For the release of Death, doom, and detention, we’re happy to have on the blog Darynda Jones who answered our reader’s questions. Thanks to everyone who participates to the interview.
Pour la sortie de Death, doom and detention, nous somme très heureuses d’avoir sur le blog Darynda Jones qui a répondu aux réponses de nos lecteurs.Vous pouvez trouver nos avis de sa série Charley Davidson sur le blog. N’hésitez pas à aller les lire. Merci à tous ceux qui ont participé à cette petite interview.
Vanessa : Do you already know how the story between Charley and Reyes will end? Or are you writing the books without knowing what will happen?
Darynda: I admit it. I do have a last book in mind and a spinoff already planned. Thankfully, my editor wants the series to continue, so it’s very open-ended and they will go on for quite a while, I hope. I want the books to go on for however long people will read them, but I do have a “final destination” for our brazen couple and a wonderful spinoff in the works.
Vanessa : I would love to learn more about Cookie – Charley would be lost without her – will there be a book about her ?
Darynda: I love Cookie! I don’t have a book planned, but I do want to delve more into her past, especially with her ex-husband and such.
Artemissia Gold : Where did the idea of the series come from?
Darynda: The whole thing started when I envisioned Charley. She popped into my head one morning as I was dozing between snooze buttons, and I knew she was the character I’d been waiting for. I wanted someone sarcastic and full of snark and sass but, deep down, very caring. She uses sarcasm as a defense mechanism for a life that has not been easy. When I decided to make her the grim reaper, I knew I needed a hero just as strong, and Reyes Farrow was born.
Darynda: He will become much more important to Charley and her world. I have lots of things in the works for them and I think readers will be surprised and (hopefully) pleased. I think we will have a couple of close calls with that darned apocalypse, just to make it fun. Artemissia Gold : Why did you choose a reaper? Where did the idea come from? We usually have either a necromancian or a vampire hunter.
Darynda: You actually answered that yourself! I didn’t want the usual. I wanted Charley to be different in every way. I wanted her to be a different kind of being entirely, something shiny and new. 🙂
Hélène (Mutinelle) :What inspire you the men of your books ? The character of Garett Swopes makes me think of Warrick from CSI: Crime Scene Investigation. I asked some friends and we all agreed about a little resemblance.
Darynda: Wow! Well, you guys are spot on. I very much envisioned a cross between Warrick and actor Terrence Howard while creating Garrett. I’m impressed you saw that! Hélène : Was it difficult to create a mythology, in this case one about ghosts and a person who is also a portal for heaven ? Where did the idea of the series come from?
Darynda: Not difficult because that is just how my brain works. It comes up with all kinds of layers out of nowhere. The series really stemmed from Charley herself. Once I came up with her, everything else just kind of fell into place. Mel : Between all your books what is your favorite?
Darynda: You know, everyone says this but it’s true. My favorite is the one I’m working on at the moment. I think that’s because you kind of lose touch with your past projects. They fade into the background as you work on new material. Francesca : How do you find all the funny quotes at the top of your chapters?
Darynda: At first I just started collecting them as I saw them. Now I just glean stuff off the internet and fans send me new quotes all the time. Francesca : Why did you choose to write a difficult relationship between Charley and her father?
Darynda: I wanted more angst for Charley. I felt like she had such a great support system, I wanted to pull it all out from under her. Shake up her world a bit. Happy, well-adjusted characters are boring. Conflict is what makes a great story. Thank you guys so much for having me!!!
Vanessa : J’aimerais en apprendre davantage sur Cookie – qui est un personnage sans qui Charley ne serait rien- , est-ce qu’un tome sera plus centré sur elle et sa fille?
Artemissia Gold : Reyes va t-il prendre de l’importance dans les prochains tomes ? Pour le moment la série reste assez ancrée dans le réel. A quand la fin du monde avec du surnaturel et une apocalypse ?
Artemissia Gold : D’où vous est venue l’idée de cette histoire ?
Artemissia Gold : Pourquoi une faucheuse ? D’où vous est venue l’idée de prendre une héroïne qui aide les morts à passer de l’autre côté ?
Francesca : Pourquoi avoir décrit une relation aussi difficile entre Charley et son père?
Thanks to darynda you can participate to this giveaway US-CANADA only!
What a great interview.
Love to read it.
Jessica@a GREAT read
I like all the paranormal choices there are in YA! Didn’t have that when I was a teen!
Tiffany Rarrick
I loved the interview and now I can’t wait for the next Charley and Reyes book GOD it’s going to be great!!!!
Merci pour l’interview ! Je n’ai pas encore lu la saga des Charley Davidson, mais c’est au programme pour très bientôt.
Redheaded Bookworm
Great interview. I can’t wait for #5!!!
Marie Brown
Nice interview. I think i LOVE Reyes, and I honestly thought of maybe stealing him from Charley! 😉 Looking forward to Fifth Grave Past The Light!
I adoooore Reyes 😀
Melissa (Books and Things)
Love the interview and can’t wait for this YA novel!
Btw, I know what she has in mind for the ending w/Reyes. He finds me and sweeps me away! ;D It’s an open ending since he will give me lots of adventure. LOL Hey, one can dream, right? 😀
Great interview I am looking forward to reading this new book, as I really enjoyed the first one.
kara-karina@Nocturnal Book Reviews
Thanks for a lovely interview, Darynda and D.! and for all that work that went into the translation! I haven’t read this series yet, but it’s definitely on my wishlist.
Wendy Darling
Wonderful interview! I really like DJ’s adult series but haven’t had a chance to try her YA series yet. Obviously now I MUST. 🙂
Wendy @ The Midnight Garden
Traci Horton
Wonderful interview! I’m so intrigued with the suggestion of the spin-off…hmm…which character will it revolve around?
Awesome I learn more every interview.
Thanks so much for having me!!! And thanks, all, for all the wonderful comments! ~D~
Géniale cette entrevue! Je n’avais pas fait le rapprochement avec Warrick, mais c’est vrai que Garett lui ressemble!
Melissa (My words and pages)
Oh sounds wonderful! I love the sounds of this series. 🙂 Thank you.
Angela Willliams
What a great interview! I always enjoy hearing Darynda’s view on things and I absolutely love all her books! Looking forward to Fifth Grave and my Charley/Reyes fix!
Misty Speer
Great interview with great questions! I love the Charley Davidson series and am glad to hear that there should be many books to read! 🙂 Thanks for sharing!
Très intéressante interview ! Merci !