![STSmall_thumb[2] STSmall_thumb[2]](http://lh3.ggpht.com/-xRYOk0zIv1M/T6RLOUEZ2LI/AAAAAAAAFKw/7qJhumSkSxY/STSmall_thumb%25255B2%25255D_thumb.png?imgmax=800)
Check out our wonderful event, with many authors and giveaways on our blog and Sullivan McPig’s.
Venez voir notre superbe événement avec de nombreux auteurs et concours que ce soir sur notre blog ou celui de Sullivan McPig
Kat Redding series signed + Little David Lost – E.S. Moore (INT)
Ce qui nous Lie – Samantha Bailly (FR/BE)
The Last Word – Lisa Lutz (US)
Quick Fix – Linda Grimes (INT)
Lord Jack à tout prix / Surprising Lord Jack signed – Sally MacKenzie (INT)
Bitter Disenchantment – Shawntelle Madison (INT)
Redemption & Revelation – Erica Hayes (INT)
Secret Unleashed – Sierra Dean (INT)
Alien in the Family (Katherine ‘Kitty” Katt) – Gini Koch
Super-Being Exterminator Kitty Katt and the Alpha Centaurian she loves, Jeff Martini, should be finalizing their wedding plans. But that was before she discovers Jeff is in line to become Emperor back on his home world. Kitty knows she is everything a royal family wouldn’t approve of, and is bracing herself for the worst. As it turns out, the royal family is just the beginning. Especially when extraterrestrial Amazonian terrorists are determined to start and end Kitty and Jeff’s nuptial festivities with a bang.
Meurtre à Shakespeare (Lily Bard, 1) – Charlaine Harris
Je m’appelle Lily Bard et je mène une petite vie tranquille à Shakespeare, Arkansas, où je me suis installée pour oublier mon passé. Aujourd’hui, tout a changé. En rentrant, j’ai fait une macabre découverte : le cadavre de mon propriétaire.
Après avoir paniqué et mis mes empreintes partout, je me suis éclipsée… Je n’ai plus le choix, il faut que je retrouve l’assassin avant que l’on ne vienne sortir les squelettes de mon placard…
The Renfield Syndrome (Rhiannon’s Law, 2) – J.A. Saare
Vampires, and werewolves, and demons, oh my.
Rhiannon thought facing off against a deranged child vampire was the most dangerous task she would ever have to undertake, but she’s about to discover making a deal with a demon is far, far worse. Sent forward into another reality, one in which vampires are now dominating nearly extinct humans, she realizes the sooner she returns to her vampire lover, Disco, the better.
Unfortunately, time changes a lot of things; including those most trusted around her. When she’s faced with a loss and betrayal unlike any she has ever known, her focus shifts from severing the debt between the demon that wants to kill her, to exacting a revenge that will bring forth consequences she never could have fathomed. By reaching out to the darkness lingering within her, she’ll find the strength to push forward despite the circumstances that would see her dead and buried.
After all, when it’s all said and done, all that she has left to lose is her soul.
^^ i loved the gini koch one, i don’t know the others
je dois encore decouvrir charlaine harris mnt que j’ai enfin sookie tome 1 mais en ce moment ce n’est pas vraiment le livre que je suis tentée de lire
Les Sookies sont sympas mais je n’ai pas aimé le 12. Très curieuse d’avancer plus dans la série de Gini Koch!
Sugar & Snark
Oh wow I love the Lily Bard cover! So awesome!
Have a great weekend 🙂
Sugar & Snark
yes I loved the French cover, so much than the US one, so for once I really wanted this one!
Zareena @ Books and Books
Thanks for stopping by my blog!
Happy reading!
Zareena @ Books and Books
Rushita @ Ink Pages & Words
These books look interesting. Hope you enjoy them and happy reading! Thanks for visiting my blog 🙂
Oh, that Charlaine Harris cover is creepppyyyy!!! I love it though. I hope you enjoy all of your pretties! Thank you so much for stopping by my haul. Have a great weekend! 🙂
Jennifer Bielman
All your books look great. Love the covers too. happy reading.
Lily bard est sympa mais je l’ai trouvé sans plus , j’espère qu’il te plaira.
Luna's Little Library
Thanks for stopping by, I hope you enjoy your books. 🙂
Janina @ Synchronized Reading
Alien in the family looks really good :)! Great haul
My Haul!
Shelley @ Gizmos Reviews
Alien in the Family, The Renfield Syndrome! Yes! Will be stalking your blog for your thoughts!
sarah elizabeth
I think I have the charlaine Harris boook but have never read it! Hope you enjoy them 🙂
Jessica@a GREAT read
OOoh nice! Never read Charlaine’s Lily Bard series! Hope you enjoy all your new reads!
My STS goes up tomorrow, so be sure to stop by then!
Have a GREAT weekend!
Old Follower 🙂
Christy @ Christy's Book Addiction
Loving the Lily Bard cover!
Thanks for stopping by 🙂
Christy @ Christy’s Book Addiction
Grace Fonseca
Nice haul of books. It looks like all your books have tough as nails female characters. Great week for you as well.
Tsuki @ Tsuki Books
I haven’t heard of these but happy reading!
Tsuki’s STS
I’ve read the first Rhiannon’s Law book but I didn’t really like the sound of the plot for this one so I’m giving it a miss. Love the cover for the Gini Koch book!
Marianne @ Boricuan Bookworms
You have a lot of great books! I hope you enjoy them all. Thabks for stopping by my blog 🙂
Bieke @ Istyria book blog
Nice haul! Enjoy your books! 😀
Tara @ The Crazy Bookworm
Loving the Lily Bard cover! I don’t know the rest, but I hope you enjoy reading your book haul! x
Jo @ Mixed Book Bag
I love the Alien series and if you check my September 2, 2013 post you will see me with Gini Kosh at World Con this year. Thanks for visiting.
i like the french cover of the harris book. i’m not familiar with the other titles you have but they look like awesome reads. thanks for stopping by our StS! happy reading 🙂
-michelle @ Michelle & Leslie’s Book Picks
Nice haul! All your books are new to me. Enjoy! And thanks for stopping by my StS.
Fi @ Bookish Outsider
You picked up some great books this week, I love the Lily Bard series!
Enjoy your new books and happy reading 🙂
I’ve always wondered about the Lily Bard series. Looking forward to reading your review!
Chrissi Reads
Looks like you’ve got an interesting selection of books this week! I hope you enjoy them 🙂
Love the Sookie Stackhouse series by Charlaine Harris and have never read Lily Bard, but it seems like a good read! Enjoy all of your books and thanks for visiting my post!
Sonya @ Sony The Book Lover
Great books Alien is the family sounds really good, thanks for stopping by. Happy reading .
Esty @ Boarding with Books
You got some cool stuff, especially Alien in the Family. Enjoy!
Leigh @ Little Book Star
Oooh those books looks really awesome. Haven’t heard of any of them, but I hope you love them!
My STS: http://littlebookstar.wordpress.com/2013/09/07/stacking-the-shelves-5/
Reinfield Syndrome looks good, hope you enjoy
Joy (Joyousreads)
In the Family sounds fun. Looking forward to your review on that one.
Heather Wood
These are all new to me, but I really love the covers! Enjoy!
Natalie @Natflix&Books
I love the cover for both Alien in the Family and the first Lily Bard book. Great haul and happy reading!
Thanks for stopping by my STS post! I hope you enjoy each and every one of your new books. 🙂
Such pretty covers. Enjoy them, and have a good weekend 🙂
My StS.
Brianna @ Listful Booking
So not entirely related to this post-but seeing as how this was my first visit-I love how they are both in English and French. I took French in high school, but it’s been awhile since I’ve read anything in it! I’m totally going to try now. 🙂
Also-really good haul this week! I love the cover of the Lily Bard book.
It’s fun to be able to read both languages. But I think you also have way more books in English
Lisa (Lost in Literature)
These are all new to me. You’ve got some great covers there! I hope you enjoy them! 🙂
Jessica S.
Oooh! Nice–enjoy them all! Thanks for stopping by mine. 🙂
I haven’t heard about any of these books but please enjoy them!
Happy reading!
Thanks for stopping by my Thoughts and Pens STS .
Les aliens ne me branche pas trop, les 2 autres par contre ont l’air sympa 😀
Lily bard m’attend dans ma Pal, je dois le lire ce mois-ci en lecture commune avec une de mes partenaires 🙂
Bonnes lectures avec ces 3 livres
Ula @ Blog of Erised
I have seen the Alien series around a lot and I am pretty intrigued, might get the books myself 🙂
Happy reading!
Shane @ Itching for Books
Cool haul. Happy reading 🙂
following via bloglovin
Jen @ YA Romantics
I love the idea of Alien in the Family — that made me laugh. Hope you enjoy them all!
Thanks so much for stopping by! Jen @ YA Romantics
The first Lily Bard book sounds interesting.
Hope you enjoy all of your new books, Happy Reading!
Sharon - Obsession with Books
A wonderful haul! I really liked the Lily Bard series and The Renfield Syndrome (the 2nd book not so much), I hope you enjoy all of your new books 🙂
Lisa Loves Literature
Thanks so much for stopping by my STS. Looks like a pretty good haul!
Lauren @ Lose Time Reading
The Renfield Syndrome sounds really interesting, I will have to check that out! Thanks for stopping by my StS Melliane! Happy Reading 🙂
Kelly L.
I’ve never heard of any of these before, but I hope you’ll enjoy them all! (:
Thanks for stopping by my STS! 😀
Auggie J.
Love, Love, Love Charlaine Harris!
I’m currently reading her Aurora Teagarden Mysteries. They’re not my absolute favorite necessarily, but it’s Charlaine Harris so I can deal!
Great books!
Auggie’s STS
Rachel @ Paper Cuts
I don’t know any of the books you got this week, but I am familiar with Charlaine Harris! I’ve read all but two of her Sookie Stackhouse books, and I think those are really fun. 🙂 I hope you love your books!!
Becky @ Stories & Sweeties
All three have such great covers!! I hope you enjoy them all.
awesome books
hope you can visit my Stacking the Shelves
I’m intrigued by the first one. It definitely sounds interesting. Enjoy Reading!
Thanks for stopping by my blog.
J’adore la couverture de Alien in family !!! Et j,espère que tu aimeras tout autant que moi le premier tome de Lily Bard… D’ailleurs j,ai terminé le tome 2 cette semaine… Bisous et bonne lecture xox
Carmen B.
I’ve never heard of that Charlaine Harris book before but I looove the cover! And it says something about assassions in the description which means it must go on my TBR 😉
Thanks for sharing and for stopping by!
Liza @ Reading with ABC
I don’t have any of these, but I have read Charlaine’s Southern Vampire series and her Harper Connelly series.
Thanks for stopping by and happy reading!
Interesting books, and a lovely blog. Thanks so much for stopping by! Enjoy your haul!
Stephanie @ Inspiring Insomnia
I’m going to attempt to comment in French, even though it’s been close to 20 years since I’ve taken a French class, so I apologize in advance for destroying your language!
J’aime la couverture de Lily Bard. C’est si jolie – meilleur que la couverture Americaine. La tete mange la rose.
OK , that’s the best I can do. I’ve now brought shame upon the American educational system. 🙂
Stephanie @ Inspiring Insomnia
No it’s perfect! I chose this one because the covers are so beautiful!
Amber S.
Nice haul! I really like it!
Thanks for coming over to my FF!
Amber @ My Bookshelf Is Hungry
Jay @ Vailia's Page Turner
Charlaine Harris is an author whose works I still need to read. Thanks for stopping by by STS last weekend. Sorry it took so long to respond.
La couv de Alien in the Family pète bien ! Mais ça fait comics !
Bisous ^^
Zarina @ Page to Stage Reviews
Late I know, but I’m only just getting around to replying to last week’s comments!
Thanks so much for stopping by and enjoy all your lovely new reads 🙂