
so many awesome books!! i haven’t heard of a lot of them but they look and sound good, especially blood kin and a fall of water. enjoy 🙂
my new books post.
kara-karina@Nocturnal Book Reviews
Yay, some fantastic books here, Melliane! 🙂 I’m so glad you’ve got the last Elemental Mysteries novel and second Diana Rowland! Happy reading! 😉
I can’t wait to get into them, lol too difficult to know what book I’ll read next.
Waw, mais que de livre, je suis jalouse ! J’aimerais pouvoir avoir autant de livres. 🙂
Et puis Shadow’s Edge, quelle couverture ! J’adore ! ♥
lol moi faudrait vraiment que j’arrete d’en acheter. Oui c’est vrai je sais pas encore si c’est la définitive elle vient de changer pour celle ci. Mais le livre était vraiment sympa.
effectivement une semaine bien chargée!! All that bleeds est très joli!! biz
Miss Vain's Paranormal Fantasy
Hi Melliane 🙂
All those books look awesome!!! I love the alternative book covers you have in French, they’re very cool!!! I love Diana Rowland, and Jennifer Estep, I hope you love those! Looks like you have lots of awesome books to read this week. Just about every single book you received is on my Tbr list as well!! Have a happy week full of reading!;)
Thanks for visiting me girlie. Have a happy Sunday!;)
lol at the end we read the same things. thank you I hope so too!
Shadow’Edge et All That Bleeds ont vraiment une superbe couverture ! Et Brulée je l’ai aussi dans ma PAL mais comme j’ai attendu longtemps sa sortie je vais relire tous les tomes ^^ Bonnes Lectures avec tous ses livres !
ouii c’est vrai! tu crois que c’est compliqué de lire brulé alors que je n’ai lu que le comics de la série? soit juste l’introduction? merci
Désolé de te répondre que maintenant j’avais pas vu ta réponse ^^ si j’ai bien compris ta question c’est que tu voudrai lire Brulée le Tome 7 en ayant juste lu le comics de Marqué le tome 1 ? ( je suis pas réveillé aujourd’hui j’ai du mal à comprendre ^^)
oui c’est ça, enfin c’est surtout que j’ai le 7 et pas les autres. du coup je connais la base de l’histoire, mais si il se passe vraiment beaucoup de choses et que c’est lié dans les premiers, j’ai peur de ne pas tout comprendre…
Ah non je te déconseille de lire le 7 avant de lire les autres parce que dans certains tomes surtout le 4.5 et le 6 il y a des infos capitales, donc je pense que tu vas peut-être être perdue si tu commences par le 7 ^^
lol bon j’avoue je me doutais, mais dommage. Merci pour l’info du coup.
Eh ben dis donc ma chère Melliane, je m’absente quelques jours et tu dévalises la boutique ou quoi?! lol Wow, quel Stacking The Shelves!
J’ai bien rigolé en voyant Kara Gillian #2, je me sens un peu responsable de ce craquage là.
Par contre, toi tu me tentes beaucoup avec Blood Kin. Je trouve la couv vraiment belle! Il faudra que je lise ton avis sur le premier volet.
Et puis, All That Bleeds que j’ai en commun avec toi dans ma PAL.
Je te fais plein de bises, en direct de L’Ile de Ré!! Bon lundi!
mdr tu as vu ça? je fais des folies quand tu n’es pas là. Oui j’ai vraiment de quoi lire du coup. Lol avec Kara Gillian je crois que je suis foutue, ça y est une nouvelle série à ajouter à mes innombrables. Blood kin est pas mal pour le moment je suis en train de le lire, mais ça fait plus mélange toujours UF et PNR, maintenant je sais à quoi m’attendre ça va mieux. Je l’aurais fini assez vite je pense. Avant sa sortie ça serait bien d’ailleurs. Profite bien de tes vacances chanceuse!!!!
Merci pour les vacances, en fait c’était plutôt we prolongé. Et on a eu de la chance, il a fait beau! 🙂
hum…bon, je le met dans ma wl alors, on verra bien plus tard! (Han, t’as vu?! Je suis raisonnable!!! )
Mdr je te parle meme pas de ma wish, ça fait peur. Contente que tu ai passé un bon weekend prolongé alors! faut profiter. Faut essayer des fois d’être raisonnable. Pour moi y a mieux comme livre mais j’étais curieuse de voir ce que donnait le deuxieme. Je ne pensais pas le demander et j’ai craqué…
Pas mal de livre qui pourrait me plaire 🙂 Bonne lecture
Christy @ TheReaderBee
Ohhh, so many pretty books! I hope you enjoy reading them all!
Sarah@Catching Books
Dark Frost is awesome!! I hope you like it and I can’t wait to read your review!!
Happy reading and thanks for stopping by and sorry for the late comment!!
One Pushy Fox
You have some amazing looking books this week. Hope you enjoy them!!!
Book Savvy Babe
yep, i’m jealous of some of your books this week… Blood Kin sounds like my kind of book, I will have to check out the series! Book Savvy Babe
Marie Ifmarybooks
Wow que de livres 😀 ! La couverture de All that bleeds est magnifique ! Et j’ai lu beaucoup de bonne critique sur la série Mythos Academy il faut vraiment que je me procure le premier tome.
Happy reading :).