Synopsis: In a steampunk version of America that lost the Revolutionary War, Charmian (Kit) Kittredge makes her living investigating magic crimes and exposing the frauds behind them. While Kit tries to avoid the nobs of high society, as the proprietor of Disenchanted & Co. she follows mysteries wherever they lead.Lady Diana Walsh calls on Kit to investigate and dispel the curse she believes responsible for carving hateful words into her own flesh as she sleeps. While Kit doesn’t believe in magic herself, she can’t refuse to help a woman subjected nightly to such vicious assaults. As Kit investigates the Walsh family, she becomes convinced that the attacks on Diana are part of a larger, more ominous plot—one that may involve the lady’s obnoxious husband.
Sleuthing in the city of Rumsen is difficult enough, but soon Kit must also skirt the unwanted attentions of nefarious deathmage Lucien Dredmore and the unwelcome scrutiny of police Chief Inspector Thomas Doyle. Unwilling to surrender to either man’s passion for her, Kit struggles to remain independent as she draws closer to the heart of the mystery. Yet as she learns the truth behind her ladyship’s curse, Kit also uncovers a massive conspiracy that promises to ruin her life—and turn Rumsen into a supernatural battleground from which no one will escape alive.
Review: As I was so eager to read the second part of the novel! I must say that it was really terrible to be left like that at the end of the first part. I am relieved to see that once the book will be release in 2014, it will be complete. But for those who are trying both parts, buy them at once to not be cut in the story. Yet it took me several days before knowing the following adventures of our beloved Kit.
After being taken prisoner and after escaping, our heroine has no idea that her life will become a chaos. Indeed, Walsh is determined to make her life a hell, and being a young single woman, it is difficult for her to deal with everything that happens. After being accused of making magic, be expelled from her building and after someone had trashed her appartment, our young heroine doesn’t have many things left to survive. However, two men, Doyle and Dredmore are always there to help her even though they both expect something from her. The two men are completely different and it’s true that we immediately understand that whereas her choice would be, her life would be very different. Dredmore has everything of a bad boy unlike Doyle who is a knight in white armor complying fully with the law. And of course my heart is always for our beloved magician though he does not always know how to behave. How not to love this sorcerer who is willing to do anything for our heroine?
Even though I might have preferred the first part as it was easy to read it, this one was really interesting too. I think it’s because the author introduces us to many myths here and I confess that I have not yet fully assimilated everything. I am also curious to learn more about them or maybe I just need to reread the novel to understand the subtleties. But it was certainly a very interesting and fascinating story with an indubitable original touch. Lynn Viehl makes us discover many things and it was exciting to follow our heroine in this quest.
I admit that I really enjoyed this novel and I can not wait to see what Kit will discover about herself, now that her life took a new direction. It was a pretty novel full of originality and I look forward to read the next one to find out what the author has us for the future.
Ok this one sounds pretty good to me 🙂
I’m itching to read a pleasure book today and frankly I don’t know where to start. I have books 1 & 2 and as these are short, you’re tempting me to read at least book 1. I’m planning to read Bec McMaster this week so maybe a back to back steampunk wouldn’t be bad huh.
oh you should try, Book 1 was my fav and I rated it 5/5. It was so good!!! I’m sure Bec McMaster is really good too, but I’ve only read book 1 in her series.
Ooo, I remember you reviewing part 1. I do think I need these. 🙂 Thank you!
Hi there!
This is a really nice review. I’ve never heard of this steampunk before. Sounds awesome. But I’d be devastated if part 1 ended in a really bad spot and I had to wait for part 2–especially if it was a great read 🙂
Ninja Girl
I am such a huge fan of steampunk, it’s slowly becoming my favorite genre. Thanks for the warning about getting both books at the same time, I don’t like being left with a cliffhanger or an inconclusive ending.
This sounds lovely, great review.
I am glad you enjoyed it, I am looking forward to the whole paperback next year.