Welcome on Between Dreams and Reality, can you present you in a few words?

I’m a British paranormal romance writer and I’ve been writing since 2005. I’ve written over forty-five books in my career as a writer, and around forty of those are still available. I love to write passionate paranormal romances, with high-octane action, intense emotion, and heroes who will make your toes curl!

At the moment, I have three series on the go and one I completed last year. The completed series is the Vampire Erotic Theatre series, with the delicious heroes of Vampirerotique, London’s premier naughty theatre for vampires. The ongoing series are the Her Angel series with my take on sexy passionate angels determined to protect their women from a terrible game between Heaven and Hell, and the Vampires Realm series, which is packed with twisting plots, vampires to die for, and is a huge world encompassing ten books at present, with the next one just out a few days ago. And also my new series Eternal Mates, which is set in the same world as the Vampire Erotic Theatre but it takes a look at the wider world outside the theatre, with all manner of fae and demon species, and plenty of hot-blooded alpha heroes determined to have their mates.

When did you first realize you wanted to be a writer?

I never really wanted to be a writer. I wrote a little in school when I was a teenager because we had to write the opening chapter of a gothic horror and it really got my mind working, and my teacher liked mine so much that she read it out to the class. I wrote more for it, had a whole plan for the story, but then schoolwork took over and it fell to the wayside. I didn’t write until 2003 after that. I got really into writing fanfiction for Buffy the Vampire Slayer and was running my own fanfiction website for my stories. A friend who was writing the same genre as me convinced me to give writing something original with my own characters a go. I took a little convincing but I took the leap and really loved it. I began publishing my books back in 2006 after being with an e-publisher for a year. It was just something I came to naturally. I didn’t set out to be a writer. It just sort of evolved into my career. I was actually a full-time web developer throughout most of my years I was writing too, balancing both. I went full-time writer in 2011 and I still can’t believe this is my job!

Can you present us your last books?

My latest book is Hunger, which is a book in my Vampires Realm series. Hunger is all about Eve, a vampire hunter turned vampire, and her mission to have revenge on the man who betrayed her and was responsible for her becoming a vampire. The hero, Tor, is a vampire assassin sent to escort Eve to her new vampire family’s mansion, and he becomes embroiled in the game of cat and mouse with her as they fight to take down her betrayer and stop him from creating an army to rise up against the pureblood vampires family with, and Tor also fights to make Eve embrace her new life.

Readers can learn all about it, and download a six chapter sample at my website: http://www.felicityheaton.co.uk/hunger-vampire-romance-novel.php

How do you find your titles? Did you imagine them all when you started the series or do you brainstorm each time?

No, I don’t come up with them when I begin a series. I might have ideas for maybe two or three, but I tend to come up with them as I go along and each story comes to me. I like to choose titles that suit the book and say something about it.

Who are some of your influences?

I don’t really have what I would call influences. I don’t take inspiration from other authors in my genre, or allow them to influence what I’m writing. I prefer to focus on writing stories my way, with my own takes on paranormal species and mythology. My imagination is my only influence. I listen to it and the crazy detailed worlds it dreams up for me and go from there with my books.

What would you most like potential readers to know about you and/or your books?

I’m not really sure. If they love paranormal romances with passion, action, emotion and drama, then I would love for them to check out my website and maybe come and visit me on my social networks to learn more about my books, my characters, and my worlds.

Website: http://www.felicityheaton.co.uk

Blog: http://www.felicityheaton.co.uk/blog/

Facebook: http://www.facebook.com/felicityheaton

Twitter: http://twitter.com/felicityheaton

Goodreads: http://www.goodreads.com/felicityheaton

Mailing List: http://www.felicityheaton.co.uk/newsletter.php

If you could meet any characters in your book, who would it be and why?

I would love to meet the characters from my Eternal Mates series. Probably all of them. They’ve really come to life for me and they’re all so different and entertaining. I’m sure I would have a blast with them. Most of all, I would love to meet the elves, especially Vail and Loren.

Could you describe your average day and writing practices?

I tend to be working on a project every day alongside marketing work and other admin work that I have to do for my books and my business as a writer. I don’t have a set schedule for each day. I tend to start with checking emails and responding to them, seeing what I have on my to-do list for the day, and then split my time between everything that needs my attention, including whatever project I’m working on at the time.

When you sit down and write do you know how the story will end or do you just let the pen take you?

Yes, I always know what’s going to happen in the story as I work to an outline. I’m very much the plotter. Because I love writing big worlds with overlapping stories, multiple reappearing characters, and twists and turns galore, I have to plan them out in advance before I begin writing the first draft. It helps me write the best story possible for my readers.

What’s the most positive thing a reader has said about your books?

I love it when readers leave reviews for my books, and I tend to read as many of them as I can. They’ve said so many wonderful things about my books, characters and the worlds I create that I can’t think of just one positive thing that stands out about the rest. It’s thrilling to have so many readers sending me compliments about my books, and telling me how they can’t wait for the next one. It really inspires me to keep writing.

Do you write full time? If no, do you hope to eventually do so?

Yes, I’ve been writing full time since 2011, when I left the day job behind. It’s fantastic that I can make my living from something I’m really passionate about and something that makes me really happy.

What can you tell about your future books?

I’m currently editing Tempted by a Rogue Prince, which is the third book in the Eternal Mates series. I actually switched my entire writing and release schedule for the year around in order to write this one sooner, because readers really want the next book in this series, and I have been desperate to write this story since I first came up with the concept for the series. I absolutely adore the hero Vail, the mad elf prince. He’s dark, tormented, and broken, and I’ve wanted to put him together with his fated female since he first walked into my head, and straight into my heart. I’m loving his story, but I have to be careful to maintain the balance between dark and light in this one.


About Felicity Heaton:

Felicity Heaton is a USA Today and international best-selling author writing passionate paranormal romance books. In her books she creates detailed worlds, twisting plots, mind-blowing action, intense emotion and heart-stopping romances with leading men that vary from dark deadly vampires to sexy shape-shifters and wicked werewolves, to sinful angels and hot demons!

If you’re a fan of paranormal romance authors Lara Adrian, J R Ward, Sherrilyn Kenyon, Gena Showalter and Christine Feehan then you will enjoy her books too.

If you love your angels a little dark and wicked, the best-selling Her Angel series is for you. If you like strong, powerful, and dark vampires then try the Vampires Realm series or any of her stand-alone vampire romance books. If you’re looking for vampire romances that are sinful, passionate and erotic then try the best-selling Vampire Erotic Theatre series. Or if you prefer huge detailed worlds filled with hot-blooded alpha males in every species, from elves to demons to dragons to shifters and angels, then take a look at the new Eternal Mates series.


If you want to know more about Felicity, or want to get in touch, you can find her at the following places:

Website: http://www.felicityheaton.co.uk

Blog: http://www.felicityheaton.co.uk/blog/

Facebook: http://www.facebook.com/felicityheaton

Twitter: http://twitter.com/felicityheaton

Goodreads: http://www.goodreads.com/felicityheaton

Mailing List: http://www.felicityheaton.co.uk/newsletter.php




25 thoughts on “Interview with Felicity Heaton

  1. michelle A - Novels On The Run

    Wonderful posting , Melliane. I have read a couple books in Felicity’s Her Angel series and enjoyed them. I love pressing the translate button on your blog and reading your postings 😀


    1. Melliane

      thank you. I need to try her one day too. I think I have a book. How is that you translate the posts? they’re already in English…

      1. michelle A - Novels On The Run

        I get asked when I enter your blog in top right corner if I want to translate or nope. So I just choose translate. I have a translator on my blog but it is different. I don’t get asked it all the time, but if I do, I hit translate. 🙂 Maybe it is for the French postings I look at? Ask another blogger if they get the translate or nope button come up.

        1. Melliane

          I will but this one is actully not in French as all

          1. michelle A - Novels On The Run

            I was just saying, I like hitting the translate button on your blog. So I can read other postings 😀 I wasn’t referring to that actual posting. I have a translator button that is different to yours on my blog. Mine is in the right side bar.

        2. michelle A - Novels On The Run

          Ok, I just chose one of your French postings and I got asked it. I took a photo of my computer screen. 🙂

          1. Melliane

            Ah ok. thank you. I was worried.

            1. michelle A - Novels On The Run

              No need to worry. I just tweeted you with the image of what I get when it asks me to translate or nope 😀

              1. Melliane

                thx for everything

  2. Mogsy

    A lot of authors I’ve talked to or seen in interviews say they’ve always wanted to write for a living, but I love how Felicity’s career as a writer started as a hobby. And “my imagination is my only influence”, how I do appreciate authors who march to the beat of their own drum! I haven’t read any of her books yet, but damn that second cover is HOT 😛 Great interview.

  3. blodeuedd

    Great interview 🙂 How can say no to a guy named Tor

  4. Jessica @ Rabid Reads

    Wonderful interview, Melliane! Felicity Heaton is an author I’ve been meaning to try out for-freaking-ever. Soon!

  5. Tracy Terry

    Thanks for an interesting interview, its always fun to hear the authors point of view, of what makes them tick as a writer.

  6. LilyElement

    Oooh I enjoy paranormal romances with passion, action, emotion and drama. Nice interview 🙂 Thanks for the heads up, will check out FHeaton.

  7. miki

    Great interview!. i only read Heart of Darkness from her but i loved it

  8. kindlemom1

    I love how the author didn’t even want to be a writer and had to be convinced to even start her own original writing! Funny how things like that happen. 😉

  9. Jenny @ Supernatural Snark

    If I was a writer, I’d definitely be a plotter with a detailed outline as well. I’m not good at just writing on the fly, I need to know how everything is going to unfold ahead of time! I’m a huge paranormal romance fan, so I will definitely be checking out her books. Thanks for the interview!

  10. La tête dans les livres

    Vraiment très sympa cet interview! 🙂

  11. Chene Sterckx

    Thank you for the introduction! I love paranormal romances and will definitely check out Felicity’s books 🙂

    Chanzie @ Mean Who You Are.

  12. Braine Talk Supe

    Sorry I replied to your tweet late but this post is good. You have other posts that are just French so I have to use Google translate for that but it very rarely happens.

  13. Giselle

    Oh this is a new series for me and I’m a sucker for a good vampire book! I haven’tread one in so long, too! And great interview! Woudln’t it be fun to meet these characters? In some funky alternate world. 😀

  14. Melissa (My World...in words and pages)

    Awesome to meet you. A new author for me, Melliane. Thank you. 🙂

  15. Zoe @ The Infinite To-Read Shelf

    Gah…you always have the best interviews Melliane! I haven’t read anything by this author, but I’m definitely intrigued. Thanks so much for sharing! <3

  16. Silvia

    Great interview! It was curious to discover how her writing career started and I still haven’t read any of her books, but I’m certainly intrigued by them.
    Thanks for the great post, Melliane! 🙂

  17. Kirsty-Marie

    I always confuse her with Kelly Keaton (which is weird, since the books are completely different) but I would love to write full time, such a dream job! Great interview. 🙂

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