October Daye, Book 11 Synopsis: For once, everything in October “Toby” Daye’s life seems to be going right. There have been no murders or declarations of war for her to deal with, and apart from the looming specter of her Fetch planning her bachelorette party, she’s had no real problems for days. Maybe things are …
The Brightest Fell de Seanan McGuire (VO)
October Daye, Tome 11 Résumé (traduction personnelle) : Pour une fois, tout dans la vie d’October “Toby” Daye semble aller bien. Il n’y a pas eu de meurtre ou de déclaration de guerre, et, en dehors du spectre imminent de sa Fetch qui a planifié son enterrement de vie de jeune fille, elle n’a eu …
Once Broken Faith by Seanan McGuire
October Daye, Book 10 Synopsis: Politics have never been October “Toby” Daye’s strong suit. When she traveled to the Kingdom of Silences to prevent them from going to war with her home, the Kingdom of the Mists, she wasn’t expecting to return with a cure for elf-shot and a whole new set of political headaches. …
Once Broken Faith de Seanan McGuire (VO)
October Daye, Tome 10 Résumé (traduction personnelle) : La politique n’a jamais été le point fort d’October “Toby” Daye. Quand elle a voyagé au Royaume de Silences pour les empêcher d’entrer en guerre avec les siens, le royaume des Brumes, elle ne s’attendait pas à revenir avec un remède pour le « elf-shot » et un nouvel …
A Red-Rose Chain by Seanan McGuire
October Daye, Book 9 Synopsis: Things are looking up. For the first time in what feels like years, October “Toby” Daye has been able to pause long enough to take a breath and look at her life—and she likes what she sees. She has friends. She has allies. She has a squire to train and …
A Red-Rose Chain de Seanan McGuire (VO)
October Daye, Tome 9 Résumé (traduction personnelle) : Les choses s’améliorent. Pour la première fois à ce qui ressemble des années, October “Toby” Daye est parvenue à faire une pause assez longtemps pour prendre une grande respiration et de regarder sa vie, et elle aime ce qu’elle y voit. Elle a des amis. Elle a …
The Winter Long by Seanan McGuire
October Daye, Book 8 Synopsis: Toby thought she understood her own past; she thought she knew the score. She was wrong. It’s time to learn the truth. Review: Ok, if you know me, you know that this series is one of my favorite and when I saw the release of a new book, I could …