Synopsis: In a world of etiquette and polite masks, no one is who they seem to be. Antonina Beaulieu is in the glittering city of Loisail for her first Grand Season, where she will attend balls and mingle among high society. Under […]
Résumé (traduction personnelle) : Dans un monde d’étiquettes et de masques polis, personne n’est ce qu’il semble être. Antonina Beaulieu est dans la ville étincelante de Loisail pour sa première grande saison, où elle participera aux bals et se mêlera à la […]
Rogues Redeemed, Book 1 Synopsis: Rogues Redeemed As heir to a title and great wealth, Will Masterson should have stayed home and tended his responsibilities. Instead he went to war. Now, after perilous years fighting the French, he intends his current mission […]
Rogues Redeemed, Tome 1 Résumé (traduction personnelle) : Des rogues rachetées Héritier d’un titre et d’une grande richesse, Will Masterson aurait dû rester à la maison et s’occuper de ses responsabilités. Au lieu de cela, il est allé à la guerre. Maintenant, […]
Honeycote, Book 1 Synopsis: Some rules simply beg to be broken… A dressmaker in London’s busiest shop, Miss Anabelle Honeycote overhears the ton‘s steamiest secrets—and (occasionally) uses them to her advantage. It isn’t something she’s proud of, but the reluctant blackmailer needs […]
The Lost Lords, Book 4 Synopsis: Grey Sommers, Lord Wyndham, never met a predicament he couldn’t charm his way out of. Then a tryst with a government official’s wife during a bit of casual espionage in France condemns him to a decade […]
Kincaid Highland, Book 1 Synopsis: Some like it dangerous . . . Highland beauty Catriona Kincaid cares nothing for propriety—or even her own safety—when she storms the grounds of Newgate Prison. Determined to return to Scotland and restore her clan’s honor, she […]