The Goddess Hunt by Aimee Carter

Goddess Test, Book 1.5

Synopsis: A vacation in Greece sounds like the perfect way for Kate Winters to spend her first sabbatical away from the Underworld…until she gets caught up in an immortal feud going back millennia. Castor and Pollux have been on the run from Zeus and Hades’ wrath for centuries, hiding from the gods who hunt them. The last person they trust is Kate, the new Queen of the Underworld. Nevertheless, she is determined to help their cause. But when it comes to dealing with immortals, Kate still has a lot to learn…

Review: I really liked the first novel and the short story we discover here is placed between the first and the second volume of the series. We had not had the opportunity to see Kate far from Henry and it was a pleasure to discover that here.

Kate is therefore with James on the way to Athens but they stop so she can be presented to Pollux and Castor, two persons on the run, trying to hide from the gods. But of course, as soon as they meet, Henry and Walter, who were looking for them for a long time will do anything to get them back. But Henry soon realizes that he must put his pride aside and help Kate in her quest.

This novella will permit for Kate to realize that the gods are also affected by errors and even if they do not like to admit it, Kate is determined to bring justice whatever happens and whoever it might be. It was a nice little story and I think it allows us to put into perspective all the things Kate thought about. I confess that I am now very curious to see what Aimee Carter holds for us for the second novel. Greece seems to be populated with good future intrigues.




The Goddess Hunt d’Aimee Carter (VO)

Goddess Test, Tome 1.5

Résumé (traduction personnelle) : Des vacances en Grèce semblent être le moyen parfait pour Kate Winters afin de passer sa première année sabbatique loin de l’Underworld… jusqu’à ce qu’elle se retrouve embarquée dans une histoire immortelle datant d’un millénaire. Castor et Pollux essaient de fuir Hades et Zeus depuis des siècles, se cachant des dieux qui les pourchassent. La dernière personne en qui ils peuvent avoir confiance est Kate, la nouvelle Reine de l’Underworld. Cependant, elle est déterminée à les aider. Mais quand il faut faire face aux immortels, Kate a encore beaucoup à apprendre…

Avis : J’avais beaucoup aimé le premier roman et on découvre ici une petite nouvelle s’intercalant entre le premier et le second tome de la série. Nous n’avions pas eu l’occasion de voir Kate loin d’Henry et c’était un plaisir de la découvrir ici.

Kate se trouve donc avec James en route pour Athènes mais il s’arrête en chemin pour présenter à notre héroïne Pollux et Castor, deux personnes en fuite, cherchant à se cacher des dieux. Mais bien sûr, dès qu’ils les rencontrent, Henry et Walter qui sont à leur recherche depuis longtemps vont tout faire pour les récupérer. Mais Henry comprendra très vite qu’il va devoir mettre sa fierté de côté et aider Kate dans sa quête.

Cette nouvelle permettra à Kate de se rendre compte que les dieux sont aussi en proie aux erreurs et même s’ils n’aiment pas les admettre, Kate, elle, est bien décidée à rendre justice quoi qu’il se passe et qui que ce soit. C’était une jolie petite histoire et je pense qu’elle nous permet de remettre en perspective toutes les choses que Kate croyait. J’avoue que je suis à présent très curieuse de voir ce qu’Aimee Carter nous réserve pour le second roman. La Grèce semble être peuplée de bonnes futures intrigues.


PS: La série existe en Français, même si je ne peux pas dire que cela soit le cas pour cette nouvelle.



The Goddess Test by Aimee Carter

Goddess Test, Book 1

Synopsis: Every girl who has taken the test has failed.

Now it’s Kate’s turn.

It’s always been just Kate and her mom–and now her mother is dying. Her last wish? To move back to her childhood home. So Kate’s going to start at a new school with no friends, no other family and the fear her mother won’t live past the fall.

Then she meets Henry. Dark. Tortured. And mesmerizing. He claims to be Hades, god of the Underworld–and if she accepts his bargain, he’ll keep her mother alive while Kate tries to pass seven tests.

Kate is sure he’s crazy–until she sees him bring a girl back from the dead. Now saving her mother seems crazily possible. If she succeeds, she’ll become Henry’s future bride, and a goddess.

If she fails…

Review: I heard great things about this book and I was very curious to be able to start it. I must say that I am a big fan of mythology (hey I did 5 years of Latin language). So we can say that mythology and I, know each other pretty good but it is always a pleasure to discover more (anyway I forget everything so quickly …). However, I was initially apprehensive before reading all these nice reviews, but once in the story, I could not stop before finishing it. Well, fortunately we can read it quickly, otherwise it would have been problematic.

Kate goes to the city of Eden with her mother who is ill and wants to finish her last days in the city of her childhood. But it’s so hard for her and even if she loves her mother, it is unbearable to see her go like that without being able to help her. She must, however, continue her life and go to school although this doesn’t interest her. She will meet some people who will help her bear her burden but everything changes the day she meets Henry. This mysterious boy who is far from what he seems to appear. Our heroine, because of certain circumstances, will have to live at the young man mansion who claims to be Hades, but it also comes with a price.

Yes her life will change dramatically overnight and she will end up in a role she never asked but she will also evolve much through it all. This is a very interesting character to follow, indeed, she only wants to do good around her and is unable to settle in her decisions. But she will change over the novel and she will try to learn to live without her mother, something very complicated. It was touching to see her change at the Henry’s contact, to see both evolve as they learn more about each other. The other characters are also very interesting to discover and I’m always amazed to see how we hate Ava at first to appreciate her thereafter. Aimee Carter reserves us many surprises in this book and I was surprised more than once even if I think you need to read the book to understand what I mean.

This novel was in any case a very nice surprise, much more than I originally thought and I am curious to read more now. Myths are included and changed and I know it bothered some but I enjoyed what the author did. I find it interesting to have different perspectives like that.



Le Manoir des Immortels d’Aimée Carter

Le Destin d’une déesse, Tome 1

Résumé : Sept épreuves, une tentation… Quand l’étrange jeune homme rencontré dans les bois qui bordent le Manoir lui affirme qu’il a le pouvoir d’exaucer son vœu le plus cher —prolonger la vie de sa mère gravement malade — Kate se refuse à le croire. Mais de mystérieux et terribles événements l’obligent à chasser des doutes et à accepter le pacte qu’il lui propose : la vie de sa mère, contre six mois au Manoir des Immortels, où elle devra affronter sept épreuves… et une tentation

Avis : J’avais entendu beaucoup de bien au sujet de ce livre et j’étais très curieuse de pouvoir le commencer. Il faut dire que je suis une grande fan de mythologie (hé j’ai quand même fait 5 ans de latin). Alors on peut dire que la mythologie et moi on se connait bien mais c’est toujours un plaisir d’en découvrir plus (de toute façon j’oublie tout tellement rapidement…). J’avais cependant au départ quelques appréhensions avant de lire tous ces jolis avis, mais, une fois partie dans la lecture je n’ai pas pu m’arrêter avant de l’avoir fini. Bon heureusement qu’il se lit assez vite sinon ça aurait posé un peu problème.

Kate se rend dans la ville d’Eden avec sa mère qui est souffrante et qui veut alors finir ses derniers jours dans la ville de son enfance. Mais c’est si dur pour elle et elle aime tant sa mère qu’il lui est insupportable de la voir partir comme ça sans ne pouvoir rien faire. Elle doit cependant aussi continuer sa vie et aller à l’école bien que tout cela ne l’intéresse guère. Elle rencontrera quelques personnes qui l’aideront à supporter son fardeau mais tout changera le jour où elle rencontrera Henry. Ce garçon si mystérieux qui est loin d’être ce qu’il semble paraître. Notre héroïne, par certaines circonstances va devoir venir vivre au manoir de ce jeune homme qui se prétend être Hadés, mais tout cela a aussi un prix.

Oui sa vie va changer du tout au tout du jour au lendemain et elle se retrouvera dans un rôle qu’elle n’a jamais demandé mais elle va aussi beaucoup évoluer grâce à tout cela. C’est un personnage très intéressant à suivre, elle ne veut que faire le bien autour d’elle et a du mal à trancher ses décisions. Mais elle va murir au fil du roman et elle va essayer d’apprendre à vivre sans sa mère, chose qu’elle pensait improbable. C’était attendrissant de la voir changer au contact d’Henry, de les voir évoluer tous les deux et d’apprendre à vraiment les connaître. Les autres personnages sont aussi très intéressants à découvrir et je suis toujours étonnée de voir comment on déteste Ava au départ pour l’apprécier plus que tout par la suite. Aimee Carter nous réserve bien des surprises dans ce livre et j’ai été étonnée plus d’une fois mais je crois que vous aurez besoin de lire le livre pour comprendre de quoi je parle.

Ce roman était en tout cas une très jolie surprise, bien plus que ce que je pensais au départ et je suis curieuse de lire la suite à présent. Les mythes sont repris et changés et je sais que ça a dérangé certains mais j’ai beaucoup apprécié ce que l’auteur en a fait. Je trouve intéressant d’avoir différentes perspectives comme ça.



Captive by Aimée Carter

The Blackcoat Rebellion, Book 2

Synopsis: For the past two months, Kitty Doe’s life has been a lie. Forced to impersonate the Prime Minister’s niece, her frustration grows as her trust in her fake fiancé cracks, her real boyfriend is forbidden and the Blackcoats keep her in the dark more than ever.

But in the midst of discovering that her role in the Hart family may not be as coincidental as she thought, she’s accused of treason and is forced to face her greatest fear: Elsewhere. A prison where no one can escape.

As one shocking revelation leads to the next, Kitty learns the hard way that she can trust no one, not even the people she thought were on her side. With her back against the wall, Kitty wants to believe she’ll do whatever it takes to support the rebellion she believes in—but is she prepared to pay the ultimate price?

Review: I had a great time with the first book and I was really looking forward to read more. As soon as I had the opportunity to immerse myself in the story, I did not hesitate a second!

Kitty Doe had to adjust to her new life in the first volume, and to face the consequences of her transformation into Lila Hart. Yet more than ever, Kitty feels trapped. Yes, she is now a real pawn in a plan that is completely beyond her. But our heroine is tired, she does not want to be part of a game where she doesn’t have any controle and whose consequences hurt the people she cares about. Alas, rebelling could be worse than anything and when Kitty is set once again to the wall and ends up hurt more than ever, she will have to learn to survive in the place where she is sent. Elsewhere, this place where all the excludes are brought together, criminals and people who aren’t wanted, a place even worse than we would have thought but that could bring a lot of surprises.

Kitty has to go through a number of events in her life and it’s true that it’s pretty impressive to see that she still stands up after all what happens to her. I was also so sad for her… She tries to do the best, to help as best as she can and yet only misfortune falls on her. Kitty has no person to whom she can turn to, she can not trust one single person and everything falls continuously over her. Of course we have Benji, sweet and charming Benji but will he always be there for her? And we also have Knox. Oh boy … We appreciate him, we dislike him, we hate him. Yes, our sentiments are always changing along with those of Kitty’s because of her discoveries and I admit that I was surprised more than once about him. Is he a traitor? Is he a friend? Questions appearing repeatedly elsewhere. It is very difficult to decide about him but one thing is for sure, it’s not possible to trust him. He has his own goals and whatever they are, our Lila remains in the greatest secrecy, suffering the consequences of his actions. At the end of the novel, I can say that I am still in shock … so many things and yet I still do not know what to think. At the same time we understand the reasons but we also understand the difficulties behind this.

But that’s not all because we learn an incredible revelation, one that perfectly explains why Kitty was chosen to take the place of the young Lila. I was really surprised when I learned the truth because it’s not something I expected but I let you the pleasure of discovering it for yourself.

In any case I had a great time with this new novel, by following Kitty, seeing her doubts, her sorrows, her hopes and her determination. This is a great game combining plots, murders, complots and where our heroine is the key. The end is pretty amazing too and I am very curious to see what will happen thereafter to see how our Lila will manage to get by everything.



Captive d’Aimée Carter (VO)

The Blackcoat Rebellion, Tome 2

Résumé (traduction personnelle) : Depuis les deux derniers mois, la vie de Kitty Doe est un mensonge. Contrainte de passer pour la nièce du Premier ministre, sa frustration grandit à mesure que sa confiance envers son faux fiancé se craquelle, son véritable petit ami lui est interdit et les Blackcoats la gardent dans le noir.

Mais alors qu’elle découvre que son rôle dans la famille Hart n’est peut-être pas aussi fortuit que ce qu’elle pensait, elle est accusée de trahison et est forcée de faire face à sa plus grande crainte : Ailleurs. Une prison où personne ne peut s’échapper.

Comme une révélation choquante conduit à la prochaine, Kitty apprend à la dure qu’elle ne peut faire confiance à personne, pas même les gens qu’elle jugeait de son côté. Dos au mur, Kitty veut croire qu’elle va faire ce qu’il faut pour soutenir la rébellion en laquelle elle croit, mais est-elle prête à payer le prix ultime ?

Avis : J’avais passé un excellent moment avec le premier tome et j’étais vraiment impatiente de pouvoir en lire plus. Aussi dès que j’ai eu l’occasion de pouvoir me replonger dans l’histoire je n’ai pas hésité une seconde !

Kitty Doe a dû s’adapter à sa nouvelle vie dans le premier tome, et à faire face aux conséquences de sa transformation en Lila Hart. Pourtant plus que jamais, Kitty se sent piégée. Oui, elle n’est maintenant plus qu’un pion dans un plan qui la dépasse complètement. Mais notre héroïne est fatiguée, elle ne veut plus faire partie d’un jeu dont elle ne peut rien contrôler et dont les conséquences blessent les personnes auxquelles elle tient. Hélas, s’insurger pourrait bien être pire que tout et quand Kitty est mise une fois encore au pied du mur et blessée plus qu’elle ne le pensait, elle va devoir apprendre à survivre dans le lieu où on l’envoie. Ailleurs, cet endroit qui regroupe tous les exclus, les criminels et les gens que l’on ne désire pas, un endroit bien pire qu’on ne l’aurait pensé mais qui pourrait révéler pas mal de surprises.

Kitty doit traverser un grand nombre d’événements dans sa vie et c’est vrai que c’est assez impressionnant de voir qu’elle tient toujours après tout ce qu’il lui arrive. J’ai d’ailleurs eu beaucoup de peine pour elle. Elle essaie d’agir au mieux, d’aider comme elle le peut et pourtant seul le malheur retombe sur elle. Non Kitty n’a personne envers qui elle peut se tourner, elle ne peut faire confiance en personne et tout lui retombe continuellement dessus. Bien sûr il y a Benji, le doux et charmant Benji, mais sera-t-il toujours là pour elle ? Et puis il y a Knox. Ah ce garçon… On l’apprécie, on le déteste, on le hait. Oui on change de sentiment avec ceux de Kitty, avec ses découvertes et j’avoue que j’ai été surprise plus d’une fois à son sujet. Est-ce un traitre ? Est-ce un ami ? Des questions qui reviennent continuellement d’ailleurs. Il est très difficile de statuer à son sujet mais il est sûr qu’il est impossible de lui faire confiance. Il a des objectifs propres et quoi qu’ils soient, notre Lila reste dans le plus grand secret, ne subissant seulement que les conséquences de ses actes. En fin de roman, je peux dire que je suis toujours sous le choc… tant de choses et pourtant je ne sais toujours pas quoi en penser. En même temps on comprend les raisons mais on comprend aussi la difficulté derrière tout cela.

Mais ce n’est pas tout car nous apprenons une incroyable révélation, une qui explique parfaitement pourquoi Kitty a été choisie pour prendre la place de la jeune Lila. J’ai été vraiment très surprise quand j’ai appris la vérité car ce n’est pas quelque chose à quoi je m’attendais mais je vous laisserais le plaisir de découvrir cela par vous-même.

Dans tous les cas j’ai passé un très bon moment avec ce nouveau roman, à suivre Kitty, à voir ses doutes, ses peines, son espoir, sa détermination. C’est un grand jeu mêlant complots, meurtres, pouvoirs et dont notre héroïne est la clé. La fin est assez étonnante aussi et je suis très curieuse de voir ce qu’il se passera par la suite, de voir comment notre Lila va réussir à s’en sortir.

PS: Le premier tome est prévu pour sortir chez Darkiss en Français.



Pawn by Aimée Carter

The Blackcoat Rebellion, Book 1


For Kitty Doe, it seems like an easy choice. She can either spend her life as a III in misery, looked down upon by the higher ranks and forced to leave the people she loves, or she can become a VII and join the most powerful family in the country.

If she says yes, Kitty will be Masked—surgically transformed into Lila Hart, the Prime Minister’s niece, who died under mysterious circumstances. As a member of the Hart family, she will be famous. She will be adored. And for the first time, she will matter.

There’s only one catch. She must also stop the rebellion that Lila secretly fostered, the same one that got her killed and one Kitty believes in. Faced with threats, conspiracies and a life that’s not her own, she must decide which path to choose—and learn how to become more than a pawn in a twisted game she’s only beginning to understand.

Review: I’ve read some volumes in the first Aimee Carter’s series and I enjoyed them, so when I saw the release of a whole new story I was immediately intrigued. And what more can we ask for than a dystopian novel? I confess that I have not read a lot of them, but I think it’s always really fascinating. Then, it is true that this novel had a little something which made me think to the Hunger Games series, but I think you should read it to understand that.

Kitty is a girl like any others, and as each person at her age, she must pass a test to find out what she will do in her future. Indeed, each person is marked with a number for life and must submit to what it means. However, the test does not happen at all as she had hoped and now here she is with a III. A figure that means she will have to leave her town, her friends, her family and her boyfriend she loves: Benjy. She can not accept that! But when after some terrible circumstances, the Prime Minister asked her if she would like to change her number and become a VII, she sees this as an opportunity to escape her new life she already hates. But she did not expect that this change comes with a price so high. Physically changed so that she now looks like Lila Hart, the niece of the Prime Minister, she is torn from everything she knew and is forced to take the place of the dead girl to calm the rebellion established. She will also be helped by Celia, Lila’s mother who is fairly enforced and by the fiancé of the girl who seems too good to be honest.

I loved this story. Kitty really has no choice now that she has become Lila. She must learn everything about the girl and her role or be killed. You can suspect that she will then take her role to heart, especially when the Benjy’s life is put at stake. It’s really sad to see how she is processed and pulled from all sides. While Celia and Knox want her to fuel the rebellion formed, the Prime Minister and his mother want her to become their pawn and calm everyone. And it will not be easy for the girl to choose sides, especially for her own survival. But Kitty has a highly developed survival instinct and she is ready to do many things to keep it that way. She also discovers what it means to be a VII, something that is not always that easy, especially whole torned on all sides, where conspiracies and hatred constantly mixed with family.

I was immediately intrigued by Knox, the boy who becomes her new boyfriend. He is very nice to her and does everything to help her. Yet we feel that there is more and it is true that I was more than surprised when I discovered his true nature, same as Celia’s. I did not really expect that and I was just as surprised as Kitty, and even hurt that he kept so many things from her. She will have to stay strong and keep her head clear from all the lies and half- truths coming from all directions. I was really impressed by what she was able to do in such circumstances.

It was a really good story and we are surprised by many points throughout the novel. It’s a fascinating dystopia and I took great pleasure in discovering it. I was eager to see if an uprising would happen and if Knox and Kitty were to become something, if Benjy would appear and find the girl. I’m very curious now to read more, I’m really looking forward to have the second novel.

