The Lost Lords, Book 4

Synopsis: Grey Sommers, Lord Wyndham, never met a predicament he couldn’t charm his way out of. Then a tryst with a government official’s wife during a bit of casual espionage in France condemns him to a decade in a dungeon, leaving him a shadow of his former self. Yet his greatest challenge may be the enigmatic spy sent to free his body—the only woman who might heal his soul.
Cassie Fox lost everything in the chaos of revolution, leaving only a determination to help destroy Napoleon’s empire through her perilous calling. Rescuing Grey is merely one more mission. She hadn’t counted on a man with the stark beauty of a ravaged angel, whose desperate courage and vulnerability thaw her frozen heart. But a spy and a lord are divided by an impassable gulf even if they manage to survive one last, terrifying mission….

Review: I was very curious to try another volume in this series after spending a great time with the first one. This is Volume 4, but fear not, there’s really no problem reading it separately from the others as each couple highlighted in the novels is different. I admit that I was expecting a lot from this story, hoping that it would be at the height of the first one, but even though I found it a bit below, I had a good time.

Cassie Fox is a halt-French half-English spy in a time when war raged between the two countries. She is very good at disguising herself, to pass incognito and thus act when the need is felt. Her skills will send her after an English Lord who has been missing for 10 years, locked in a tower and left to die there. Yet it does not take much to the young woman to save him and help him back to England. But it’s also like that that a story begins to develop between them, evolving over the chapters. This relationship will also allow the woman to recover some of her past, but they may well be forced to return to France to save another of their friends.

As I said, I was pretty excited to discover this new story, but it’s true that I was a little disappointed because I was expecting to be completely swept away. Finally I do not know, but I did not feel the passion between the two characters and I found that we didn’t have much happening for a book such as this one. Maybe I have not really thought that our Lord could return to a fairly normal life after living reclusive and locked up in a prison such as this one for a decade. After that, I’m not saying this is not good because the author writes very well and it was lovely to read it but I thought we would have a little more. However it was interesting to learn more about Cassie and find out who she really was.

It was a good novel even if it is a tone below the one I loved but I’m curious to read more in this series!



25 thoughts on “No Longer a Gentleman by Mary Jo Putney

  1. blodeuedd

    I could read it 🙂
    Though sounds like she sure found him fast

  2. Wendy Darling

    I have to admit, I haven’t been blown away by any of the Mary Jo Putney books I’ve tried so far, although admittedly it’s been awhile! Maybe the next book in the series will be better?

    Wendy @ The Midnight Garden

    1. Melliane

      The first one was really good so I’m curious about the others.

  3. Jennifer Bielman

    Without the passion between the two main characters, I don’t know if I could enjoy this one.

    1. Melliane

      it’s just strange between them

  4. Sarah @ One Curvy Blogger

    I love love LOVE historical spy romances… gotta check this one out, even if it wasn’t your favorite. Great review!

    1. Melliane

      I also really love them

  5. Tracy Terry

    A shame that this didn’t up to your expectations, here’s hoping that your current read is more to your liking.

    1. Melliane

      thank you

  6. braine

    I love the spy angle and I’m sorry the romance wasn’t more transcendental. Ive read a few love stories where it seemed so perfect on paper but lacked something to make some readers connect. And when it comes to romance I always want to connect with the couple

    1. Melliane

      The spy angle was really interesting. Yes it was sad about the romance.

  7. Carmel @ Rabid Reads

    The lack of passion between the leading couple is disappointing, as is the uneventful nature of the story line. I do however like that it can be read as a stand-along, and the spy aspects sound fun. 3-stars seems like a good rating for this book given that it’s such a mixed bag.

    1. Melliane

      the story in a whole was god but something was missing for me.

  8. Kirsty-Marie

    She’s a spy? YES. But ugh, no connection or passion? Big no no, makes it boring, especially if it’s a slow one to begin with, need a good distraction. 🙁 Shame it wasn’t what you were expecting.

    1. Melliane

      yes she is!!!

  9. Lily

    While I haven’t read any of this authors prevouis works before I feel like if I were to read this one it would be because i’d be expecting tons of romance and passion and all those lovey-dovey feelings. So hearing that this one lacked passion between the two main characters has me sort of wanting to stay clear of it. Either way, great review.

    1. Melliane

      you should try book 1, it was really good!

  10. Jenny @ Supernatural Snark

    Romance is one of my very favorite genres, but obviously my enjoyment hinges entirely on the lead couple and whether or not I can feel their connection and chemistry. If not, I never really settle into the story. Sounds like that was the case here a bit, but I’m glad you like this series enough to continue!

    1. Melliane

      the story is interesting but well the romance didn’t touch me…

  11. Brandi Breathes Books

    Always sad when we have higher expectations for books and they just don’t quite ge tthere

  12. kindlemom1

    I really liked her YA series, I really need to try one of her adult books as well.

  13. Melissa (Books and Things)

    Sounds like you still found something to enjoy. Too bad that it didn’t quite reach expectations.

  14. Keertana @ Ivy Book Bindings

    Sorry to hear you were disappointed by this, Melliane! It seemed quite promising but I think I’ll be skipping this after all.

  15. kimbacaffeinate

    I never really got into this author, and I cannot remember why. Sorry this one fell flat for you.

  16. Lily B

    ahh I love historical romance, but have yet to read anything by Mary Jo Putney, been wanting to thought. That being said, sorry that this one didn’t completely work for you. I agree, if he was locked up as long as he has I don’t see him blending into normal life quickly either.

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