Shadow Falls: After Dark, Book 1

Synopsis: Enter Shadow Falls: After Dark and meet a vampire named Della, who’s about to discover what her own story is meant to be. . . .

Della had the perfect life—the family, a boyfriend, and a bright future—until she was turned, and abandoned by everyone she loves. She takes refuge at Shadow Falls, a camp for teens with paranormal powers. It’s where she and her best friends, Kylie and Miranda, heal their heartbreak with laughter, and where Della is training to be a paranormal investigator—and she refuses to be distracted. That means there’s no time for romance with Steve, a gorgeous shapeshifter whose kisses melt her heart.

When a new vampire named Chase shows up at camp, Della’s world is thrown into even more chaos. Arrogant and annoyingly sexy, Chase is a mystery . . . and the only mystery Della likes is one she can solve. She can’t solve Chase, at least not while she’s dealing with ghostly hauntings, vampire gangs and a web of family secrets. Can she prove herself as an investigator and keep her life—and her heart—intact?

Review: When I saw the book, I immediately knew that it was a spin-off series to another series that I have not read of course. But since this was the first volume, I thought I could maybe try it and see what would happen in the end. And I can tell you that I had a great time with the novel! It is true that some events are sometimes referred to others, which I think happened in the other novels, but I do not think it was a bother, and I am now very curious to read all the others to discover more about Della and Kylie.

Della is a young vampire who struggles to accept herself… I must say that we understand her when we discover the environment in which she was raised. It really hurts my heart to see that the simple act of going home has become an ordeal and her parents treat her like a pariah. But she does not do much against that and she lets them treat her as they want to. The words hurt, as well as the lack of attention. This is something very difficult and every meeting really broke my heart. We understand her desire to be accepted by her family she loves, but it seems in the end impossible. The only place she can call home, is none other than the Shadow Falls Camp, where her friends are always there for her. I loved the three girls that the author presents us. They are different from each other and yet they are all so interesting to discover… But Della must also manage other problems here, as her feelings towards the charming Steve. I enjoyed this character who does not run away from the young woman, whatever she does to push him away. We see that they greatly appreciate each other but the fear of commitment of the young woman poses very quickly many worries. But of course there is more and the story focuses on two main areas: the Della’s research over her family, to find out if one of her uncle is as she is, and an investigation of murders perpetrated by vampires. Yes, our heroine will really have many things to do, especially with the arrival of another character: Chase. Oh boy … what to say about him? He seems strangely interested in the girl without us understanding exactly why and when Della is instantly suspicious of this new vampire, it seems that she will spend more time with him than she would have thought at first. This is a very dark character compared to Steve and it’s true that I was really intrigued by him. But one thing is for sure, I didn’t know the reason for his presence and I’m really eager to discover the next book to learn more now. Oh yes, because a major event happens at the end of the story.

Della is a complex character, strong but also very vulnerable. We quickly understand why she does not want to open herself to other persons and at the same time, these same persons manage to create a place in her heart without her realizing it. I know many of you will say that this is again a vampire story like the others, but it is far from being the case. There is really no question of blood, because it is not what the author was really interested in, but the plot and the different characters are really put forward for our greatest pleasure. Many events take place here, with a good pace throughout the chapters. It was a great pleasure to discover this novel and as I said I now look forward to more and maybe read the previous series. A beautiful surprise!



53 thoughts on “Reborn by C.C. Hunter

  1. blodeuedd

    Now what is this? I a intrigued

    1. Melliane

      it was a nice one, I’m intrigued by the original series.

  2. Mogsy

    I am glad you had a good time with a spinoff series, because they can be tricky if you haven’t read the originals. I’ve only had one experience like that, and it was with Devon Monk’s Broken Magic duology that spun off her Allie Beckstrom series. I was so lost! If the author to this one was able to catch you right up, that’s fantastic. Sounds like it was able to stand on its own.

    1. Melliane

      I know it’s not easy sometimes but it was ok with this one. Devon Monk told that we can read the spin off series separately but I desagree, I think it’s really difficult. But I loved the original series and the spin-off one.

  3. Jennifer Bielman

    This is so my kind of read. I like a different kind of vamp story.

    1. Melliane

      yes it’s nice when it’s not centered on the vampire thing like most of the books.

  4. Livia @ Butterfly-o-Meter Books

    Della sounds like an awesome character! Strong yet vulnerable, exactly how I love’em, hehe.
    I’m very tempted to give this a go, even if I didn’t read the series. Tried that out with others too and it worked out, so I think I will give it a go 😀

    1. Melliane

      yes she is really interesting, I saw she was featured in the first series too. Yes some spin-off series are ok, some others not and we really need to read the original story too.

  5. Silvia

    Usually I tend to enjoy a spin-off better if I read the original series first, but it sounds like the author did a very great job with this one and I’m glad you had a good time! I must say, now I’m really intrigued and I could definitely give this one a go 🙂

    1. Melliane

      yes I think it was ok for this one, it depends on the series. Thanks!

  6. LilyElement

    Adding this one to my TBR, sounds like I would enjoy it. Great review 🙂

    1. Melliane

      I hope you’ll enjoy it as well. thanks!

  7. Glass

    Spin-off series can be tricky. I’m glad that this one didn’t disappoint. Great review, Melliane!

    1. Melliane

      You’re right, but sometimes I’m too curious so I’m glad it was ok.

  8. kindlemom1

    I really want to read this one too but like you I ha en’t read the original series yet so I have been waiting. It is good to know that I can jump right into this one and not feel lost.

    1. Melliane

      Yes I’m glad when I can do that as well.

  9. Tracy Terry

    A bit tired of the whole vampire and werewolf thing at the minute I’ll nevertheless make a note of this, thanks for recommending it.

    1. Melliane

      I can understand that too, as it’s been a while since I read them I’m still ok. As soon as it’s not every books.

  10. Jenny @ Supernatural Snark

    I’m a vampire girl through and through, so I think this will definitely be a book for me! I never tire of vampire stories, it’s always interesting to me what an author will do with the mythology to make it their own. I’m a little nervous about the big event you mention happening at the end, so I might wait and see how that’s resolved in book two before I start this one. Thanks for a fantastic review!

    1. Melliane

      lol some are really amazing to discover I agree. You’re right it’s what intrigued me the most too, the author’s ideas. Yes a good cliffy at the end.

  11. Carmel @ Rabid Reads

    I’m relieved to hear that you don’t have to have read C.C. Hunter’s other series in order to enjoy this one, because I was wondering about that. Now, thanks to you, I can add Reborn to my TBR shelf. Great review!

    1. Melliane

      No it was ok, too many books in the other series for me to read them but maybe one day because this one was really good. I hope you’ll like it as well.

  12. Braine Talk Supe

    Spin-offs are great for the series as long as it’s done well. Keeps fans satisfied. Happy to see this is one of the better ones

    1. Melliane

      yes, it’s great when I can read them separately.

  13. Kirsty-Marie

    I haven’t read the other series of it either, haha. Though I was looking at it when I was in my paranormal stage but forget about it and left it behind. I spy a love triangle. Della sounds like a paranormal Veronica Mars though, so I’m interested. 🙂 At least you enjoyed it and could follow along without having to read the original series.

    1. Melliane

      yes I have many series I wanted to start and just forget about them (many series I started as well in fact lol). There isn’t really a love triangle but we can see it so I don’t know how it will turn out. Yes it’s more about the investigation here so it’s nice.

  14. aurian

    I haven’t read anything by this author either Melliane, but I do like the sound of this.

  15. Heidi

    I didn’t read the other series but I wanted to and it got away from me. I am wanting to jump on this one and I am glad that you liked it. I must get a copy.

    1. Melliane

      Oh I hope you’ll like it if you try it!

  16. Stephanie Faris

    It’s definitely tough when a book is related to another book. You feel like you should have already read the other books, whether it’s a series or spin-off.

  17. Melissa (Books and Things)

    I need to finish her other series. I enjoyed that first book. So glad you didn’t have to read it to get into this series, which often happens to me. Yes, have another series to want now. 🙂

    1. Melliane

      lol at least you can finish the other one before.

  18. brandileigh2003

    I did read previous series and can’t wait to get in Della’s head. Great to hear that you can pretty much jump in though without reading last because I don’t have a lot of memories

    1. Melliane

      Oh it’s niceto know you want to read this one as well, it was a fun one.

  19. Lily

    I wonder never be as brave as you to go into a spin off series and not have read the original series. i’d prbably be so worried about getting lost but i’m glad you stomached that and could get through with this one and ended up really liking it!

    1. Melliane

      lol I love to read out of order so I try and I see how it ends up.

  20. Missie

    I don’t mind vampire books when the story is original. This one sounds interesting!
    Missie @ A Flurry of Ponderings

    1. Melliane

      yes it’s true.

  21. Joy (Joyousreads)

    It’s been such a long time since I’ve read Shadow Falls, so I can’t even remember much about the books. I don’t know why I didn’t continue on with the series, either. This adult series might be worth checking out, though.

    Great review, Melliane.

    1. Melliane

      I hope you’ll be able to return to it, this one was really fun.

  22. michelle A - Novels On The Run

    I am slowly getting through Shadowfalls the series and I do enjoy it. I am up to Taken at Dusk. I am looking forward to carrying on to the spinoff series as I have met Della so it will be great to read her spinoff 😀 Great review!!


    1. Melliane

      I hope the original series is as good. I’m sure you’ll like this one too.

  23. Jessica @ Rabid Reads

    I LOVED Della in the Shadow Falls series, and I can’t wait to learn more about her in the spin-off! Great review, Melliane 😉

    1. Melliane

      I really need to try the other books if you loved them!

  24. Jeann @ Happy Indulgence

    Wonderful review Melliane, isn’t it great when you pick up a book and unexpectedly love it. I do enjoy the sound of Della’s character development in this one.

    1. Melliane

      yes, she is really great, and it was a really good book.

  25. Aimee @ Deadly Darlings

    I’m regretting not requesting this on NetGalley now, haha! I read the first book in the original series, but for some reason the synopsis of this one didn’t interest me. But seeing as it seems like I missed out a lot, I’ll be reading this one in the future, definitely. =)

    1. Melliane

      lol I’m often like that too. I hope you’ll like it if you try it!

  26. Chene Sterckx

    I am yet to read a CC Hunter book! My friend has been recommending her for a while 🙂 Great review!!

    Chanzie @ Mean Who You Are.

    1. Melliane

      To me too so now I can that that I tried one lol

  27. Christy

    I’m glad it worked for you, it sounds good! I’m always hesitant to start the spin-offs before reading the original series.

  28. Keertana @ Ivy Book Bindings

    I’m definitely done with vampires at this point, so while this won’t be for me and isn’t one I’ll be picking up anytime soon, thanks for the review! I’ve heard this author’s name around before, so at least now I know a little more about her work. 🙂

  29. Tabitha (Not Yet Read)

    Ok this one definitely sounds worth reading even if it is a spin off. I’m glad you mentioned that it didn’t bother you that some things from other books you hadn’t read were still easy to understand because I hate reading spin off series for that reason because I constantly feel like they are expecting me to know information I don’t know.

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