Synopsis: My name is Courtney Hart, and I’m here to tell you about things that suck. Being born in a podunk town like Salem, Oregon, for one. Living in a world infested with zombies? That, too. And the meat heads I go to school with? I think I’d actually take the undead over them most days. But I have a plan to get out of here and move to New York. I just have to keep selling Vitamin Z along with your fries at The Bully Burger. The secret ingredient? Zombie brains.

I’ve noticed things are getting even worse lately, if that’s even possible. The zombies seem to be getting smarter and faster. If I can avoid being arrested, eaten by shufflers, or catching the eye of some stupid boy, I should be able to make it through finals week still breathing. . .

Review: Ah this book! I expected a lot of it. I love stories about zombies even if I do not read a lot of them and when I saw the book, I thought it was the opportunity to return to the genre. Then did you see this cover? I loved it immediately, it sets the mood of the book.

We find Courtney, a young girl who tries to live as best as she can in a world infested with zombies. She is not very popular in her school and sells Vitamin Z, a drug made ​​from zombie brains putting people in very different states. However it is also a very fast additive drug and Courtney knows it, however, she needs to do that to be able to pay for her education in New York that she expects to start the following year. It is in this context that she meets Brandon, a trendy boy who seems strangely attracted to her and determined to see her succumb to his charm. But Courtney must also take care of her friends, death and of course some of the strange behavior from the zombies.

As I said, I was excited to discover a new book about zombies but I think I expected too much. Several points have to be noted but I will first tell you about the things that I appreciated. Well of course there is the world and the zombies in fact. I found them interesting and it’s true that I was curious to understand their behavior. We can read the story quickly and the author’s style is very nice. In addition, the characters are all so different and intriguing to discover but I struggled to connect with them or even understand them. They act strangely and we really do not understand why. Courtney made ​​many pretty terrible things, but she doesn’t have any problems about that because everybody loves her too much for that. While she is implicated (although by far) on several dead, I felt that after a moment of sadness, she managed very quickly to leave it apart by accusing the others. But she does act like that quite often I have to say and she does not really take the right decisions. Speaking of the dead, I must say I was quite surprised. I understand that the author would like to kill two prominent figures of 4 but I found that there was too much inconsistency in this regard and this is reflected in the story as it becomes a little surreal for times.

To conclude I was a little disappointed by the story itself, and if a sequel comes out, I’m not sure I’ll read it. The ideas are good but I think some tracks and choices were not for me.



31 thoughts on “Zomburbia by Adam Gallardo

  1. Jennifer Bielman

    Wow, that sucks to hear. The cover was cool too. 🙁

    1. Melliane

      Yes I’m pretty sad about it…

  2. Melanie (YA Midnight Reads)

    Ooh that’s one creeeepy cover! It’s a shame that this one wasn’t any good at all, Melliane.

    Great review as always! <33

    1. Melliane

      some things are ok but I think it wasn’t what I expected.

  3. Tracy Terry

    I can’t help but laugh at the thought of vitamins being sold alongside burgers and what a name for a burger bar – Bully Burger, I love it – though not so much the thought of the ingredients (yuk).

    1. Melliane

      yeah I don’t think it would be that good.

  4. kindlemom1

    That cover is gruesome!
    Sorry this didn’t live up to your expectations. I seldom read zombie reads either but when I do, I of course want it to be a good one.

    1. Melliane

      yeah… I love to read one from time to time too.

  5. Joy (Joyousreads)

    I think it’s nearly impossible to have such a seemingly normal life (saving money for school, having friends, crush on a boy…etc) when you live in a world infested by zombies.

    That cover tho…

    1. Melliane

      It’s true. It’s not possible.

  6. Jenny @ Supernatural Snark

    Well that’s an absolutely terrifying cover Melliane! Zombies scare the life out of me, so I’m not sure this is a book I would rush to pick up just based on that, but it’s also disappointing to learn the story itself didn’t quite live up to the expectations you had for it going in. Hope whatever you read next blows you away!

    1. Melliane

      I just love this cover! thank you Jenny.

  7. Braine Talk Supe

    Girl you know I DNF’d this. He made Courtney too irritating that I didn’t have any motivation to read further and like her. I commend you for your finishing this.

    1. Melliane

      I’m learning to DNF books. Difficult thing. I agree I didn’t like her.

  8. Lily

    I’m actually pleased you werent all that in love with this one because if you were i’d be tempted to read it myself but the cover is just too creepy for my tastes. Hope you enjoy your next read better!

    1. Melliane

      LOL yeah, this cover is so amazing. They did a wonderful job.

  9. blodeuedd

    Ugh that cover! I am glad the book is not good

  10. Mogsy @ BiblioSanctum

    Ouch, zombie books are hit or miss. I love zombie books as well, but when I looked at my list of zombie books I’ve read on Goodreads, I’ve given so few of them more than 3 stars. It’s the nature of the genre, I suppose. Authors are always trying to come up with new ways to make their zombie book stand out among the rest, and sometimes the ideas just don’t fly.

    1. Melliane

      yeah, maybe it’s actually the problem.

  11. Tanja

    Bummer! I saw this cover and realized it’s a books about zombies and was so excited as I haven’t read zombie book in a while but well I’ll pass. I mean good ideas which are ruined with bad choices are possibly the worst. Great review, Melliane 🙂

    1. Melliane

      Yeah it’s not the best I think. I was really disappointed.

  12. Maja (The Nocturnal Library)

    There are so many amazing zombie books, especially for someone who hasn’t read the genre often. There is plenty to choose from, I’m sorry you stumbled upon such a weak link. I love all things zombie and I was tempted to read this, but I’ll definitely pass.

    1. Melliane

      yes I read better ones.

  13. Brandi Breathes Books

    Creepy cover but sad to hear you were disappointed

  14. LilyElement

    Eek the cover on this one creeps me out.

  15. ShootingStarsMag

    Sorry you didn’t like this one much. It sounds so much better, and I DO love that cover.

    1. Melliane

      me too!

  16. Missie

    Sad that the best part of this book is the cover!
    Missie @ A Flurry of Ponderings

  17. Lola @ Hit or Miss Books

    Oh dear, sorry girl! I will definitely be skipping this one and I don’t like zombies stories, unlike you, anyway. 😛

  18. Kirsty-Marie

    I’m not really into zombie books, and this confirms why, haha. Expectations can be killer in themselves, always end up disappointed when it doesn’t live up to it. (Though, how can you not have expectations with that cover?) Shame. 🙁

    1. Melliane

      right? This cover is just awesome!

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