Synopsis: Despite the odds against them from an embarrassing meet-awkward at a mutual friend’s Halloween party, Carter and Evie immediately hit it off. Even the realization that they’re both high-powered agents at competing firms in Hollywood isn’t enough to squash the fire.

But when their two agencies merge—causing the pair to vie for the same position—all bets are off. What could have been a beautiful, blossoming romance turns into an all-out war of sabotage. Carter and Evie are both thirtysomething professionals—so why can’t they act like it?

Can Carter stop trying to please everyone and see how their mutual boss is really playing the game? Can Evie put aside her competitive nature long enough to figure out what she really wants in life? Can their actor clients just be something close to human? Whether these two Hollywood love/hatebirds get the storybook Hollywood ending or just a dramedy of epic proportions, you will get to enjoy Christina Lauren’s heartfelt, raucous, and hilarious romance style at its finest.

Review: I admit that after hearing a lot about the duo Christina Lauren, I confess that I was curious to embark on one of their book. The opportunity was thus presented with Dating You Hating You.

I had never read a book in the cinematographic world of agents but I admit that it is an interesting theme. Yet, from the beginning I admit that I had a little trouble hanging on to the story. I do not know if this is due to the environment chosen or to the style of the authors but I know that something left me a little behind. In any case, the story is very nice and I had a good time but it’s true that something was a bit missing for me.

We follow two colorful characters Evie and Carter alternately. Both agents, they know that a relationship between them could only be very complicated and nevertheless, a link attracts them irresistibly. Yet everything degrades when their agencies merge and they are both competing for the same job. It was very funny to see the two characters oppose each other by looking for all they could do to annoy the other. I must say that they were both really fun. They try to hate each other, to compete and it is very difficult, but they do not really manage to ignore their feelings.

We understand perfectly the difficulty and the ambiguity that exists between Evie and Carter but I confess that despite what they do, it was very touching to see them evolve together. We also realize the great inequality that can sometimes exist between men and women at work and as always it is rather sad …

It was a very nice reading and I had a good time with both characters. The authors mix humor, love and competition!




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27 commentaire

  1. I like this title so much! And sounds like a fun book. I do like the love-to hate to love sound of it, and the humor too. And the Hollywood agenting thing is a neat premise. 🙂

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