Hey guys! Hot blooded is almost here! Already pre-ordered it? No? Do it! It’s a really great book and it’s out on April 23th, so, not long to wait! Amanda Carlson had a wonderful idea for the release of the book. You […]
Dragon Kings, Book 0.5 Synopsis: A silent woman ashamed of her criminal background becomes a Cage warrior to seek redemption. An unrepentant fortune hunter chooses combat over death to appease a mafia family. Although rivals in battle, they find common ground when […]
Dragon Kings, Tome 0.5 Résumé (traduction personnelle): Une femme silencieuse ayant honte de son passé criminel devient un guerrier Cage pour chercher la rédemption. Un chasseur impénitent de fortune choisit le combat de la mort pour apaiser une famille mafieuse. Bien que […]
Stacking the Shelves is a meme hosted by Tynga’s Reviews Giveaway – Concours – Sang Nouveau – Amanda Carlson (France-Belgique-Luxembourg) Lord Ned à Tout Prix (La Duchesse des Coeurs, 1) – Sally macKenzie Bien déterminée à trouver un mari, Miss Eleanor […]
Jessica McClain, Book 2 Synopsis: It hasn’t been the best week for Jessica McClain. Her mate has been kidnapped by a Goddess hell-bent on revenge — but Jessica is playing for keeps. Because she’s the only female werewolf in town…it comes with […]
Jessica McClain, Tome 2 Résumé (traduction personnelle) : Ça n’a pas été la meilleure semaine pour Jessica McClain.Son compagnon a été enlevé par une déesse qui s’acharne à se venger — mais Jessicajoue pour de bon.Parce qu’elle est la seule femme loup-garou […]
Blood of Eden, Book 2 Synopsis: Allison Sekemoto has vowed to rescue her creator, Kanin, who is being held hostage and tortured by the psychotic vampire Sarren. The call of blood leads her back to the beginning—New Covington and the Fringe, and […]