The Goddess Hunt by Aimee Carter

Goddess Test, Book 1.5

Synopsis: A vacation in Greece sounds like the perfect way for Kate Winters to spend her first sabbatical away from the Underworld…until she gets caught up in an immortal feud going back millennia. Castor and Pollux have been on the run from Zeus and Hades’ wrath for centuries, hiding from the gods who hunt them. The last person they trust is Kate, the new Queen of the Underworld. Nevertheless, she is determined to help their cause. But when it comes to dealing with immortals, Kate still has a lot to learn…

Review: I really liked the first novel and the short story we discover here is placed between the first and the second volume of the series. We had not had the opportunity to see Kate far from Henry and it was a pleasure to discover that here.

Kate is therefore with James on the way to Athens but they stop so she can be presented to Pollux and Castor, two persons on the run, trying to hide from the gods. But of course, as soon as they meet, Henry and Walter, who were looking for them for a long time will do anything to get them back. But Henry soon realizes that he must put his pride aside and help Kate in her quest.

This novella will permit for Kate to realize that the gods are also affected by errors and even if they do not like to admit it, Kate is determined to bring justice whatever happens and whoever it might be. It was a nice little story and I think it allows us to put into perspective all the things Kate thought about. I confess that I am now very curious to see what Aimee Carter holds for us for the second novel. Greece seems to be populated with good future intrigues.




The Goddess Hunt d’Aimee Carter (VO)

Goddess Test, Tome 1.5

Résumé (traduction personnelle) : Des vacances en Grèce semblent être le moyen parfait pour Kate Winters afin de passer sa première année sabbatique loin de l’Underworld… jusqu’à ce qu’elle se retrouve embarquée dans une histoire immortelle datant d’un millénaire. Castor et Pollux essaient de fuir Hades et Zeus depuis des siècles, se cachant des dieux qui les pourchassent. La dernière personne en qui ils peuvent avoir confiance est Kate, la nouvelle Reine de l’Underworld. Cependant, elle est déterminée à les aider. Mais quand il faut faire face aux immortels, Kate a encore beaucoup à apprendre…

Avis : J’avais beaucoup aimé le premier roman et on découvre ici une petite nouvelle s’intercalant entre le premier et le second tome de la série. Nous n’avions pas eu l’occasion de voir Kate loin d’Henry et c’était un plaisir de la découvrir ici.

Kate se trouve donc avec James en route pour Athènes mais il s’arrête en chemin pour présenter à notre héroïne Pollux et Castor, deux personnes en fuite, cherchant à se cacher des dieux. Mais bien sûr, dès qu’ils les rencontrent, Henry et Walter qui sont à leur recherche depuis longtemps vont tout faire pour les récupérer. Mais Henry comprendra très vite qu’il va devoir mettre sa fierté de côté et aider Kate dans sa quête.

Cette nouvelle permettra à Kate de se rendre compte que les dieux sont aussi en proie aux erreurs et même s’ils n’aiment pas les admettre, Kate, elle, est bien décidée à rendre justice quoi qu’il se passe et qui que ce soit. C’était une jolie petite histoire et je pense qu’elle nous permet de remettre en perspective toutes les choses que Kate croyait. J’avoue que je suis à présent très curieuse de voir ce qu’Aimee Carter nous réserve pour le second roman. La Grèce semble être peuplée de bonnes futures intrigues.


PS: La série existe en Français, même si je ne peux pas dire que cela soit le cas pour cette nouvelle.



The Goddess Test by Aimee Carter

Goddess Test, Book 1

Synopsis: Every girl who has taken the test has failed.

Now it’s Kate’s turn.

It’s always been just Kate and her mom–and now her mother is dying. Her last wish? To move back to her childhood home. So Kate’s going to start at a new school with no friends, no other family and the fear her mother won’t live past the fall.

Then she meets Henry. Dark. Tortured. And mesmerizing. He claims to be Hades, god of the Underworld–and if she accepts his bargain, he’ll keep her mother alive while Kate tries to pass seven tests.

Kate is sure he’s crazy–until she sees him bring a girl back from the dead. Now saving her mother seems crazily possible. If she succeeds, she’ll become Henry’s future bride, and a goddess.

If she fails…

Review: I heard great things about this book and I was very curious to be able to start it. I must say that I am a big fan of mythology (hey I did 5 years of Latin language). So we can say that mythology and I, know each other pretty good but it is always a pleasure to discover more (anyway I forget everything so quickly …). However, I was initially apprehensive before reading all these nice reviews, but once in the story, I could not stop before finishing it. Well, fortunately we can read it quickly, otherwise it would have been problematic.

Kate goes to the city of Eden with her mother who is ill and wants to finish her last days in the city of her childhood. But it’s so hard for her and even if she loves her mother, it is unbearable to see her go like that without being able to help her. She must, however, continue her life and go to school although this doesn’t interest her. She will meet some people who will help her bear her burden but everything changes the day she meets Henry. This mysterious boy who is far from what he seems to appear. Our heroine, because of certain circumstances, will have to live at the young man mansion who claims to be Hades, but it also comes with a price.

Yes her life will change dramatically overnight and she will end up in a role she never asked but she will also evolve much through it all. This is a very interesting character to follow, indeed, she only wants to do good around her and is unable to settle in her decisions. But she will change over the novel and she will try to learn to live without her mother, something very complicated. It was touching to see her change at the Henry’s contact, to see both evolve as they learn more about each other. The other characters are also very interesting to discover and I’m always amazed to see how we hate Ava at first to appreciate her thereafter. Aimee Carter reserves us many surprises in this book and I was surprised more than once even if I think you need to read the book to understand what I mean.

This novel was in any case a very nice surprise, much more than I originally thought and I am curious to read more now. Myths are included and changed and I know it bothered some but I enjoyed what the author did. I find it interesting to have different perspectives like that.

