Synopsis: Dr. Lucas Madden is a neuroscientist-turned-FBI profiler who first gained global recognition for cloning the ripper gene and showing its dysfunction in the brains of psychopaths. Later, as an FBI profiler, Madden achieved further notoriety by sequencing the DNA of the world’s most notorious serial killers and proposing a controversial “damnation algorithm” that could predict serial killer behavior using DNA alone.

Now, a new murderer—the Snow White Killer—is terrorizing women in the Mississippi Delta. When Mara Bliss, Madden’s former fiancée, is kidnapped, he must track down a killer who is always two steps ahead of him. Only by entering the killer’s mind will Madden ultimately understand the twisted and terrifying rationale behind the murders—and have a chance at ending the psychopath’s reign of terror.

Review: It’s been awhile since I had not read a good thriller story and I confess that the DNA sequencing for serial killer was really attracting. I do not really know Michael Ranson but I’m curious now to discover more of his writings.

The prologue of the book shows us a piece of the past of Lucas Madden, FBI Profiler today. Indeed, the author narrates the story of his mother’s death, a murder which was also unsolved. We then find him in the present, trying to manage a new case, that of a serial killer who seems strangely interested in our hero. I admit that it took me some time to get into the story. The events were initially a bit slow to implement and I wondered if it would change at a time, but this is ultimately the case after a good part of the story. It is true that once everything starts up, I was caught by the survey and the answers we are looking to find. It was hard to really understand killer, why he was doing these scenes and why he was always targeting women. The answers will come in due time but it is true that as the main character, we doubt with him about his family and we wonder who is really in charge (which was a real surprise for me in the end and I think it will be that for you too).

In addition to this survey, the story is also based on the DNA sequencing and shows that it is now possible to determine whether a person has a gene corresponding to those of a killer or not. Of course, none of this is really 100% sure but it was interesting to see how it worked and what the investigators really did. At the same time, although the idea is interesting, I found that it could pose some problems too … Yes, the fact of putting people in boxes, to make them believe they can not finally escape their genetic code. This is something that can easily deviate and I think the author wanted to show this also, that if you believe something to be born by then it is difficult to choose not to succumb.

In any case, I really found it was an intriguing and interesting history. I enjoyed the ideas of the author and I finally had a great time with this novel. If you are looking for a good thriller, you should try this one.



25 thoughts on “The Ripper Gene by Michael Ransom

  1. blodeuedd

    I so do not do thrillers. Why? No idea

    1. Melliane

      you should try

  2. Maja (The Nocturnal Library)

    I’ve grown so tired of YA lately that I’ve been desperately searching for other genres that could hold my attention. Thrillers are at the very top of my list these days and this sounds like a really good one.
    great review!

    1. Melliane

      sometimes it’s nice to change and read something a bit different like that

  3. Jenny @ Supernatural Snark

    Oh I like the sound of this one Melliane! It’s been a really long time since I’ve read a straight thriller too, and I’m really intrigued by the DNA sequencing aspect. I loved Sophie Jordan’s series that dealt with a similar “kill gene” theory, so I’m excited to see this authors take on it. Fantastic review!

    1. Melliane

      yes the mix and plot are quite interesting

  4. Tracy Terry

    As I havea fascination with serial killers, profilers and forensics in general this sounds like my kind of read.

  5. Heidi

    I would like this one, I am always so fascinated by the DNA stuff. I read a book this summer that featured DNA science in tracking down victims, Black Eyed Susans. You should try that one.

    1. Melliane

      thanks, I’ll take a look!

  6. kindlemom1

    There is never anything wrong with a good thriller, glad this was it for you!

  7. Keionda @Keionda Hearts Books

    Gosh Mel, this sounds like the Tv show, American Horror Story. I don’t know if you keep up with that series, but this really reminds me of the second season. Maybe you should give it a try out . 😉 This book sounds like it has a lot of bad stuff happening and I hope everything works out in the end for these characters! <3

    1. Melliane

      yes I follow it. It’s not like the second season lol, not as hard at all.

  8. Melissa (Books and Things)

    Oh I like psychological thrillers. This one sounds medically fascinating as well. I really need to check this one out.

    1. Melliane

      it was interesting

  9. Braine

    Did the DNA science part get too technical? Like lots of jargon? I don’t mind that, but it has to idiot proof for me to appreciate it. Hahaha!

    1. Melliane

      no not at all, it doesn’t go that much in details.

  10. Melanie Simmons @mlsimmons

    This does sound interesting. I have read many thrillers and I should read more.

  11. Joy // Joyousreads

    Oddly enough, I’m very curious about this book. Which is surprising because slow-moving plots tend to make me wary.

    1. Melliane

      I hope you’ll enjoy it if you try it

  12. LilyElement

    I haven’t read a thriller in a long while, sounds like a great read. 🙂

  13. ShootingStarsMag

    I am really curious about this one! It has an interesting premise, and I like a good mystery. Thanks for sharing.

  14. Mogsy @ BiblioSanctum

    I did hear about this one, but haven’t seen too many reviews. I wonder why, it sounds really intense!

    1. Melliane

      yes it was interesting

  15. kimbacaffeinate

    I love a good thriller and confess the DNA forensic aspects intrigues me. This is a new me author as well.

  16. Carole Rae

    Love a good thriller!

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