Lords of the Darkyn, Book 2

Synopsis: Jamys Durand has survived being made an immortal Darkyn, horrific torture, and years of grueling warrior training. But he has no future to offer Chris, the mortal woman he loves, without his own territory. When he learns of a lost Templar treasure, Jamys vows to possess it and win his lady’s heart.

No one knows Chris Lang wants to be a tresora so she can live with Jamys, her secret love. Her superiors offer to make her dream come true, but only if she finds the lost treasure before Jamys can. Working together, Chris and Jamys track the jewels through a shadowy maze of priceless artifacts, decadent secrets, and one ruthless opponent who can possess an immortal’s mind…and will stop at nothing to have Chris.

Review: I already had the opportunity to read a novel by this author and it is true that as I didn’t start with the first volume, I feared to not understand all the subtleties like the one I tried. But that was not the case and I was swept away by the story more than I would have thought at first.

We discover Jamys a young man changed at his 17 so, now, everyone thinks he is only a boy. Appearances are deceiving but it does not change people’s attitude towards him. He corresponds in secret with a young woman, mortal, Chris, he loves for almost three years. But their condition, so different, prevents them from being together. So when he learns that the discovery of a lost treasure has the power to make him win a land, he does not hesitate to be part of this quest. Chris, meanwhile, is trying to become Tresora in order to get closer to her lover. But in order to become what she wants, they ordered her to find the treasure, otherwise they will destroy her by any means. So when Jamys arrives and that Chris is assigned to him, she knows that she will have to make a choice and fast! But in addition to this, it seems that they are not alone in the search of the famous stones, and some others Darkyn, have some more ruthless methods! Fact that we can discover in this novel.

It was really cute to see our two heroes together. They do not know how to express their feelings and do not know what the other feels. They therefore act both very cautiously, afraid to be rejected. It’s funny to see them around each other like that, trying to uncover the secrets that are buried in themselves. During their quest, they will have the opportunity to rediscover what they have become after three years of absence, realizing that the person they were, are no longer, and each has evolved since. But that does not change their feelings and they will gradually be closer in the story. They are both scared but determined to please the other. We discover through their quest their tumultuous past, and their hopes for a new life. It was very interesting to see how they have evolved and how they became the person we discover. But of course, we have other really fascinating characters as Lucan and Sam and I must say that Sam is a woman with a fiery temperament. She made me smile several times by her attitude and her courage in all circumstances. I’m curious to learn more about her.

I was surprised that nobody realized who the villain really was or what was happening but when he was found I did not expect that he was so twisted. I was surprised by many of his actions and manipulations. It was interesting to see his designs at work.

The story was intriguing and I was looking forward to see how they would manage to survive. It’s a really nice read, and I would love to read some more now.


8 thoughts on “Nightbred by Lynn Viehl

  1. Blodeuedd

    And he is 17 forever? Icky

    1. Melliane

      yes… it must be difficult.

  2. Melissa (Books and Things)

    Started with the SECOND book? Oh I would NEVER! *cough* 😉

    Love the sound of the twists in this book. I’ve been wanting to read books by this author!

    1. Melliane

      lol you know me, I’m like you now!

  3. Diane

    Love this series so much!

  4. Aurian

    I do love her books, but still have to read this one. Glad you liked it so much. You really should go back in time, and start with the very first of the first series.

  5. kara-karina@Nocturnal Book Reviews

    I haven’t read this one, but I do love reading Miss Viehl! I just wish the covers weren’t that bad :))) Lovely review, D.!

  6. Melissa (My World...in words and pages)

    So glad you enjoyed this one. 🙂 Loving his eyes on that cover. 😀 Thank you!

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