Lady Sherlock, Book 1

Synopsis: With her inquisitive mind, Charlotte Holmes has never felt comfortable with the demureness expected of the fairer sex in upper class society.  But even she never thought that she would become a social pariah, an outcast fending for herself on the mean streets of London.

When the city is struck by a trio of unexpected deaths and suspicion falls on her sister and her father, Charlotte is desperate to find the true culprits and clear the family name. She’ll have help from friends new and old—a kind-hearted widow, a police inspector, and a man who has long loved her. But in the end, it will be up to Charlotte, under the assumed name Sherlock Holmes, to challenge society’s expectations and match wits against an unseen mastermind.

Review: I’m always attracted to stories about Sherlock Holmes and even more when they portray strong women full of intelligence. I therefore admit that I did not wait much to get into the novel.  I was then eager to discover the ideas of the author this time!

It was not exactly the story I expected, I admit, especially in terms of Sherlock Holmes but we find very different ideas of what we usually have. We discover Charlotte, a girl ahead of her time who is determined to become someone and not the wife of a man. Yet, despite her father’s agreement declaring that if she promises to try to be a proper woman first, she could do what she wants to, nothing materializes and her parents continue to insist that she marries. To avoid this, she ruins her reputation and flees to try to live by herself, though it will not be as easy as expected. In addition, Charlotte, under the pseudonym of Sherlock Holmes, helps solve cases and the latest is quite complicated. Indeed, her sister is suspected of murdering a woman and our heroine is determined to prove that she isn’t guilty.

I liked Charlotte’s life, to see how she would get by between all that was going on in her life. It was interesting to see that in that period what would happen to her after all these events. However, I admit that I was less taken away by the Sherlock Holmes part, by the letters she writes and it was difficult for me to get into the investigation. It was only towards the end, when Charlotte is in the field that I managed to get interested some more.

So it was an interesting and different novel, and I’m curious to see what will result.




28 thoughts on “A Study in Scarlet Women by Sherry Thomas

  1. Sophia Rose

    I enjoyed this one and seeing Sherlock as a lady and seeing her family life. It will be interesting to see her continue to solve cases with her friends.

    Nice review, Melliane!

    1. Melliane

      yes it was a nice change

  2. Keertana @ Ivy Book Bindings

    Hmm, it looks like I’ll have to change my expectations going into this since it doesn’t sound like what I’d expect from this synopsis either, but I’m glad you enjoyed it! Great review!

    1. Melliane

      yes it was interesting

  3. kindlemom1

    I’m glad you read and did like this, I really loved it and can’t wait for the second book.

    1. Melliane


  4. kimbacaffeinate

    Interesting, despite not connecting to the Sherlock aspect I am curious and glad you liked Charlotte.

    1. Melliane

      yes it was a nice one

  5. LilyElement

    I heard about this one from a few people so far! I’m intrigued by the story but not sure if it would be the right fit for me. hmmm

  6. Kim @ BookSwoon

    I like the sound of this being from a lady’s view and that turn on Sherlock Holmes. I’m very curious now. Glad you enjoyed it for the most part 🙂

  7. Lily B

    so she pretends to be a man? o.0 wonder how that worked..

    1. Melliane

      yes but by letters

  8. Heidi

    I just don’t know about this one. I have read some good reviews, but I tend to struggle with these type of novels. I think I am going to pass. I think I would feel like you did.

  9. Mary Kirkland

    I think it would have been hard to live in this time period.

  10. kara-karina

    Great review, D.! I enjoyed this one more, but I don’t mind awkward books like this 🙂

    1. Melliane

      I’m glad you had a great time

  11. Melissa (Books and Things)

    Perhaps now that her world is established it will be easier to get into the Sherlock aspect of the books. At least the ending was interesting and since I’m an ending girl I think I may enjoy this one.

    1. Melliane

      we’ll see

  12. blodeuedd

    Lady Sherlock sounds cool

  13. Joy // Joyousreads

    I’ve not had the chance to read or see any Sherlock Holmes interpretation but I’d love to read this one for the mere fact that it features a woman version of Holmes. I’d imagine she’s fierce and intelligent to be able to do the things she must do especially in that era.

    1. Melliane

      I love them, always so much fun!

  14. Mogsy @ BiblioSanctum

    I have a soft spot for stories about lady detectives, so you can bet I want to get my hands on this book now! It sounds really different, I’m curious where this will go too.

    1. Melliane

      me too

  15. ShootingStarsMag

    I’m sorry you didn’t LOVE this one as much as you thought you might, but that’s good it did get more interesting as it went on. I’m curious about this one!

  16. Melissa

    Sounds like a good twist to the standard Holmes fare!

  17. Braine

    I wanted to read this too. Sorry to hear it’s a little underwhelming, maybe book 2 will have more traction.

  18. Carole Rae

    Ooooh Sherlock Holmes. I must re-read/watch.


  19. anna @ herding cats & burning soup

    Hopefully book two will pull you in a bit more. I enjoyed the investigation even though she wasn’t right in the thick of it. I kinda liked the investigator. 😀

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