Duchess of Love, Book 2

Synopsis: Unladylike Behavior
Frances Hadley has managed her family’s estate for years. So why can’t she request her own dowry? She’ll have to go to London herself and knock some sense into the men interfering in her life. With the nonsense she’s dealt with lately, though, there’s no way she’s going as a woman. A pair of breeches and a quick chop of her red curls, and she’ll have much less to worry about…

Jack Valentine, third son of the famous Duchess of Love, is through being pursued by pushy young ladies. One particularly determined miss has run him out of his own house party. Luckily the inn has one bed left—Jack just has to share with a rather entertaining red-headed youth. Perhaps the two of them should ride to London together. It will make a pleasant escape from his mother’s matchmaking melodrama!

Review: After reading the last volume of her first series, I was curious to discover another book by Sally MacKenzie, then why not trying the second volume of her new Duchess of Love series? Yes, yes, I know once again I read a series in disorder but I had no trouble to understand it, or to immerse myself in the story.

Frances is a young woman on the run. Indeed, her aunt tried to compromise her with a man she didn’t not love in order to marry her and get rid of her. But understanding the subterfuge, she manages to escape and decides to go to London to see her brother and to claim the family estate she took care of for ten years. But she knows she can not do it as a woman while traveling alone this way. So she decides to disguise herself as a boy and takes her horse to go to the great city of London. Frances meets Jack Valentine on her way, a man who has a heart of gold and loves helping others. So when he discovers a lost boy, thinking he is only twelve years old, he is determined to help him. But then he does not know her true identity, others, less scrupulous, know the secret of our young heroine. And of course it does come to light and causes a big scandal when learned. Jack must now marry Frances to protect their reputation. But in addition to this, their return to London coincides with numerous murders and Jack is determined to find out who is behind it!
I enjoyed this novel! I do not read a lot of romance and it is true that I am a little more open to this genre now. Sally Mackenzie is really good in this style and I took a great pleasure to follow the adventures of Jack and Frances. These two characters have two completely different natures but they are perfect together. Frances is strong, brave and determined. She doesn’t realize that in this world of men, she can not have everything she wants. She is idealistic and impulsive, which leads her to act without realizing the consequences of her actions. It’s been quite heartbreaking to see that the world is far different from the one she believed. And the people thought she loved have lied to her all her life. Now, a whole new world opens up to her. But luckily Jack will be there to guide and help her through this new event. Conversely, he is gentle, patient and attentive. He loves wandering alone souls and, he needs to help people around him to feel good and Frances is the perfect person to help. He did not expect to like her this way.

It was a very good new novel and I wonder who will be featured in the next novel. I had not really thought about culprit of the murders, being focused by all the things that happen to Frances but I think it was still well found.


5 thoughts on “Surprising Lord Jack by Sally MacKenzie

  1. Blodeuedd

    I do have the prequel novella, but me and novellas hm….

    1. Melliane

      Yeah I know, I’m curious to see what you think of the books.

  2. Aurian

    I need to catch up with the Naked series first, and after that, perhaps I will buy this series. Glad you enjoyed it!

    1. Melliane

      It’s really nice as well.

  3. Melissa (My World...in words and pages)

    So glad you enjoyed this one. 🙂 I don’t read much Romance either, although lately it seems like I’ve been picking up a few more in UF. 🙂 Thank you.

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