Synopsis: Three people face down a mysterious government organization in a search for a series of missing persons in this dark, apocalyptic thriller

What is happening to the country—and the planet?

A government bio-lab experiment goes hideously wrong, infecting people with scientifically-programmed madness . . .

Random kidnappings of women and girls proliferate throughout the land . . .

Some people suddenly succumb to horrifically virulent viruses while others become able to read minds . . .

Mysteriously summoned to confront these frightening questions, three people are thrown together on a bizarre cross-country quest: Cheryl Gibson, an LA cop; Billy Howahkan, a Lakota Sioux with seeming supernatural gifts, and Bhakti Singh, a distinguished space scientist. They must track down a pair of children with extraordinary powers. These two young people will determine humanity’s fate—obliteration or salvation.

As the three set out across America, the blood-dimmed tide is terminally unleashed. Anarchy, terror, and death stalk the land.

Review: I would not venture to make a summary of this book, it is too complex for that. I will clarify my feelings from the book’s summary:

After reading this synopsis, I was expecting a very fast-paced reading, with the virus, kidnapping, the experience gone wrong… In fact, the first part of the book (approximately 200 pages) is a presentation of the different characters and the reaction of some regarding the kidnapping of two girls. It’s very slow and boring, I admit that I almost stopped my reading. After this first part it improves, we begin to understand what is happening and see this announced Apocalypse. The pace remains always the same.

The story is very focused on the supernatural aspect, I did not expect so much of it.

The author has succeeded in describing his characters and their relationships, but the fact that there is almost a storyline for each character makes our reading complicated . I was also a little disappointed by the end.

As you see, this reading was not made for me. If you liked The Stand by Stephen King, this book may please you because we find there the same narrative rhythm.



12 thoughts on “End Time by Keith Korman

  1. blodeuedd

    Not really the book for me

  2. Jenny @ Supernatural Snark

    I always struggle when I get bounced around to a number of different characters, so that coupled with the slow beginning is going to make me pass on this one. Thanks for your thoughts Cass!

  3. LilyElement

    Doesn’t sound like this one would be for me either. Thanks for the honest feedback though 🙂

  4. Heidi

    Hmmm…. I liked The Stand, but I am not sure about this one. Sorry it didn’t work for you.

  5. Melissa (Books and Things)

    Probably not for me either since I haven’t read The Stand and don’t plan to in the near future (he scares me and I’ve only read King’s non-fiction work). Hope your next book rocks it!

  6. kindlemom1

    Sorry this just wasn’t for you. Hope your next read it a better one.

  7. Braine

    I’m not the biggest SKing fan because his endings are beyond mind fucks. I don’t want to be left on a lurch especially with a high octane, super mysterious story! So if this book is like that, I’ll pass.

    Sorry this tanked for you 🙁

  8. ShootingStarsMag

    Thanks for sharing. I’m sorry you didn’t really enjoy this one. That’s crazy the beginning was so slow; it sounds like a much faster-paced novel.

  9. k

    I loved the Stand, you threw me with the supernatural aspect. I am curious.

  10. Lekeisha

    This seems very chaotic, so I’ll just steer clear. I don’t like so many side stories in my reading, because it takes too long to wrap up.

  11. Carole Rae

    Bleh. Not for me.

  12. Jennifer (Bad Bird Reads)

    Slow and boring is the worst!

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