Welcome to M.L. Brennan, the author of the awesome Generation V series. Her new book: Dark Ascension is out this month. Thanks to the author for answering our questions.
Bienvenue à M.L. Brennan, l’auteure de la fantastique série : Generation V. Son nouveau roman Dark Ascension sort ce mois-ci. Merci à l’auteure pour avoir répondu à nos questions.


Can you present yourself in a few words?

A: I’m ML Brennan, the author of the Generation V series of urban fantasy novels. I have an MFA in fiction writing and a lifelong love of reading. The Generation V series was my first major publication, and the first book was released in 2013.

So Generation V, can you tell us more about your series?

A: The series is about Fortitude Scott, who starts out in the first book as a complete underachiever and slacker vampire, working minimum-wage jobs and trying to stay as far away from his family and the supernatural as possible. My vampires are also a bit different than the norm – they’re biologically driven, with a life cycle and a reproductive process – so, no immortality, just a really long life and an extensive maturation process. And Fort is your average 26-year-old guy, trying to figure out his place in the world with a completely useless degree and a biological destiny that terrifies him.

By the fourth book, Fort is starting to really find his place and his direction. He’s grown up a bit – emotionally and in a physical sense, but he’s holding onto his values with both hands. Events in the fourth book pull him further into the family machine. And, of course, Fort is accompanied by his best friend and kickass partner, kitsune shapeshifter Suzume Hollis.

How many books do you intend to write?

A: There are six books planned in the Generation V series right now.

Your fourth book is out, is it a turning point for you?

A: For the series, definitely yes. There are some extremely major changes that occur in this book, and while I’ve always had them in mind as goals for the series, they really change the landscape of this world going forward.

On a personal, writer level, I’d also say yes. I think a lot of readers expected the series to wrap up with the third book – I actually saw one reader who seemed really surprised that the series didn’t end the moment that Fort and Suzume decided to become a couple. But while Fort and Suze’s relationship has been a lot of fun, and certainly will continue to be in the future books, the series itself was never fundamentally about the romance between that pair.

So many revelations were given in this novel, many things we didn’t expect, can we expect more for the future?

Is there a moment you keep in mind while thinking about this new volume?

A: There are three major events in this book that really differentiate this one from any of the other novels in the series. One involves Madeline, and the other two are decisions that Fort makes. When I sat down to write Dark Ascension those were the three things that were basically the candy that enticed me through it.

The characters evolve a lot and we meet some new species each time, is it difficult to keep track of them?

A: Species creation is always one of the most fun things about writing a new book in this series. There are so many fun directions to go in, and an endless variety of myths and monsters to choose from. What I like to do is pick a monster that fits a niche that is currently unoccupied in the series, then do a lot of research into real-world animals and biology to round out that species and really make it function as a separate and distinct culture within the world of the series.

I don’t introduce more than one major species and one or two additional minor species in each book, so keeping track of them has been surprisingly easy. If I’d tried to introduce all of the species I currently have in the world in the first book, it would’ve been an absolute nightmare, but by slowly building them up and outwards, it has kept things in control.

Did you have everything in mind before writing Dark Ascension?

A: I wanted to take the status quo of the world at the end of Tainted Blood and set a bomb off under it.

Can you tell us a bit more about book 5?

A: The fifth book takes the major plot point in Dark Ascension a few steps forward. Without giving too much away – Fort and his allies might’ve bitten off a bit more than they could chew, and things get very complicated very quickly.

And, of course, Suzume will be back!

Do you have some new projects too?

A: Right now I’m working on the first book in a new series. I can’t reveal too many of the details yet, but it’s something that I’m extremely excited about, and which I think fans of the Generation V series will be very eager to read once more is revealed. As a hint – it’s something that I’ve been asked about since the first Generation V book was published.


Pouvez-vous vous présenter en quelques mots ?

A: Je suis ML Brennan, l’auteure de la série d’urban fantasy Generation V. J’ai un MFA en écriture et une longue vie de lecture. La série Generation V est ma première publication importante, et le premier livre est sorti en 2013.

Alors Generation V, pouvez-vous nous en dire un peu plus sur la série ?

A: La série se concentre sur Fortitude Scott, qui se trouve être un vampire fainéant et inachevé, travaillant au minimum, et essayant de rester aussi loin que possible de sa famille et de tout ce qui pourrait toucher au surnaturel. Mes vampires sont un peu différents de la normale – ils possèdent biologiquement un cycle de vie et un moyen de reproduction – alors pas d’immortalité, juste une longue vie et un procédé de maturation extensible. Et Fort est un garçon ordinaire de 26 ans, essayant de trouver sa place dans le monde avec un diplôme complètement inutile et une destinée biologique qui le terrifie.

D’ici le quatrième tome, Fort commence à trouver sa place et ce qu’il désire faire. Il a grandi un peu – émotionnellement et physiquement, mais il garde ses valeurs bien en main. Les événements qui ont lieu dans le quatrième volume le lancent dans les machinations de sa famille. Et, bien sûr, Fort est accompagné de sa meilleure amie et partenaire coriace, la change-forme kistune Suzume Hollis.

Combien de livres comptez-vous écrire ?

A: Il y a six livres prévus pour la série Generation V pour le moment.

Votre quatrième tome est sorti, est-ce un point décisif pour vous ?

A: Pour la série, oui. Il y a des changements majeurs, et même si je les avais en tête comme objectifs pour la série, ils changent vraiment le paysage du monde.

Du côté personnel, en tant qu’écrivain, je dirais que c’est aussi le cas. Je pense que beaucoup de lecteurs attendaient que la série se finisse avec le troisième tome – et j’ai vu un lecteur qui semblait surpris que la série ne finisse pas au moment où Fort et Suzume s’étaient mis en couple. Mais alors que la relation de Suze et Fort devient drôle, et continuera sûrement à l’être, la série n’a jamais été basée sur une romance entre les deux.

Y-a-t-il un moment que vous gardez en tête quand vous pensez à ce nouveau tome ?

A: Il y a trois événements majeurs dans ce livre qui le différencie vraiment des autres. Un implique Madeline, et les deux autres, des décisions de Fort prend. Quand je me suis assise et que j’ai écrit Dark Ascension, ce furent les trois choses qui m’ont fait avancer.

Les personnages évoluent beaucoup et nous rencontrons de nouvelles espèces chaque fois, est-ce difficile de tout garder en tête ?

A: La création des espèces est toujours la chose la plus sympa quand on écrit un nouveau livre dans la série. Il y a toujours plein de directions possibles, et une variété infinie de mythes et de monstres à choisir. J’aime choisir un monstre qui comble une niche qui n’est pas occupée dans la série, puis faire beaucoup de recherches sur les animaux et la biologie qui entoure cette espèce pour créer une culture distincte dans le monde de la série.

Je n’introduis pas plus d’une espèce majeure et deux mineures dans chaque livre, alors en garder la trace devient assez facile. Si j’essayais d’introduire toutes les espèces que j’ai dans le monde dès le premier livre, cela aurait été un cauchemar absolu, mais en les construisant doucement, je garde les choses sous contrôle.

Aviez-vous tout en tête avant d’écrire Dark Ascension?

A: Je voulais un status quo pour le monde à la fin de Tainted Blood et mettre une bombe pour la suite.

Pouvez-vous nous en dire plus au sujet du tome 5 ?

A: Le tome 5 prend la suite de l’intrigue majeure Dark Ascension. Sans en dire trop – Fort et ses alliés pourraient avoir à affronter plus qu’ils ne le peuvent, et les choses pourraient se compliquer très vite.

Et, bien sûr, Suzume sera de retour !

Avez-vous d’autres nouveaux projets ?

A: Je travaille maintenant sur le premier livre d’une nouvelle série. Je ne peux pas en dévoiler les détails, mais il y a quelque chose de très excitant, et dont je pense plaira aux fans de Generation V, une fois que ce sera révélé. Un indice, c’est quelque chose qu’on me demande depuis que le premier livre Generation V est publié.


Author’s website: http://www.mlbrennan.com

Generation V, Book 4

Synopsis: After a lifetime of avoiding his family, Fort has discovered that working for them isn’t half bad—even if his mother, Madeline, is a terrifying, murderous vampire. His newfound career has given him a purpose and a paycheck and has even helped him get his partner, foxy kitsune Suzume, to agree to be his girlfriend. All in all, things are looking up.

Only, just as Fort is getting comfortable managing a supernatural empire that stretches from New Jersey to Ontario, Madeline’s health starts failing, throwing Fort into the middle of an uncomfortable and dangerous battle for succession. His older sister, Prudence, is determined to take over the territory. But Fort isn’t the only one wary of her sociopathic tendencies, and allies, old and new, are turning to him to keep Prudence from gaining power.

Now, as Fort fights against his impending transition into vampire adulthood, he must also battle to keep Prudence from destroying their mother’s kingdom—before she takes him down with it….

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22 thoughts on “Interview (+traduction): M.L. Brennan (giveaway)

  1. Le Chat du Cheshire

    Oh je me souviens que tu as parlé de cette série : ca m’intéresse toujours autant 🙂 !!

  2. miki

    je n’ai toujours pas essayé cette série mais je me souviens que tu en as parlé^^

  3. paraty62

    oh, sympa cette interview et ce jeu, merci

  4. Jenny @ Supernatural Snark

    I’ve heard such great things about this series Melliane, it’s another one that’s on my list to try. I just need 14 more vacations this year to make time for it 😉 Loved the interview!

  5. kindlemom1

    This series has been on my radar for while now. I know I need to get with it and read it. It sounds like such a fun series and something I would really love!
    Great interview and thanks for sharing it!!

  6. Ramona

    Really interesting interview – I’ve been curious about this series and I still hope to make time for it. Sounds so good 😀

  7. blodeuedd

    *sniff* I can’t enter. I so want book 4

  8. Mogsy @ BiblioSanctum

    OMG I don’t know what I’m more excited about – Generation V book 5 or this new series she’s working on. Whatever it is, I WANT IT.

    Great interview!

  9. Braine

    I should really read this. I feel like the character is growing up as the series progress.

  10. Melanie Simmons @mlsimmons

    I’ve been wanting to try this series for a while and just haven’t gotten to it. I keep hearing great things.

  11. Joy (Joyousreads)

    This sounds like a kickass series! Thanks for sharing. 🙂

  12. kimbacaffeinate

    Oh lord..confession I bought book one on release day and still haven’t read it. I am so going to kick myself.

  13. Melissa (My World...in words and pages)

    Oh I love the sounds of this series and sooooo neeeed to get started on it. 🙂 Thank you!!!

  14. Lorna

    I have seen this series but haven’t tried it yet. I actually didn’t know much about it. The interview made me want to try this someday when I get a chance. Thank you!

  15. Gilwen

    Bon, j’ai toujours pas lu le premier tome qui attend gentiment dans ma bibliothèque (mais c’est pour bientôt !!!), mais je suis toujours persuadée que je vais adorer. Hâte de me plonger dedans.

  16. Manahil

    I can’t wait to read this one and I love the cover! Thanks for the chance!

  17. Lili Smith

    Awesome interview! Thanks for the chance!

  18. Manahil

    I can’t wait to read this and I love the cover! Thanks for the chance!

  19. Texas Book Lover

    I really have to read this series…it sounds like one I would devour very quickly!!!

  20. bn100

    interesting looking series

  21. Molly Mortensen

    I love this series! I’m sad that there’s only going to be six books, but this new series intrigues me. Terrific interview!

  22. Tiphanie N

    Bonjour, merci beaucoup pour ce concours !

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