*Traduction en Français ici*

We’re very happy to have today on the blog a new UF author: Linda Grimes. It’s a new, unique serie, mixing many genres. The first book of the saga In a Fix will be released on September 4th. If you want to learn more about the novels you can read the review here:

You can also watch the beautiful trailer of the book:

A big thank you to Linda for answering our questions. You can visit her website for more information about the series: http://www.lindagrimes.com/


Can you introduce yourself in a few words?
Hi, I’m Linda Grimes. I’m an ex-actress and former high school English teacher, and now I write books. I’m married to the love of my life, and have two children, both of them gorgeous and brilliant. (Not that I’m biased or anything…)
When did you first realize you wanted to be a writer?
Well, I wrote my first book when I was ten, if that’s any indication. It was Trixie Belden fan fiction. I loved Trixie Belden mysteries so much when I was a kid that I just had to make up my own. It was called Trixie Belden and the Kentucky Derby Mystery. (Yeah, I loved horses, too.)
How many books do you intend to write for this series?
Gosh, I’m not really sure at this point. The second one will come out next July, and I’m working on a third, but after that, who knows? I suppose it depends on how the first ones are received by the reading public. If readers like Ciel and her friends, and want to see more of them, I have plenty of stories in mind. 
Was it difficult to write the first book? How long did it take? 
Hmm. I wouldn’t say “difficult,” necessarily, but it definitely took effort. I suppose I worked on it for almost a year, though not full-time. I was busy with other things, but kept coming back to it because it was just so much fun to play in Ciel’s world. 
How do you find your titles? Did you imagine them all when you started the series or do you brainstorm each time?
In a Fix came to me pretty early on. It seemed obvious, once I figured out that Ciel was facilitator—a “fixer” of other people’s problems—who had a tough time fixing her own. Quick Fix, the next book in the series, was actually a title before I even started it. I liked the sound of it, and it seemed to follow naturally after In a Fix. Also, I figured it was a title that would give me some leeway with the plot. 
How did you end up writing Urban Fantasy books? Is there any other genre that appeal to you?
You know, I gave no thought to genre at all while I was writing it. That’s just what it turned out to be when it was done. 
I love mysteries, too, and suspense. My “drawer novel” (the one I wrote first, but never tried to sell—well, not yet, anyway) is paranormal suspense. I try not to limit myself to the conventions of any one genre while I’m writing—I think it’s more fun to follow where the characters, and the story, lead you. You can always apply a label afterward. 
It was really interesting to have human chameleons, how did you end up with this idea? Mainly when we always have vampires, faeries or witches books.
Well, I was looking in the mirror one morning and thought to myself, ugh, wouldn’t it be nice to be able to change that. *grin* Okay, not really. But I did think it would be cool to have a character who could do it. And, since I tend to be a helpful sort myself, I thought she might use her power to help other people. For money. (Hey, who says you can’t make a living while you’re being helpful?)
If you had to choose between Billy and Mark, which one would you pick?
That depends totally on when you ask me. Sometimes I say Billy, sometimes Mark. Luckily, I get to hang out with either one of them whenever I like, so I don’t have to choose. 
Does the inspiration for the characters come from people you know?
My characters are probably a mish-mash of a lot of different people I know. A little bit of this one, a bit more of that one. Put the parts together, and there you have it: Frankenstein! Er, I mean, my characters. Franken-characters. 😉
Is there a character more difficult than the others to write?
Mark is the toughest of the three main characters. He’s a little more serious, more secretive, than the others. It took a while for him to open up to me.
Who is your favorite character in the series?
Other than Ciel, you mean? Because, of course, she’s my absolute favorite. But I have a real soft spot in my heart for Billy, too. He makes me laugh, and I love to laugh. He’s such a tease, and yet really thoughtful beneath the surface smart-assery. On the other hand, Mark is complex, and therefore veryinteresting. And, yannoh, hot. Sexy. (How do you say that in French, anyway?)
Huh. Guess it’s just hard to pick a favorite…
Have you already other plans for future series? Or is it top secret?
Nope, no plans for another series yet. I hope to be able to keep playing in Ciel’s world for while longer. 
Can you tell us a little something about the first book? And the second one?
Did you need to do a lot of researches for your books?
Let’s see … a good chunk of the first book is set in Visby, an ancient walled city on the island of Gotland, which is off the coast of Sweden. That’s where the modern-day Vikings come into play. 
The second book is set mainly in NYC. There are no Vikings, but there is a baby orangutan.
Do you have a favorite author? Or a favorite book?
If I have to choose just one favorite author (which is tough to do), I’d have to go with Diana Gabaldon. I could read her Outlander series over and over, and never tire of it—I discover something new about her marvelous characters every time I reread it. 
Where is your favorite place to write? 
I usually write either downstairs, sitting on the old leather sofa in our den, or upstairs in my office, sitting on an equally old wing chair, with my feet up on the matching ottoman. But I try to mix it up by sometimes writing in the living room or outside, too. Just wherever my mood takes me. 
Have you ever been in France?
I have! Back when my husband and I were newlyweds, we quit our jobs, sold our house, and spent six months backpacking through Europe, taking the train from country to country. We stayed the longest in Sweden, with my relatives, but our time in Paris provided some of our favorite memories. I hope we’ll be able to visit again someday. 
Thank you so much for hosting me on you website! It’s been fun.
Thanks to Linda Grimes you have the possibility to win a signed copy (ARC) of In a Fix + a bookmark. The giveaway is international and ends on August 31th.

a Rafflecopter giveaway

28 thoughts on “Interview with Linda Grimes and Giveaway

  1. Lilie


    Merci pour le concours, le livre a l’air très sympa.


  2. Sullivan McPig

    Great interview. In a Fix sounds like a cool read.

  3. Goldfish

    The authors seems very nice and funny ! That plus your positive review make me want to read it so badly !!!!

    …(En fait j’aurais pus répondre en Français, mais par automatisme comme l’article est en Anglais, j’ai répondu en Anglais xD)

    PS : Au fait c’est Fireolna/Lucille (Oui il fut un temps, il à fort longtemps ou pour les cours on à du créer un Google Blog xD)

    1. Melliane

      mdr non mais c’est comme ça c’est sympa aussi, si l’auteure passe elle pourra aussi te lire. Je connais ça aussi, on a fait pareil et je l’ai gardé aussi.

  4. Heather Cranmer

    I want to read this book!! The author seems really down to Earth and funny. Love it =D x

  5. l0raah_

    Merci pour cette interview très intéressante et ce supet giveaway ! Je connaissais pas du tout le bouquin, mais le résumé est intriguant, l’avis que vous en avez fait est très tentant et l’auteur semble adorable !

    1. Melliane

      Merci, oui c’est vraiment sympa.

  6. Linda G.

    Thank you so much for hosting me here on your fantastic blog, Melliane. So much fun! Especially trying to guess what the French commenters are saying. Hey, they’re not making fun of me, are they? *grin*

    1. Melliane

      No don’t worry they already love you! Thanks to you.

    2. Goldfish

      Yes and we haven’t even read the book yet, so imagine what it will be when we are going to read it ;p (probably hystérical fans running around =p)

  7. Victoria

    Sounds like a terrific book! Can’t wait!

  8. Adisty Sri Mulianty

    Nice interview! Merci pour ce super giveaway.

  9. kara-karina@Nocturnal Book Reviews

    I’m really jealous! 6 months backpacking in Europe? and writing a fabulous book which I can’t wait to read? *sigh* Thanks for an amazing interview!

  10. Blodeuedd

    Now that’s cool that much of is set in Visby, closer to me than I have ever been in UF before 😀

  11. Mel

    I love the idea of modern vikings – and just the mention of a baby organutan has be intrigued! I love the idea of human chameleons as well – just tha ability to not worry about spots and make up would be cool on a daily basis! 🙂

  12. Liesel K Hill

    Great interview. This series sounds intriguing! Thanks for the giveaway! 😀

  13. Melissa (Books and Things)

    Loved the trailer. Hm.. if the vikings look like Alexander Skarsgard, I’d go for that. 🙂 I also love the Outlander book too!

    Ah would love to travel…

  14. Melissa (My World...in words and pages)

    Oh this sounds amazing and the trailer is fun. Sounds like the author has been busy. 😀 Thank you!

  15. Natasha

    Sounds really good! Thanks for the chance to win!!

  16. Roxana Zuziac

    Thank you for the interview and giveaway!

  17. Aurian

    Thanks for the interview, it sure sounds like a good and original book. On the wishlist it is!

  18. Shelleyrae

    Thanks for the chance to win, I love the idea of the premise, something different!

    Shelleyrae @ Book’d out

  19. marybelle

    I’m looking forward to reading IN A FIX. It looks fabulous.


  20. Tamsyn

    I really enjoyed the interview. Linda Grimes is a new author to me and I’m glad for this chance to know her books. Many thanks for the giveaway and for making it international.

  21. Erleen Alvarez

    Thank you very much for this wonderful giveaway! 🙂

  22. bn100

    Very nice interview.

  23. Stéphanie

    I love that book trailer. Makes me want to read the book so much more! Great interview!

  24. Spav

    This sounds really interesting. I’m adding it to my wishlist.

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