Hit, Book 1


The good news is that the USA is finally out of debt. The bad news is that we were bought out by Valor National Bank, and debtors are the new big game, thanks to a tricky little clause hidden deep in the fine print of a credit card application. Now, after a swift and silent takeover that leaves 9-1-1 calls going through to Valor voicemail, they’re unleashing a wave of anarchy across the country.

Patsy didn’t have much of a choice. When the suits showed up at her house threatening to kill her mother then and there for outstanding debt unless Patsy agreed to be an indentured assassin, what was she supposed to do? Let her own mother die?

Patsy is forced to take on a five-day mission to complete a hit list of ten names. Each name on Patsy’s list has only three choices: pay the debt on the spot, agree to work as a bounty hunter, or die. And Patsy has to kill them personally, or else her mom takes a bullet of her own.

Since yarn bombing is the only rebellion in Patsy’s past, she’s horrified and overwhelmed, especially as she realizes that most of the ten people on her list aren’t strangers. Things get even more complicated when a moment of mercy lands her with a sidekick: a hot rich kid named Wyatt whose brother is the last name on Patsy’s list. The two share an intense chemistry even as every tick of the clock draws them closer to an impossible choice.

Review: I appreciate the novels by Delilah S. Dawson and when I saw the release of this one, I was immediately intrigued. The author is unparalleled to create different and dark atmospheres and she really managed to do something very interesting here.

The world has changed and the United States have discovered the perfect solution to get rid of the debt they have accumulated over the years: Valor National Bank. This company has just bought everything, emergency numbers, police and other important institutions in the eyes of people. That’s where the “suits” enter, the people who work for the bank and now take in account the small characters of the credit card applications contracts to demand all the money that the customers asked them. Our heroine, Patsy finds herself embarked on a crazy story in which she would not have liked to fall. Her mother with debts, she receives the same choice that she must offer the people on her list: to pay the amount borrowed at once, to work for 5 days for the bank as a hitman or to be killed instantly. A very difficult choice… But Patsy wants to live, she wants her mother to live, and she is desperate to keep it that way. Yet she would never have expected to see the persons of her list related to her in one way or another. How is this possible? But in addition to that, she will work with Wyatt, an initially unwanted sidekick but who will eventually become a rock and a pillar in her life. But now, Wyatt also has an interest in this story, and while he works with Patsy, his brother is the last name on the list and he is determined to prevent her from killing him.

We find ourselves embedded in a story where Patricia is trying to become someone she hates and must finally face her past, her desires, her friends and her family. Surprisingly, she will also learn a little more about her father disappeared since her 4 years old. It was interesting to see how people will eventually be manipulated without trying to really rebel. This is one of the things I had a problem with, the inconsistencies about certain subjects. This can range from a lack of data on the past of the characters, the Patsy’s father or even about the actions of the protagonists. We’re even left with a little feeling of incomplete that is quite disturbing because we have many issues in the history and ultimately we really get no response. Maybe is it the goal and we’ll have all that in a second volume but I think it lacked a little something more here.

Patsy is a girl who will do anything to survive and she shows it precisely here even if it is really not easy. I loved that Wyatt was also present for her when she needed it, and yet it’s hard to really trust him because we feel that he’s hiding something without really understanding what it is exactly.

In any case I still had a good time and I’m curious to read more to have all the answers to my questions that I look forward to! Many things that I want to understand!



40 thoughts on “Hit by Delilah S. Dawson

  1. blodeuedd

    Somewhat interesting yes

    1. Melliane

      yes it is!

  2. anna (herding cats & burning soup)

    I’ve not tried her yet but have a couple of them for one day. Hope you get some of your answers in the next one 😀

    1. Melliane

      I really liked her first steampunk series

  3. Ramona

    I like the sound of Patsy! I’ve not read this author before, but she seems good. There’s enough intrigue in this story to keep even the most demanding reader engaged. I like the idea of this world policed by suits! Great review <3

    1. Melliane

      Yes she has a lot of ideas! Really interesting!

  4. Paula M. @ Her Book Thoughts!

    I actually haven’t heard about this author or the novel. But it looks very interesting so thanks Melliane!! 😉

    1. Melliane

      yes it was!

  5. Jessica @ Rabid Reads

    Yeah . . . sometimes when authors try to be “mysterious” about the back info on characters they overshoot and we’re left feeling like something’s missing. I’m sorry that seems to be the case here, and hope that your next read is better 😉 Great review!

    1. Melliane

      I think something is really missing here but it’s a whole thing.

  6. kindlemom1

    I love that this author always comes up with something dark and imaginative. Sorry this one wasn’t quite as good as some of her others but still glad it is something original. 😉

    Wonderful review!

    1. Melliane

      yes it’s really always dark, it’s surprising and different.

  7. Sarah @ One Curvy Blogger

    This book sounds like something I would never read before. I had the opportunity to review but once again put off by the over. *sigh* I may pick up an audio version. It sounds like the perfect book to listen to!

    1. Melliane

      maybe so, I hope you’ll like it if you try it!

  8. Braine

    Not exactly my cuppa, dystopia and I don’t jive much. Although I do like Dawson’s work

    1. Melliane

      I can understand that

  9. Tracy Terry

    Giving the financial climate this sounds like a topical read. I’m sorry that this wasn’t all you had hoped for.

  10. Carole Rae

    Oh dear……..something that could kinda sorta happen. 0.0

    1. Melliane

      yeah, right? But I don’t get the whole killing people because they can’t pay anymore

  11. Maja (The Nocturnal Library)

    I’ve considered buying this on audio, but I haven’t seen any trusted reviews until now, and even now, after seeing yours, I’m not sure I want to spend all that money on it. I just don’t know that it would work for me. I highly doubt it, in fact.

    1. Melliane

      sorry maybe it will be more for you

  12. Mogsy @ BiblioSanctum

    Oh oh I’ve heard of this one, just recently in fact. I have to say I was intrigued, though I don’t think I’ve read any of the author’s books but I’ve heard of her. Seems like a pretty good story, despite its minor flaws. I’ll keep my eye on this one, thank you for the review!

    1. Melliane

      I really love her steampunk series!

  13. Jessica @ a GREAT read

    OOoh nice review!! I was debating about this one myself. I loved Delilah’s other books as well, but wasn’t sure how much I would enjoy this one. But it sounds like an intense and action-y read if anything! Maybe one day! Great review, again!

    1. Melliane

      yes many things in it, and the ideas were really interesting.

  14. Heidi

    I just had a similar experience with Undertow. The author left out too much detail on some of the important characters and the story arc and it frustrated me to no end. I want answers not more questions. ARgh.

    1. Melliane

      yes exactly!

  15. Joy // Joyousreads

    A very interesting concept, but it sucks when some elements of the story is left unexplained. I hope the next one will be better, Melliane!

    1. Melliane

      me too!

  16. Jennifer Bielman @ Bad Bird Reads

    Well, the concept is interesting and I liked the cover.

  17. Lola @ Hit or Miss Books

    Ugh, don’t you just hate when there are things intentionally unclarified but that aren’t given clarification on by the end of a book? I remember reading Never Never and I had SO MANY questions with bleak answers!!!

    1. Melliane

      yeah, it’s quite frustrating…

  18. kimbacaffeinate

    Wonderful review, the concept intrigues me and I have been considering it, but thus far all reviews have been middle of the road. The lack of answers makes me nervous.

  19. Melissa (Books and Things)

    Hm… I do think the inconsistencies would really bother me. It also sounds like the author tried something but just missed the mark. I do think I’ll pass on this one but might keep the author in mind for something else. Brilly review!

    1. Melliane

      they’re quite bothering in fact starting with a fact with the reason why they kill people who can’t pay anymore if they do that.

  20. Silvia

    I’ve never tried her books, but this one has a concept that intrigues me. Although I have to say that, after reading your review, I get why you’re not totally thrilled. There are a few things that would have bothered me as well. Still, I’m glad you had a good time in the end 🙂

  21. Kirsty-Marie

    Sucks, I haven’t read many positive reviews of this one so far, I don’t think I’d like the romance or lack of answers, but hope you get the ones you want in the next one! 🙂

  22. Melissa (My World...in words and pages)

    I’ve seen this one and heard the author talking about it on Twitter, but I never really knew what it was about. I’m glad you read it and shared it with us. 🙂

  23. Brandi Breathes Books

    I have this one coming up and a little nervous about it.

    1. Melliane

      I hope you’ll enjoy it!

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